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28 Aug 2024 19:13:24
I think there's already the ed2 appreciation page. But seriously, how does ed2 know so much?
The info is accurate, really in the know, calling it months beforehand.
How on earth did ed2 have so many contacts, so much time to go through all the info, and does this for free here for so many people (and not just LFC fans)?
If ed2 were running a sports news outlet, you did put all others out of business with how slow, inaccurate, or even untrue most of their 'news' are.
How is it humanly possible for ed2 to do this?
{Ed002's Note - AI and Twitter.}
1.) 28 Aug 2024 20:30:26
Ahhh. I got the twitter part but am stuck with goggle. Will try AI now and I shall be equally informed
Thanks for the tip!
2.) 28 Aug 2024 20:20:45
Ed002 are you going to credit the fat kid from Bolton as your primary source, or are you going to leave it as ‘Twitter’?
{Ed002's Note - What has happened t the FKFB?}
3.) 28 Aug 2024 22:31:55
He lost weight, learned Italian and now goes by the name “Fabrizio”.
4.) 29 Aug 2024 06:31:01
16 Mar 2024 15:45:38
Qns for ed002
With the Anfield Road stand almost complete, the stadium will be nearing 61,000 in capacity.
Just wondering are there any plans to expand the Kenny Daglish stand to add perhaps another 4000 seats? (I believe it was way back in 2000? Where about 20k were on wait list of season tickets and there were projections that Anfield can regularly host 65,000).
Not sure practically if it's feasible and financially sensible though. Thought to ask and see if you have any insights?
{Ed002's Note - No. It is not possible.}
1.) 16 Mar 2024 15:55:35
thanks for the reply. guess that's that for the expansion at least for now.
2.) 16 Mar 2024 16:10:42
sgynwa, as I understand it, we have reached our optimum capacity, without building a train station, in the local area and improving the infrastructure. Anyone who goes to games knows what a nightmare it is to get away after a match, so to add further capacity would just add to the problem, as things stands. Like most grounds in the country, they were built in an era when there were no cars.
3.) 16 Mar 2024 16:55:02
We should have done a ground share with Everton at Albert Dock. Could have been state of the art and internationally renowned. Would have been a great resource for the city. Would have stopped Everton getting points deduction too which may have helped them be less bitter, bringing the city together. Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer.
4.) 16 Mar 2024 19:12:46
Just a working class hero @stoneage ??.
5.) 16 Mar 2024 20:26:41
Not sure ed25 would want to share a ground with a premier league club ?.
{Ed025's Note - i actually advocated that years ago Ace, a joint one could have been the best in the world mate, but your tight fisted minge bag owners would sooner repair your tin shack that we gave you many moons ago.. :)
6.) 16 Mar 2024 21:59:58
Just imagine the spectacles that a joint stadium could produce. One week its Liverpool vs Barcelona, the next Everton vs Dagenham and Redbridge.
7.) 16 Mar 2024 22:03:43
Just out of interest, with this shared stadium nonsense, who would have disinfect it after the blues played?
That stink lingers.
8.) 17 Mar 2024 00:33:12
It’s never too late ed25.
{Ed025's Note - i think that ship has sailed aoe, it could have been a spectacular stadium though and for me would have brought the city together and more importantly the people, the national stadium of the north that could not only host football but other sports as well, concerts, shows and events that would be the envy of every big city worldwide...alas not everyone has my vision mate.. :)
9.) 17 Mar 2024 05:43:28
Don't Everton still owe rent after their moonlight flit from anfield.
{Ed025's Note - we felt sorry for you KC as you were playing on an old field with jumpers as goalposts mate, you were a charity case back then and we felt sorry for you.. :)
10.) 17 Mar 2024 07:29:40
For those born in and around Liverpool and those who have adopted it and love the city too, it would have been a great move.
I love Anfield to bits - so many great memories, good and bad, so many great times and so many, many funny moments - but we should be looking to the future of the club and, in the bigger picture, the economic future of the City.
We missed a really big chance for the club and the city which, in my honest opinion, is a genuine shame.
{Ed025's Note - absolutely WDW..
11.) 17 Mar 2024 07:43:30
I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a rusty fork than share a stadium with Everton, this was done to death years ago when Everton realised they didn’t have a carrot ? and they pushed for a shared stadium on Stanley Park when H&G started the I’ll fated scheme with Laing O’Rourke.
