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16 Mar 2024 15:45:38
Qns for ed002
With the Anfield Road stand almost complete, the stadium will be nearing 61,000 in capacity.

Just wondering are there any plans to expand the Kenny Daglish stand to add perhaps another 4000 seats? (I believe it was way back in 2000? Where about 20k were on wait list of season tickets and there were projections that Anfield can regularly host 65,000).

Not sure practically if it's feasible and financially sensible though. Thought to ask and see if you have any insights?

{Ed002's Note - No. It is not possible.}

1.) 16 Mar 2024 15:55:35
thanks for the reply. guess that's that for the expansion at least for now.

2.) 16 Mar 2024 16:10:42
sgynwa, as I understand it, we have reached our optimum capacity, without building a train station, in the local area and improving the infrastructure. Anyone who goes to games knows what a nightmare it is to get away after a match, so to add further capacity would just add to the problem, as things stands. Like most grounds in the country, they were built in an era when there were no cars.

3.) 16 Mar 2024 16:55:02
We should have done a ground share with Everton at Albert Dock. Could have been state of the art and internationally renowned. Would have been a great resource for the city. Would have stopped Everton getting points deduction too which may have helped them be less bitter, bringing the city together. Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer.

4.) 16 Mar 2024 19:12:46
Just a working class hero @stoneage ??.

5.) 16 Mar 2024 20:26:41
Not sure ed25 would want to share a ground with a premier league club ?.

{Ed025's Note - i actually advocated that years ago Ace, a joint one could have been the best in the world mate, but your tight fisted minge bag owners would sooner repair your tin shack that we gave you many moons ago.. :)

6.) 16 Mar 2024 21:59:58
Just imagine the spectacles that a joint stadium could produce. One week its Liverpool vs Barcelona, the next Everton vs Dagenham and Redbridge.

7.) 16 Mar 2024 22:03:43
Just out of interest, with this shared stadium nonsense, who would have disinfect it after the blues played?

That stink lingers.

8.) 17 Mar 2024 00:33:12
It’s never too late ed25.

{Ed025's Note - i think that ship has sailed aoe, it could have been a spectacular stadium though and for me would have brought the city together and more importantly the people, the national stadium of the north that could not only host football but other sports as well, concerts, shows and events that would be the envy of every big city worldwide...alas not everyone has my vision mate.. :)

9.) 17 Mar 2024 05:43:28
Don't Everton still owe rent after their moonlight flit from anfield.

{Ed025's Note - we felt sorry for you KC as you were playing on an old field with jumpers as goalposts mate, you were a charity case back then and we felt sorry for you.. :)

10.) 17 Mar 2024 07:29:40
For those born in and around Liverpool and those who have adopted it and love the city too, it would have been a great move.

I love Anfield to bits - so many great memories, good and bad, so many great times and so many, many funny moments - but we should be looking to the future of the club and, in the bigger picture, the economic future of the City.

We missed a really big chance for the club and the city which, in my honest opinion, is a genuine shame.

{Ed025's Note - absolutely WDW..

11.) 17 Mar 2024 07:43:30
I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a rusty fork than share a stadium with Everton, this was done to death years ago when Everton realised they didn’t have a carrot ? and they pushed for a shared stadium on Stanley Park when H&G started the I’ll fated scheme with Laing O’Rourke.
It was never meant to be, our rivalry is part of our heritage and the blues new stadium is amazing to be honest but it will never be blessed with silverware like Anfield!

{Ed025's Note - "rivalry is part of our heritage" is very true....the rest is garbage..

12.) 17 Mar 2024 10:09:18
I think the club will regret not agreeing to the joint stadium. It could have been the world’s best and sent Liverpool right to the top of the income chart. I know it’s not the main thing but you will never get the chance again.

The Kenny stand is already outdated as it the relatively small Kop.

13.) 17 Mar 2024 09:41:24
Would it or could it have been possible to build a super stadium @ stanley Park a travel down from Scotland and en route the hairs on the back of my neck stand a love the people also so friendly and talkative love the accent and to top it all off ma best mate whilst in the army was a scouser.

14.) 17 Mar 2024 13:03:10
Don’t think it’s looking good for expansion anytime soon, if ever actually. I believe there are issues with infrastructure capping the capacity but the big one is there isn’t room to make the stadium much bigger. The only way I think it would be possible would be to knock the Kop down and build a multi tier stand but it’s probably not financially viable and I think they will want to keep the Kop single tier with tradition. At least with the other 2 stands that have been expanded they could do it around the current stand so as to not affect capacity as the works are being done.
It’s a shame as we could sell out 80k regularly if not more and getting tickets for 60k is still a pain in the arse but I’m glad we have stayed at Anfield and I like the fact our stadium doesn’t look like the majority of big modern stadiums.

15.) 17 Mar 2024 13:22:58
Pretty crazy that while the world is talking about how special Anfield is and how the atmosphere discombobulates oppositions, that we're here talking about potentially sharing a new ground with Everton. Come on.

Staying at Anfield and developing in-situ was an excellent decision by FSG in my opinion. The mystique of Anfield is part of our identity. There's nothing like stepping out onto the stands on matchday - especially under the lights.

By all means start dialogue with all the parties involved in a potential expansion, but don't sell part of our identity and advantage for a soulless shared stadium. If we have to wait for FSG to sell before we explore the possibility of further expansion, then so be it. We have an amazing stadium now.

Plus, going into any kind of business venture with Everton is a terrible idea.

16.) 17 Mar 2024 08:38:58
The 1 big advantage liverpool fc have always had on any rival, certainly domestically, is that we play at anfield. its a fantastic stadium with a unique atmosphere when going gets tight. No doubt our trophy cabinet would be lighter if we played somewhere else.
Im not fsg biggest fan but them renovating anfield as opposed to moving i 120% agree with them.
Our stadium is envy of manys a opposition manager+team, why take away that. No disrespect to everton or ed25 but it would suit them much better than us.

17.) 17 Mar 2024 11:58:36
Ed025 I think it’s great on some aspects but derby day going to each others grounds adds to the game.
So not for me. I would never want to leave Anfield to move to a new stadium on our own or sharing it’s where our heart is.
Anfield could be further extended in the future with the kop it’s just the A road issue. As for the KD stand obviously it’s the houses behind and the mess with the houses bought behind the main stand. As for transport there is talk about opening the old line what would be close enough to make the ground eligible for a larger capacity.
If there is still a high demand for seats with the money in brings into the city with fans coming from all over the country and world am sure the council and club could sort out all issues.

{Ed025's Note - I just thought it would be great for the city Grino. Bring the supporters closer together and all that mate..

18.) 17 Mar 2024 13:37:48
I'am with you Ed it would be great for the, brilliant events could be put on bringing lots of needed revenue. As you say maybe it could have been around 80,000- 85,000 seats, split the costs more sustainable for both clubs.

{Ed025's Note - im with you Alf, i think we missed a trick there mate, imagine a stadium that was state of the art with great transport links and a credit to this great city that could have been the envy of every European club mate, all the top European finals and internationals as well as great music would have been great imo..

19.) 17 Mar 2024 14:11:08
Ed025 me and you talked about that before how we would love to go back to the mid 80s where it the city of Liverpool vs the world but like you said to me it’s gone to far now. And it looks it’s only getting worse with the younger generation.

{Ed025's Note - i wish we were wrong grino but unfortunately we are not mate, now i know we are talking utopia here but being nice to others should not be beyond the realms of possibility, but maybe im an old fuddy duddy and respect does not mean as much as it used to, its a sad old world my friend..

20.) 18 Mar 2024 00:52:32
By that same rationale why not just share with lots of teams in the northwest. Bring the whole north west together, bring cities together it can be state of the art with great transport links and host loads of events there, it would be the envy of everyone else to see how together the north west is, imagine United, Everton, Liverpool, city all sharing one stadium . Really would bring the people together. Great for the area.

21.) 20 Mar 2024 02:48:51
Everton didn't give Anfield to Liverpool, it's actually the other way round. Everton were John Houlding's tenants, and then he made his own team - Liverpool.



11 Aug 2023 22:03:36
So it's been quite a day.

Just some of my own thoughts:
1) if it were me, I did walk away from MC. Doesn't seem to have good personality, might turn out to be Mane or Keita and it did be very scary to be the latter after all the fun fair. I did rather not risk it especially since ed002 has stated there are still other DM options and enough time. And totally agree with ed025, let's have some self respect. It's not that his not a Liverpool fan at heart and all, most players don't end up playing for the clubs they love. It's about him openly saying he did hope to join Chelsea even after the accepted bid from Liverpool was openly disclosed; the way he handled it was just poor and we should look to be careful with his lack of maturity (more so than his lack of love for us) .

2) now that we know we have the money, here's to hoping we secure a DM and LCB at least before the window closes.

3) i'm not keen for another MF unless Thiago leaves, but midfield with the pressing will be the most tiring part of the team. So what do I know?

4) I do we hope also allow people like Nat Phillips to move on and build his career rather than pricing him out of a move if we deem we have enough cover.

So, who's next?
Which are the DMs we may look at?
Which LCB?
3 more weeks to go.

1.) 11 Aug 2023 22:53:09
We need a dm to come in, and be ready to start immediately. Not sure who that is.

2.) 11 Aug 2023 23:28:41
No way do we remove the bid.

I want to see if Chelsea overpay for both Lavia and Caicedo.

If they do, then fair enough. They wanted both players and we move on.

Their bid for Lavia is high.

As Ed mentioned they want both and I trust Ed but I want to see them pay those fees for both. Also it's fair to Brighton that they get paid at minimum the agreement they had with us.

3.) 11 Aug 2023 23:32:19
To be fair, I don't think there is anything wrong with MC's personality. He is a pro, his work ethic on the field says a lot about his personality and Brighton say he is down to earth. What would it say about his personality if he picked us when he gave his word to Chelsea for months?

Moving on now, let's see how we recover from this.

4.) 11 Aug 2023 23:36:34
According to reports, Brighton are furious with caicedo’s agent for changing things last minute, when they have made it perfectly clear that the deadline for bids was Thursday…. and yet his agent was still trying to see what Chelsea wanted to do. Sounds like all he was after was large agent fee and caicedo a large signing on fee and salary! What a bunch of mercenaries!

5.) 12 Aug 2023 00:52:29
When I saw we had agreed the fee I was delighted. Im gutted tbh coz he's what we need. I know nearly all players are money motivated. Who wouldn't be? I think he's an amazing player. I just don't understand how we go from haggling over a couple million for klopps No1 choice to bidding over double for someone else Sour grapes i know but hopefully we dodged a bullet like Lee bowyer.

6.) 12 Aug 2023 01:14:29
We should walk away and move on to other targets quick as possible otherwise it will take them even longer to get use to the style of play and the team with no number 6 and leaking defense this season is not going to be any better.

7.) 12 Aug 2023 01:32:48
For all we know MC gave his word to Chelsea and he doesn’t want to break that.

8.) 12 Aug 2023 01:51:30
You are Right we should stop waiting for a player who doesn't want to come here. I hope we try for Kimmich or Florentino Luis.

9.) 12 Aug 2023 02:00:55
Well, Keita performance and work ethic on the field was amazing until he joined us

I rather we don’t experience that again, especially with our record signing. We have gotten a lot of our record signings wrong Caroll, Keita, we don’t need another.

10.) 12 Aug 2023 02:20:35
Caicedo went on strike in Jan to force a move to Arsenal. Showed his cards then. He'll be going on strike again if and when Barcelona and Madrid come calling. That was my first thought last night when it looked as tho we were getting him. Great player but immature and lacking in character for me. Glad we've avoided him. If you don't want to wear the LFC badge then I don't want u. Feel bad for Lavia at this point he was willing to come. I don't get how one is worth twice the other.

11.) 12 Aug 2023 04:07:29
I know it's not my money, but I really hope Liverpool pull out, or lose this to Chelsea.

111mil for him? I'd rather the club spend such amount on a superstar instead on a potentially good player.