It was never meant to be, our rivalry is part of our heritage and the blues new stadium is amazing to be honest but it will never be blessed with silverware like Anfield!
{Ed025's Note - "rivalry is part of our heritage" is very true....the rest is garbage..
12.) 17 Mar 2024 10:09:18
I think the club will regret not agreeing to the joint stadium. It could have been the world’s best and sent Liverpool right to the top of the income chart. I know it’s not the main thing but you will never get the chance again.
The Kenny stand is already outdated as it the relatively small Kop.
13.) 17 Mar 2024 09:41:24
Would it or could it have been possible to build a super stadium @ stanley Park a travel down from Scotland and en route the hairs on the back of my neck stand a love the people also so friendly and talkative love the accent and to top it all off ma best mate whilst in the army was a scouser.
14.) 17 Mar 2024 13:03:10
Don’t think it’s looking good for expansion anytime soon, if ever actually. I believe there are issues with infrastructure capping the capacity but the big one is there isn’t room to make the stadium much bigger. The only way I think it would be possible would be to knock the Kop down and build a multi tier stand but it’s probably not financially viable and I think they will want to keep the Kop single tier with tradition. At least with the other 2 stands that have been expanded they could do it around the current stand so as to not affect capacity as the works are being done.
It’s a shame as we could sell out 80k regularly if not more and getting tickets for 60k is still a pain in the arse but I’m glad we have stayed at Anfield and I like the fact our stadium doesn’t look like the majority of big modern stadiums.
15.) 17 Mar 2024 13:22:58
Pretty crazy that while the world is talking about how special Anfield is and how the atmosphere discombobulates oppositions, that we're here talking about potentially sharing a new ground with Everton. Come on.
Staying at Anfield and developing in-situ was an excellent decision by FSG in my opinion. The mystique of Anfield is part of our identity. There's nothing like stepping out onto the stands on matchday - especially under the lights.
By all means start dialogue with all the parties involved in a potential expansion, but don't sell part of our identity and advantage for a soulless shared stadium. If we have to wait for FSG to sell before we explore the possibility of further expansion, then so be it. We have an amazing stadium now.
Plus, going into any kind of business venture with Everton is a terrible idea.
16.) 17 Mar 2024 08:38:58
The 1 big advantage liverpool fc have always had on any rival, certainly domestically, is that we play at anfield. its a fantastic stadium with a unique atmosphere when going gets tight. No doubt our trophy cabinet would be lighter if we played somewhere else.
Im not fsg biggest fan but them renovating anfield as opposed to moving i 120% agree with them.
Our stadium is envy of manys a opposition manager+team, why take away that. No disrespect to everton or ed25 but it would suit them much better than us.
17.) 17 Mar 2024 11:58:36
Ed025 I think it’s great on some aspects but derby day going to each others grounds adds to the game.
So not for me. I would never want to leave Anfield to move to a new stadium on our own or sharing it’s where our heart is.
Anfield could be further extended in the future with the kop it’s just the A road issue. As for the KD stand obviously it’s the houses behind and the mess with the houses bought behind the main stand. As for transport there is talk about opening the old line what would be close enough to make the ground eligible for a larger capacity.
If there is still a high demand for seats with the money in brings into the city with fans coming from all over the country and world am sure the council and club could sort out all issues.
{Ed025's Note - I just thought it would be great for the city Grino. Bring the supporters closer together and all that mate..
18.) 17 Mar 2024 13:37:48
I'am with you Ed it would be great for the, brilliant events could be put on bringing lots of needed revenue. As you say maybe it could have been around 80,000- 85,000 seats, split the costs more sustainable for both clubs.
{Ed025's Note - im with you Alf, i think we missed a trick there mate, imagine a stadium that was state of the art with great transport links and a credit to this great city that could have been the envy of every European club mate, all the top European finals and internationals as well as great music stars..it would have been great imo..
19.) 17 Mar 2024 14:11:08
Ed025 me and you talked about that before how we would love to go back to the mid 80s where it the city of Liverpool vs the world but like you said to me it’s gone to far now. And it looks it’s only getting worse with the younger generation.
{Ed025's Note - i wish we were wrong grino but unfortunately we are not mate, now i know we are talking utopia here but being nice to others should not be beyond the realms of possibility, but maybe im an old fuddy duddy and respect does not mean as much as it used to, its a sad old world my friend..