12.) 12 Aug 2023 05:41:41
Couldnt care less at thus stage but one thing is clear, Chelsea are Bluffers.

13.) 12 Aug 2023 06:19:31
The only good thing about this Caicedo business for us Liverpool fans is that it shows the money is out there for us to spend on the right player. I would love us to go out and buy Valverde and use any other money on another defender.

14.) 12 Aug 2023 06:32:41
How can Chelsea not being flagged for Financial Fair Play after they bought Mudryk for 100 Mio, Enzo for 105 Mio and if it was happen 115 Mio for Caicedo.

Brainless for Caceido if finally he join Chelsea. How they manage and cancelling Tyler Adams's transfer, not giving Lukaku, Ziyech shirts number shows that they are heartless for a football player and don't have a good plan for facing EPL this season.

Liverpool should move on and found another targets such as Mikel Merino, Florentino Luis or Matheus Nunes, Koopmeiners for DM and Inacio, Geestruida, Guehi, Per Schuurs for CB.

Appreciate if Ed can share his thoughts about Liverpool
plans if Caceido and Lavia was move to the plastic club Chelsea.

{Ed001's Note - FFP is not one year and they have so far made a large profit on transfers this summer anyway. It is clear you don't understand FFP so please just forget about it.}

15.) 12 Aug 2023 06:46:35
Why can’t Chelsea spend the money if they have it and if their revenue allows for it? I’m sure they are well are of FPP and will observe it just as we will too. Nothing wrong in having a bigger pot of gold, we just need to grow ours and wise it wisely while we have it. Otherwise we did become Everton 2.0.

16.) 12 Aug 2023 07:10:35
I only have a very basic understanding of FFP but reading what people have written on here over the past couple of days makes me feel like an expert.

17.) 12 Aug 2023 08:00:49
Everyone needs to forget about Chelsea, I personally hope we go for Florentino Luis, but think his release clause is over 100m, not sure if that’s euros or pounds.

18.) 12 Aug 2023 08:26:42
This creates a bit of a siege mentality in the squad, in my opinion. Something good managers always look to do. It helps galvanise the squad and motivate them to prove the doubters wrong.

Not fussed whether we sign anyone or not now.

19.) 12 Aug 2023 09:54:37
Get what your saying Ron. but still need a couple atleast.

20.) 12 Aug 2023 10:30:11
Christ anyone would think MC and RL are the only players on the market. Could be a blessing, don’t forget MC downed tools in January because he couldn’t get his move to Arsenal to such an extent that De Zerbi wouldn’t play him until the transfer window closed. Klopp has always said that if a player doesn’t want to join Liverpool just because they did not make champions league for a season or two then they are not the right player for our club.

21.) 12 Aug 2023 10:44:21
@ Davey Sulls is voice of sanity, listen to him.

22.) 12 Aug 2023 10:45:46
The fact is, even after Caicedo tantrum, our transfer team did not announce new targets tell me Caicedo camp is just trying to squeeze for more.

23.) 12 Aug 2023 10:57:14
Don’t worry about what Chelsea’s are spending. Doesn’t concern us and isn’t exactly doing them much good is it?

24.) 12 Aug 2023 11:53:35
We are running out of time and options, seeing as we clearly had money in the bank, why were being so frugal when making bids for lavia? We should have just offered the £50m and lavia was keen to join us, we could have moved on to another target. Instead we are still trying salvage the caicedo deal. But Now it looks like Chelsea are going to get both caicedo and Lavia!

25.) 12 Aug 2023 12:53:24
Luiz is a risk at 120m. He may not settle.



07 Apr 2022 14:43:05
Romano just report Fabio Carvalho as done deal

Is this true?

{Ed002's Note - Liverpool were negotiating compensation with Fulham with a third party involved - I assume that they have now agreed.}

1.) 07 Apr 2022 16:33:59
Whao. We now have 3 young players in that position - Jones, Elliot, Carvalho.

Seems like Ox will be gone.

2.) 07 Apr 2022 16:40:32
5 year deal, medical done with Fulhams permission, no loan back and announcement in May supposedly.

3.) 07 Apr 2022 15:40:06
Will he come to us eds or do you see him being loaned back? Thanks.

4.) 07 Apr 2022 18:37:04
According to Yahoo it's a done deal at £5 million and he won't be going back on loan.
Ox could well be gone, Klopp said in an interview recently there would probably be players moving on in the summer to get more playing time.

5.) 07 Apr 2022 19:43:17
As indicated quite some time ago. He will come to us. £7.7m agreed including add-ons.

6.) 08 Apr 2022 09:33:24
What do you think Ox is worth. Perhaps £20million?

7.) 08 Apr 2022 13:57:05
We'd be lucky to get £10m.

8.) 09 Apr 2022 13:33:11
Yeah, I think it will be around £10m for Ox, might struggle to get rid with his wages being so high.

9.) 11 Apr 2022 21:51:49
Hi ed. is gleison bremer also on our shortlist player to add for the next season? Appreciate for your thoughts. Thank you.

{Ed002's Note - Gleison Bremer (CB) Carlo Ancelotti tried to take him to Napoli and also Everton. He could try again as an affordable option for Real Madrid. Spurs and Milan provide good options as Spurs look to upgrade on the CBs they have and Milan fear losing Alessio Romagnoli as a Free Agent. Again, he is of interest to Inter Milan who fear losing Alessandro Bastoni in the summer of 2022 and they offer perhaps the most attractive solutution. Previously of interest to Leicester and Liverpool, but both opted for others. Juventus have him on a list of options should they lose de LIgt in the summer but there are certainly a couple ahead of him. Chelsea have a pressing need to add CBs with players out of contract in the summer and could look to him as a cost-effective solution. Torino will look to a new contract to end thoughts of a move but that has not stopped clubs scouting him as they expect him to be available in the summer as he has so far refused a new contract. Bayern Munich have held discussions with Torino.

A CB is not a priority for Liverpool.}



01 Jun 2021 16:05:17
while we are at it for transfers, can anyone update when will we sign any of the following players?

- Pablo Aimar
- Simão Sabrosa
- Dani Alves
- David Villa
- Joaquín Sánchez

Also, any others that we have been waiting for the transfer finally be completed after the long wait?

{Ed0666's Note - I think Simao is still on the plane ready to take off no?

1.) 01 Jun 2021 16:14:49
sadly that seems to be as far as he got
was it issues with the plane, pilot, airport or stewardess?
or that he had issues with flying?

i really think travel restrictions shouldn't be used as an excuse given how long we've waited for him.

{Ed0666's Note - don’t worry he’ll sign the pilots just a bit late. Maybe he should have used the babbel-copter!

2.) 01 Jun 2021 16:52:17
I think the Pablo Aimar rumour goes far back. It was around in the days of 'football rumours'!

{Ed0666's Note - around the days of Jurrasic Park mote like

3.) 01 Jun 2021 17:02:08
I believe a horse and carriage are being lined up to bring Fatty Foulkes from Bradford as Alisson's understudy.

His spiritual successor - Big Nev - is also being lined up for the No 3 slot, but he will only have to take a ferry across the Mersey.

4.) 01 Jun 2021 17:07:20
What about Arda Turan?

5.) 01 Jun 2021 17:31:14
Pablo Aimar, well that’s a blast from the past. Remember him being a wonder kid on Championship Manager. How time flies hey!

6.) 01 Jun 2021 18:28:38
Gareth Barry I've heard, although got a feeling it won't happen!

7.) 01 Jun 2021 18:30:37
Whaddabout the Konoplyankakopter?

8.) 01 Jun 2021 18:32:28
I'm still waiting for Ken Augero to sigh! 😃.

9.) 01 Jun 2021 19:26:49
And Quaresma.

10.) 01 Jun 2021 19:59:51
Aimar would have been brilliant for us.

11.) 04 Jun 2021 02:48:24
Don't forget Ayala from Valencia.



05 Jan 2019 23:21:53
hi Ed002, if you are about, do you see Lallana moving on in this window as well? its no secret that he wants to move and he hasn't had much game time this past 1.5 years.

Likewise for Markovic, Ejaria, and Pedro who all seemed surplus to requirements and are unlikely to even be on the bench.

Or would the summer be a more likely time for these 4 players to move on.

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of Lallana saying he wants to move - his lack of game time is down to injury. As such moving this window would be vey unlikely I would think. Markovic should be released from his contract. Liverpool has no use for Ejaria either and will look to loan him out again initially I would think.}

1.) 06 Jan 2019 07:43:27
Thanks for the response. Much appreciated.




sgynwa's banter posts with other poster's replies to sgynwa's banter posts


25 Apr 2024 08:01:53
been super busy at work and just caught up with various news (so really, don't know how Ed002 can keep up with his/ her day job, help in this site, and have some much info about many things)

1. Wow! I thought Chelsea may give Arsenal a game. the only match I see them potentially dropping points is now against Spurs. There is no way we can overturn the GD now. The loss to Palace at home is looking increasingly a very big missed chance for us.

2. City also doesn't look like dropping points, and hoping Spurs (again), may do some damage. The rest they have in between games is also adequate since they are out of CL. it really is theirs to lose now.

3. Arne Slot it seems will be our new manager. Know nothing about him, but am hoping he turns out good. From what I read, seems a nice guy, great man mgmt, attacking football. Let's hope he does well even though he was 3rd choice. Salah, the 4th choice turned out half decent yea?

Also, if he sticks by 4-2-3-1, will it be:
Robbo (or new / younger LB)
VVD (or Hacko? )
TAA (may allow his desire to be MF and utilize his passing range w/ o needing the inverted FB that is confusing and make use defensively vulnerable, but does need to do more defensively)
Gakpo / Diaz (I actually think the former may do better in this role)
Macallister (imagine the damage he can do to opposition as a 10)
Sobozslai (may bring out the best in him)
Nunez (but he does need to be a lot more clinical) .

Yes, I am thinking Salah will be off and probably should given how he has declined this season.

4. Derby day! following what Ed025 commented on another thread, I am sure he has kidnapped Gakpo so that the impending hat trick won't be happening. But here's hoping a good game and a win for us of course!

1.) 25 Apr 2024 08:30:01
A few of my mates say Arne slot is nothing without his assistant Marino Pusic (they won the league together last year ) And this year he left and Slot is losing to PSV managed by Peter Bosz who is notoriosuly famous for not winning the league. I don't know how much of this are actual truth but just putting it out there.

2.) 25 Apr 2024 08:42:09
Beekeeper only 1 football team in world football relies more on their assistant manager than their actual manager.

And that is us when we are not winning.

3.) 25 Apr 2024 10:45:28
Endo needs moving on asap. Aside from his first few games he has been awful and is a liability in possession as well as defensively.

4.) 25 Apr 2024 11:07:12
You’d have to upgrade Konate Endo Gakpo/ Diaz Szoboszlai and Nunez in that 11.

5.) 25 Apr 2024 12:09:48
Amorin, Patently false. Clearly you have it backwards (shocking, I know) . People wanted Endo out the gaff in his first few games until he caught up to speed and killed it from November to March. Now he is struggling with Fatigue cos there was a time he played 3 times a week for about 6 weeks to 2 months esp. when Macca was injured. Nice try, tho.

6.) 25 Apr 2024 13:11:25
Did Endo kill it from Nov - Mar really? .

November - in 3 league games he played 90 mins once and then 5 and 7 mins.

December he played 7 mins v Fulham and then killed it by starting the next 6 and looked really good.

January - Def didn't kill it as he was at the Asian cup

February - came back and played all 3 league games

March - again played most of the league games

April - Has struggled just as much as everyone else with poor performances.

So some might say he killed it Nov to March but i'd say he had a good December, February and March.