20.) 18 Mar 2024 00:52:32
By that same rationale why not just share with lots of teams in the northwest. Bring the whole north west together, bring cities together it can be state of the art with great transport links and host loads of events there, it would be the envy of everyone else to see how together the north west is, imagine United, Everton, Liverpool, city all sharing one stadium . Really would bring the people together. Great for the area.
21.) 20 Mar 2024 02:48:51
Everton didn't give Anfield to Liverpool, it's actually the other way round. Everton were John Houlding's tenants, and then he made his own team - Liverpool.
11 Aug 2023 22:03:36
So it's been quite a day.
Just some of my own thoughts:
1) if it were me, I did walk away from MC. Doesn't seem to have good personality, might turn out to be Mane or Keita and it did be very scary to be the latter after all the fun fair. I did rather not risk it especially since ed002 has stated there are still other DM options and enough time. And totally agree with ed025, let's have some self respect. It's not that his not a Liverpool fan at heart and all, most players don't end up playing for the clubs they love. It's about him openly saying he did hope to join Chelsea even after the accepted bid from Liverpool was openly disclosed; the way he handled it was just poor and we should look to be careful with his lack of maturity (more so than his lack of love for us) .
2) now that we know we have the money, here's to hoping we secure a DM and LCB at least before the window closes.
3) i'm not keen for another MF unless Thiago leaves, but midfield with the pressing will be the most tiring part of the team. So what do I know?
4) I do we hope also allow people like Nat Phillips to move on and build his career rather than pricing him out of a move if we deem we have enough cover.
So, who's next?
Which are the DMs we may look at?
Which LCB?
3 more weeks to go.
1.) 11 Aug 2023 22:53:09
We need a dm to come in, and be ready to start immediately. Not sure who that is.
2.) 11 Aug 2023 23:28:41
No way do we remove the bid.
I want to see if Chelsea overpay for both Lavia and Caicedo.
If they do, then fair enough. They wanted both players and we move on.
Their bid for Lavia is high.
As Ed mentioned they want both and I trust Ed but I want to see them pay those fees for both. Also it's fair to Brighton that they get paid at minimum the agreement they had with us.
3.) 11 Aug 2023 23:32:19
To be fair, I don't think there is anything wrong with MC's personality. He is a pro, his work ethic on the field says a lot about his personality and Brighton say he is down to earth. What would it say about his personality if he picked us when he gave his word to Chelsea for months?
Moving on now, let's see how we recover from this.
4.) 11 Aug 2023 23:36:34
According to reports, Brighton are furious with caicedo’s agent for changing things last minute, when they have made it perfectly clear that the deadline for bids was Thursday…. and yet his agent was still trying to see what Chelsea wanted to do. Sounds like all he was after was large agent fee and caicedo a large signing on fee and salary! What a bunch of mercenaries!
5.) 12 Aug 2023 00:52:29
When I saw we had agreed the fee I was delighted. Im gutted tbh coz he's what we need. I know nearly all players are money motivated. Who wouldn't be? I think he's an amazing player. I just don't understand how we go from haggling over a couple million for klopps No1 choice to bidding over double for someone else Sour grapes i know but hopefully we dodged a bullet like Lee bowyer.
6.) 12 Aug 2023 01:14:29
We should walk away and move on to other targets quick as possible otherwise it will take them even longer to get use to the style of play and the team with no number 6 and leaking defense this season is not going to be any better.
7.) 12 Aug 2023 01:32:48
For all we know MC gave his word to Chelsea and he doesn’t want to break that.
8.) 12 Aug 2023 01:51:30
You are Right we should stop waiting for a player who doesn't want to come here. I hope we try for Kimmich or Florentino Luis.
9.) 12 Aug 2023 02:00:55
Well, Keita performance and work ethic on the field was amazing until he joined us
I rather we don’t experience that again, especially with our record signing. We have gotten a lot of our record signings wrong Caroll, Keita, we don’t need another.
10.) 12 Aug 2023 02:20:35
Caicedo went on strike in Jan to force a move to Arsenal. Showed his cards then. He'll be going on strike again if and when Barcelona and Madrid come calling. That was my first thought last night when it looked as tho we were getting him. Great player but immature and lacking in character for me. Glad we've avoided him. If you don't want to wear the LFC badge then I don't want u. Feel bad for Lavia at this point he was willing to come. I don't get how one is worth twice the other.