15 Apr 2024 12:22:04
It seems that within 3 weeks our season will be petering out
Sad though as come the end of March, I felt like we were in the ascendancy and wit players coming back, the quadruple was on

I felt it all went wrong in the home leg vs Sprata. We fielded too strong a team and the issues compounded from that point on

Against Utd were tired, wasteful and the way we were dumped out felt like it dealt a real psychological blow to us

We limped to victories against Sheffield and Brighton

Then again was wasteful and didn't win against a crap Utd again

Against Atalanta, wrong line up and tactics and soundly beaten, it's not longer a blip but we were flat

Against CP, though there was no inverted FB for first half, we lacked intensity

So to sum up our season and how it went all wrong
1) wrong lineup in key games
2) conceding first far too many times
3) wastefulness in front of goal
4) invert or otherwise, lacked intensity

All these were quite fixable issues I thought, as we did cope went some key players were out so I do think for most parts, the blame lies with the coaching team for the tactics and preparation and then some with the players for absolutely poor finishing

Truth be told our play for large part of this and last season was reminiscent of BR's team after the 2013/ 4 season

On a lighter on, both VVD and VDV (spurs) provided us with meme worthy slips this weekend. Guess these are things that can keep me entertained in the following stage of this season rather than hoping for more trophies

We rly had all of them in our hands but sadly, one wrong decision led to a chain of poor results and more wrong decisions and we are where we are.



02 Apr 2024 14:29:35
I like how Vincent Kompany was so forgiving towards Darren England when Diaz's perfectly legitimate goal was ruled out earlier this season, saying humans make mistakes, when it's less so when he was subjected to some questionable refereeing from the same man over the weekend

I like it too that as a player he felt that the PL had the best referees and he could have a laugh about human errors with the referees after a game. Guess now that he's no longer among the big boys, suddenly he is seeing a different side of refereeing, or lack of favouritism, that he used to enjoy.

We are all biased towards our own causes. But the sheer number of managers that have eaten their own words since criticising Klopp and Liverpool for our reactions post the farce of Spurs game has been quite laughable. The louder they were then, the more vehement their complaints are now.

1.) 02 Apr 2024 16:46:48
@sgynwa, the hypocrisy is deafening at this point. They like Kompany, Arteta and esp. the biggest hypocrite of them all in Ange, were just trying to curry favor with the refs at the time by essentially backing the refs up by deliberately NOT speaking truth to power about what we went thru at Spurs.

They literally forgot that these same frauds would do them over with the very same level of incompetence when their time would come. So happy they got their comeupance BUT yet again, we all called this. We all knew they would get done and that currying or trying to curry favor from them by not speaking out would not work. Sorry, NOT sorry.

2.) 02 Apr 2024 17:03:20
It's almost like that managers and fans don't care unless it happens to them and that let's the PGMOL away with not doing anything to improve the standard of refereeing.

I know I've been guilty of it.

3.) 02 Apr 2024 18:32:12
So it’s definitely not a conspiracy against Liverpool then?. Well I’m glad that’s put to bed at least. The refs are incompetent sometimes but at least it’s across the board and not just against us.

4.) 02 Apr 2024 18:59:56
It’s outright incompetence, worst group of referees ever led by one of the biggest imbeciles in the game in Howard Webb. As for Kompany, he should just take his own advice he dished out earlier in the season.

5.) 02 Apr 2024 19:01:29
All managers and fans are guilty of only moaning when it effects them.

I’ve never heard Klopp say he wasn’t happy with the wind, sun, rain, cloud or the grass was too wet, dry or long for any other teams games.

The officials are poor but seem to be poor across the board. Yes we’ve had more than the lions share but I don’t really watch other teams a lot so it’s hard to compare who has it the worst.

{Ed025's Note - Wolves by a mile JK..

6.) 02 Apr 2024 19:32:27
That Diaz goal stands alone when it comes to VAR mistakes. All the others can be subjective opinions.

Diaz scored. Confirmed. Not counted.

7.) 02 Apr 2024 21:15:26
I've not heard Klopp speak up for other clubs.
and couldn't care that he does or doesn't tbh. I want him to speak up for us and that's it.
It would be lovely if the managers all got together in unison but I think that's more for the off-season.
In the heat of battle I'm not expecting any manager to be fighting another club's cause.

8.) 02 Apr 2024 22:29:43
It’s not a matter of any manager speaking up for other clubs but outright hypocrisy from Kompany. He doesn’t get to say that it’s part of the game when it happens to someone else then cry like a little girl when it happens to his team. He needs to keep his mouth shut and soak it up. It’s part of the game, after all.

9.) 03 Apr 2024 00:30:51
It looks like everybody apart from us are hypocritical eh?

10.) 03 Apr 2024 00:40:47
If ALL managers spoke out about every bad decision for every other club in the league, it'd be a breath of fresh air. It's affecting every club, I'd much rather see them stand together as one and say it how it is.

11.) 03 Apr 2024 08:01:37
Neither of Ange Postecoglu or Vincent Kompany have any right to complain about any bad refereeing or VAR mistake. They gave it the big one that it’s all part of the game and that mistakes happen. They need to get over it and keep their mouths shut.

12.) 03 Apr 2024 09:00:24
Ed25 if Wolves were in a title race and they fell off based on the no. of blatant bad calls against them (only matched by the amount of apologies by Webbo and his ban of frauds) then trust me, the lawsuits would be flying off the shelves come the end of the season.

{Ed025's Note - we all get bad calls Oli because of the poor standard of officials and dodgy VAR calls, but if i remember correctly Wolves have had 8 apologies this season mate and thats just not good enough, they would actually be on the verge of a European place which is massive for a club like them if they had got the decisions that they deserved, to their credit they have not thrown their toys out of the pram and just got on with it...or is that the problem that they have not called out these cheats and charlatans who run the show?..

13.) 03 Apr 2024 09:13:58
WDW3 if the comments of our manager compared to the comments of these same managers are anything to go by then YES, they are all hypocrites. When things did not go our way this season vs Arsenal with Odegaard, at Spurs or even vs City at home with the Doku incident, Klopp said nothing and didn't complain. He was mostly gracious cos he said he had to hold his tongue otherwise his bank account would get lighter.

And when things like the Konate second booking vs Everton that could have happened, Klopp admitted that we got lucky a bit on that one. He did not try to talk down to the rest of us telling everyone to learn how to accept that bad decisions will happen. Can't say the same for Arteta, Ange, and Kompany. Just my observation.

14.) 03 Apr 2024 09:25:24
The only officiating error in Premier League history that rivals the Diaz decision was in the game between Sheffield United and Aston Villa a few years ago. The ball blatantly crossed the line and even hit the net just behind the post, Michael Oliver literally saw it had so he looked down at his watch waiting for the signal, but then decided his eyes must've deceived him because his watch didn't buzz due to a Hawkeye malfunction. Game ended 0-0 thanks to that mistake denying Sheffield United the win.

It was a truly shocking moment that had huge ramifications, as Aston Villa stayed up by 1 point. A point they gained due to that error. If Liverpool were to lose the league by 1 point this season, or Spurs beat Villa to 4th position by 2 points, then I think the Diaz error then trumps this too. But as it stands, it hasn't cost us anything significant or gifted Spurs anything significant.

15.) 03 Apr 2024 12:26:55
Ed025 you're not allowed to say the game is corrupt didn't you know? Just don't read the latest breaking news on Rubiales and his Saudi mates.

{Ed025's Note - thats always been my problem stuie, i dont care what people think mate and will say what i see, we have seen corruption in other sports and football is the biggest of them all so to think there is none is being very naive, these betting companies are making squillions every week and you cant tell me that the odd brown envelope is not involved...just dont tell anyone what i said though.. :)

16.) 03 Apr 2024 15:21:00
We've all seen so much illegal stuff in other sports, why would it not happen in football? We've seen doping, match fixing, athletes using, buying and selling contraband, and so many other things. Why would it, and could it, not happen in football? The greed for money and fame is no different in football than in other sports and athletics. It's not like football, and all that are associated with it, walk around with halos, is it? It's not just athletes that can be implicated, but their coaches, trainers, managers and team administrators/ management too. And in the case of football it can involve the refs also.

In my opinion, there's been too regular a path of "incompetence" this season, for it to be just "bad calls". I never thought it was only against LFC, but rather cases where influence (in the form of brown envelopes) has been used to get the "desired" result. If I were the Wolves owner or senoir management, I would have lawsuits filed already; millions can be at stake here; why wait until the end of the season to make a move?

17.) 03 Apr 2024 16:53:11
Aray I think it’s obvious that there is corruption in football mate and it’s been proven from fifa / uefa to match fixing etc around the world in other leagues.

However I don’t believe or I’m burying my head In the sand not wanting to believe that, that corruption is in the premier league as far as match fixing goes.

Probably because if I did allow myself to believe it then that would make me a fool for following a sport and club where there is corruption to the level of match fixing.

I think if it was ever to come to light they these games are fixed via whatever means then I’d never spend another penny on premier league football.

18.) 03 Apr 2024 18:30:32
JK, depends how you define corruption as you say. I would assume there has definitely been corruption in the PL in terms of financial doping, dodgy transfer dealings etc, but whether it would extend to fixing matches, difficult to say I guess. There is just far too much involved in the game to rule it out. Look at FIFA with Blatter and his cronies, they didn't even try to hide it it was so obvious!

19.) 04 Apr 2024 02:06:01
Corruption - Where there is money there is most certainly corruption, this much is true. To what extent? none of us know, it's all speculation right now but in my eyes (just my opinion) the whole lot of it is corrupt as hell and one day it'll be out there for us all to see.

20.) 04 Apr 2024 11:52:01
ArAy, I agree man - I mean, are we really to believe that officials are simply this incompetent?

The onfield Ref will miss things - honestly, given the speed of the game, players in the way etc, it happens. No issue with that, but how does the VAR official not see what every one of us see looking at the same replays?

I hear the, 'didn't want to give my mate a hard time' nonsense but surely giving a completely wrong call gives your mate a much harder call?

Are there just a few of them in a betting syndicate that we'll find out about in the near future lol?

Personally, I'd take VAR away from the referees. VAR itself is a useful tool, it is simply being misused. Have another agency/ set of dedicated VAR officials, but not existing or former refs - they see something, refer the ref to the screen - get rid of this 'clear and obvious' mantra as it simply does not work - the ref looks at the replays and makes the call. This way, it is ALWAYS the onfield refs call, the VAR officials simply alert him to 'all the angles' so to speak and this removes the whole overriding refs calls/ mates angles etc.

And this whole 5 min wait for a call is just nuts - should be like a minute max to look at a couple of replays.



01 Apr 2024 00:53:37
The PL is finally back and I'm looking forward to us pushing on and winning everything left in our sights

Great results for us this weekend. On our match, Honestly we had enough chances to win the game twice over but just wasn't clinical. Our pressing was top notch after the 15 min mark or so.

Goes w/ o saying, Mac put on an absolute masterclass. When he came back from injury, he started having some very good performances at 6. Then back came Endo and now we are seeing the full power of a world class 8. He bossed it. But I thought our midfield was gd all round too. Endo being Endo and Szboslai getting more into the game. If these 3 can stay fit and firing, we will be really strong in the middle.

I thought Bradley adapted to the threat on his side well and thought he came out the superior player. Became better defensively as the game went on and was as much an attacking threat himself. Overall, I thought we defended fine too in spite of their pacy threats.

Thought the offside goal was a pity. It was prime Frimino-Salah-Mane type of move. Thought our front three did well too. Salah could have been more clinical but he got the winning goal still. Nunez with a power shot while flat on the ground, brilliant. Diaz, terrorised their defence.

The ref was absolutely horrendous. He forgot he was refereeing a contact sport.

De Zerbi's tactics wise, some call it bold, adventurous, and it might be so attacking wise which is why at times they have won big. But I also found it defensively naive and once they have been pressed into submission, they didn't know how to get out except by diving. Still not convinced he is Liverpool manager material.

The city-Arsenal game was a snooze fest but the result was great for us.

Lots of twists and turns still in the run in. We have to visit Utd and Villa and much as the former is crap, we still haven't beaten them this season! Then we have our triple away games within a week with a derby in there. There's spurs still. But it's fully in our hands and I do believe we can cross the line first this time.

Let's go!

1.) 01 Apr 2024 02:11:06
We’re one of the best counter pressing teams in world football. We didn’t same to City at home too.
Awesome result in ours and City game.
8 to go.

2.) 01 Apr 2024 05:45:01
Forgot to add
Our game management could have been better though towards the end
In particular, Gomez fired 2 unnecessary hopeful crosses into their box and led to counters when we could have played it back and slow things down
Even Salah tried a ridiculous shot with 30s left, albeit he’ll always think that he can score
Sometimes, going to the corner flag has a basis but we rarely do that, last I recalled was against Barca?
However, the final 30s was perhaps what I did like to see more
Slowed it down, find the open man, play the pass, keep it simply. In part Brighton seemed to have given up but it’s also the most composed I’ve seen us in such tight matches. More of that will be good for our hearts.

3.) 01 Apr 2024 08:11:38
I completely agree with you. I was livid, especially at Gomez, but the whole team for taking extremely unnecessary risks attacking in OT. All you need to do is pass around and play out the time. We need to be smarter here.

4.) 01 Apr 2024 08:20:08
I agree the referee could have done better pulled us up but not brighton for the same fouls and with Diaz having a goal ruled out for offside why did he not bring it back for the foul he let dunk away with continues verbal towards him he show grow a set and deal with it including the time wasting tactics.



17 Mar 2024 04:32:58
I was just informed that we haven won an FA CUP match at OT for 100 years!

Let's hope we put that right today!

1.) 17 Mar 2024 06:44:43
That sounds ominous but I imagine we've only played them a handful of times in the Fa cup at OT. But your right, let's hope we put that right today.

2.) 17 Mar 2024 08:34:18
If we can’t beat the current United team we don’t deserve to be in the Cup.

On a good day they are average.

3.) 17 Mar 2024 09:43:02
Yeah, it’s a meaningless stat. In that time we’ve probably played them at Old Toilet in the cup five or six times. 3 of our last visits in the cup have also come in the last 25 years - both in 1999 and 2011 when United were better than us in almost every metric, and then in 2021 when Liverpool spent most of the season with either no or rookie center backs.
We are a better team than United by orders of magnitude, and should be winning today’s game.

4.) 17 Mar 2024 10:21:07
Didn't we beat villa in a semi final there? The year of those white suits? I could be mistaken though, so apologies if I'm wrong.

5.) 17 Mar 2024 12:49:34
@Sgynwa, the more pressing question is how many times have we played them at OT in the FA Cup to begin with. I do remember seeing us lose there in the 98/ 99 season and in the 10/ 11 season, losing both by one goal. Apart from that, I don't know.

6.) 17 Mar 2024 13:40:42
We'll beat them. They are nothing on us. Bring them in.

7.) 17 Mar 2024 18:11:27
And we lost it after dominating for so long in the second half! So sad! But we keep going.

8.) 17 Mar 2024 18:16:36
Cursed, we looked like a relegation team after going to 2-1, none of our normal class showed.

9.) 17 Mar 2024 18:26:00
Don’t predict anymore Salah mate.

10.) 17 Mar 2024 18:46:17
We looked like a relegation team the entire game. Only kelkeher, vvd and quansah can stand up in that dressing room. Of all places to get arrogant or bottle it, I’m unsure which, we go and do it there. Those players let Klopp down big time today. Could be a crystal ball into what it will be like without Klopp. Some massive prima Donna’s out there today. Maybe we were just copying Utd. Devastated.

11.) 17 Mar 2024 18:46:39
DeanW, I wouldn't go that far with the relegation team stuff. Would a relegation team dominated Utd as long as we did esp. after got a hold of the game in the final 15 of the first half and equalized and took the lead? I know you're upset and so am I BUT let's not get too hysterical here.

We deserved to lose with the way we threw that game away after dominating the whole second half till that point and with the obscene amount of chances and openings we had and missed them all. That is poor management, unprofessional, careless and a lack of desire and attention to detail. The WHOLE team is responsible here and that includes the manager, IMO.

12.) 17 Mar 2024 19:10:52
Ten Haag made the right substitutions at the right time for his team. Klopp did the exact opposite and killed us when we was on top.
Also Anyone who watches us frequently, attends games. Have you notIced The use of Elliot and Bradley at the same time also makes us very weak physically and it’s a bad combination of the 2 players at the same time? Something I’ve noticed often and even when dominating Games at home

Can’t make the same mistakes in a couple weeks.

13.) 17 Mar 2024 19:14:45
Wow, some overreactions here. It was a bad day at the office. Unfortunately It happens. We were the better side and should have put the game to bed but we were sloppy as well as unlucky, for example, Endo's goal was only marginally offside and Bruno arguably should have seen a second yellow. I think you also have to bear in mind the schedule. We've been playing two games a week with a threadbare squad while United have been like chihuahuas having dumped themselves out of Europe and the Carabao. As the game wore on, you could tell we were flagging while United still seemed fresh.

I can't wait for when Trent, Jones, Alisson, Jota and Bajcetic come back in a few weeks as it will help us massively dealing with two games a week. Having said that, I can no longer defend Gakpo. He only seems to turn up against scrubs which would explain why he looked good in the Eredivisie. He's looked completely out of his depth this season and got shown up by the youngsters against Southampton. Unless something dramatically changes, we might have to start looking for another forward.

14.) 17 Mar 2024 19:32:13
Exactly, @Babbity.

@LFC08 as for the subs, Klopp made the subs he made based on the legs he had available with all the games we have been playing and all the injuries we have had. While Ten Hag had no such issues and had a full week to prepare and have been playing a lot less games cos they are crap and couldn't be arsed to do a damn thing in other comps so before you slate Klopp for subs being right or wrong, context is needed here.

As for the so called "less physicality" with Harvey and Bradley, we have played them both in games in the past (look no further than the City game last week) and they have stood up to the test physicality wise so I have no idea what that statement means but we move.

15.) 17 Mar 2024 20:00:29
I don’t care if we get outplayed and lose, but when we dominate and throw it away that burns.

Lack of execution. Something the next man needs to work on.

16.) 17 Mar 2024 20:08:59
Got exactly what we deserved. Bad day at the office and legs went are two things I don’t want to hear. Players were tired. Well, Klopp played our full strength team only a few days ago so who’s fault is that. The players have to shoulder responsibility for the not finishing our chances. But Klopp killed our momentum with his subs. I sound like a broken record as I have said it many times. Klopp and subs just don’t go together. He is a great manager but for years his sub choices have been weird and are getting more bizarre as the years go on. Not just today but you only have to look back to the City game where he killed our momentum with his sub.

Firstly, why take off Robbo? Secondly, Szobo improved in the second half, so why take him off? Thirdly, no matter if Salah is not at his best. You never take off your top goal scorer in a knock out competition. Especially for Gakpo, out of what I can only imagine is some sort of loyalty because it can’t be form. So if Klopp gets the plaudits for bringing through the youngsters and everything else. He should also get criticised when his decisions are contributing to costing us games!

17.) 17 Mar 2024 20:29:10
You want them all to get injured again! Have you learned nothing Alonso. You would be the first one jumping up and down if they got injuries again which would have obviously been very likely.

18.) 17 Mar 2024 21:18:50
Salah was awful all game. Keeping him on would have been loyalty. He was right to be subbed. Nunez should have been taken off after 20 mins. One of worst performances in an lfc shirt at OT I’ve ever seen. legs in midfield were gone from the start and the inverted Gomez thing was awful yet again, that’s klopps fault I’ll give you that. Elliot did ok when he came on but again and again he hits his stupid inside pass to the opposition. Surely this must have been pointed out to him. Agreed, def Wrong to take Robbo off. Szob had a good first 10 games for us but he’s been poor since then especially his tackling us poor for a midfielder and he gets caught up the pitch with no attempt to get back. Most players were off the pace and couldn’t be arsed today in one of the biggest games of the season. Awful.

19.) 17 Mar 2024 22:45:31
No I was asking fans that attend some games Oli.
It’s not something you’ll pick up on yet.

20.) 17 Mar 2024 23:39:34
Dearie me.
Who is going to pick up all the toys being chucked out the prams?
Good job Klopp is going, eh?
Everyone is a supporter during a winning streak, one defeat in a close pulsating cup tie soon exposes the "sing when yer winning" types.

21.) 18 Mar 2024 00:02:33
Mark08. Huh? Sorry mate but I don’t get your post. Simply because most if not all our players were played in a dead rubber game only a few days ago. Some were even played for the full 90 when it wasn’t necessary. This is not me concocting a narrative from nowhere. Many fans have said the same thing. Not just on that but the baffling sub choices, which I’ve been saying for too long to remember now. That kind of directly goes against what you are saying about me supposedly wanting my players injured again. But each to their own, I guess.

22.) 18 Mar 2024 11:28:48
Alsonso1786 - Doesn't Liverpool have the best stats for Subs this season?




sgynwa's rumour replies


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11 Apr 2024 10:52:39
I think he will set us back tactically
Offensively, he is at best on par with Klopp
Defensively, worse off
Personality, not sure how people will take to him after his high horse nonsense after the game against us
People management, I’m unsure about that too
So a no for me but I’m not in charge.



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16 Mar 2024 15:57:07
thanks ed 01
oh whao, didn't know that
guess there was more to his sacking than I was aware.



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16 Mar 2024 15:55:35
thanks for the reply. guess that's that for the expansion at least for now.



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16 Mar 2024 11:13:42
I suppose the ‘bad reputation’ has got to do with his personal life?

Not to sure if that’s a factor with the Liverpool fans.

Footballing wise, think he’s got a very good reputation, still developing his style fully but am still young and already one of the better managers amongst the next generation. Not sure he’s at the level of Klopp though, not yet at least.

{Ed001's Note - no, it is to do with a struggle to cope with egos and the way he gave exclusive intimate access to the players to his journalist gf, of a type that none of them were comfortable with. It was considered by many to be intrusive. She was pretty much there like she was on the coaching staff.



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28 Jan 2024 05:11:10
While I did love a role at the club, we may very well last shorter than Roy Hodgson! Let’s love our club and adhere to a proverb I hear in where I live: there’s beauty in distance ?.




sgynwa's banter replies


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27 Jun 2024 13:35:10
You made me laugh out loud Ed025
What will this page be like without you.

{Ed025's Note - a lot more serious mate.. :)



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27 Jun 2024 01:30:55
Has Ed025 gone woke and soft? Snooker ball?
I expected a bowling ball at least, Shame.

{Ed025's Note - you must have bigger socks than me sg.. :)



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25 May 2024 15:53:18
I’m not bothered by them too
Just that recent memory tells me we really should be more contended with what we currently have now
Flawed as it may be, we could just so be in utd’s shoes and worse

But hey, they are leading in the FA cup final now
I’m indifferent about who wins it cause it’s not us
But I will find it really funny that the most expensively assembled squad only has a league title they barely managed to win to show for, and losing to a far inferior side who probably is going to sack the manager

Life can really tie people up in knots.



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25 May 2024 13:49:51
Not too long ago, we were in a similar state. Our ownership was crap, squad was poor, lingering just above the drop zone, and declared a win against Bolton as a famous victory. Had Suarez nearly drag us to the title but called BR the second coming of Shanks. Dark days.

Glad FSG came, Klopp came and in spite of his modest exit, put us back among European elites. Glad we are now complaining about bottling titles and not winning more trophies, about players not hitting the world class standards we expect them to, rather than worrying which half decent manager or player will we be signing.

But as a Liverpool fan, I’m enjoying Ute’s demise. Though I’m rather disappointed they are not sticking with Ten Hag. But perhaps they will appoint Brendan Rodgers? Stranger things have happened.



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13 May 2024 08:13:01
Ed 25, only Tom Davies?
Not at least the world class Andre Gomez?
Then I did say Origi was the equivalent of Grame Sharp, almost Dixie Dean. Just missing out by a whisker.

{Ed025's Note - we all compare our players with somebody else sg and in the end its just about opinions, i once compared Nunez to coco the clown so sometimes im not far out mate.. :)



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