11.) 12 Aug 2023 04:07:29
I know it's not my money, but I really hope Liverpool pull out, or lose this to Chelsea.
111mil for him? I'd rather the club spend such amount on a superstar instead on a potentially good player.
12.) 12 Aug 2023 05:41:41
Couldnt care less at thus stage but one thing is clear, Chelsea are Bluffers.
13.) 12 Aug 2023 06:19:31
The only good thing about this Caicedo business for us Liverpool fans is that it shows the money is out there for us to spend on the right player. I would love us to go out and buy Valverde and use any other money on another defender.
14.) 12 Aug 2023 06:32:41
How can Chelsea not being flagged for Financial Fair Play after they bought Mudryk for 100 Mio, Enzo for 105 Mio and if it was happen 115 Mio for Caicedo.
Brainless for Caceido if finally he join Chelsea. How they manage and cancelling Tyler Adams's transfer, not giving Lukaku, Ziyech shirts number shows that they are heartless for a football player and don't have a good plan for facing EPL this season.
Liverpool should move on and found another targets such as Mikel Merino, Florentino Luis or Matheus Nunes, Koopmeiners for DM and Inacio, Geestruida, Guehi, Per Schuurs for CB.
Appreciate if Ed can share his thoughts about Liverpool
plans if Caceido and Lavia was move to the plastic club Chelsea.
{Ed001's Note - FFP is not one year and they have so far made a large profit on transfers this summer anyway. It is clear you don't understand FFP so please just forget about it.}
15.) 12 Aug 2023 06:46:35
Why can’t Chelsea spend the money if they have it and if their revenue allows for it? I’m sure they are well are of FPP and will observe it just as we will too. Nothing wrong in having a bigger pot of gold, we just need to grow ours and wise it wisely while we have it. Otherwise we did become Everton 2.0.
16.) 12 Aug 2023 07:10:35
I only have a very basic understanding of FFP but reading what people have written on here over the past couple of days makes me feel like an expert.
17.) 12 Aug 2023 08:00:49
Everyone needs to forget about Chelsea, I personally hope we go for Florentino Luis, but think his release clause is over 100m, not sure if that’s euros or pounds.
18.) 12 Aug 2023 08:26:42
This creates a bit of a siege mentality in the squad, in my opinion. Something good managers always look to do. It helps galvanise the squad and motivate them to prove the doubters wrong.
Not fussed whether we sign anyone or not now.
19.) 12 Aug 2023 09:54:37
Get what your saying Ron. but still need a couple atleast.
20.) 12 Aug 2023 10:30:11
Christ anyone would think MC and RL are the only players on the market. Could be a blessing, don’t forget MC downed tools in January because he couldn’t get his move to Arsenal to such an extent that De Zerbi wouldn’t play him until the transfer window closed. Klopp has always said that if a player doesn’t want to join Liverpool just because they did not make champions league for a season or two then they are not the right player for our club.
21.) 12 Aug 2023 10:44:21
@ Davey Sulls is voice of sanity, listen to him.
22.) 12 Aug 2023 10:45:46
The fact is, even after Caicedo tantrum, our transfer team did not announce new targets tell me Caicedo camp is just trying to squeeze for more.
23.) 12 Aug 2023 10:57:14
Don’t worry about what Chelsea’s are spending. Doesn’t concern us and isn’t exactly doing them much good is it?
24.) 12 Aug 2023 11:53:35
We are running out of time and options, seeing as we clearly had money in the bank, why were being so frugal when making bids for lavia? We should have just offered the £50m and lavia was keen to join us, we could have moved on to another target. Instead we are still trying salvage the caicedo deal. But Now it looks like Chelsea are going to get both caicedo and Lavia!
25.) 12 Aug 2023 12:53:24
Luiz is a risk at 120m. He may not settle.
07 Apr 2022 14:43:05
Romano just report Fabio Carvalho as done deal
Is this true?
{Ed002's Note - Liverpool were negotiating compensation with Fulham with a third party involved - I assume that they have now agreed.}
1.) 07 Apr 2022 16:33:59
Whao. We now have 3 young players in that position - Jones, Elliot, Carvalho.
Seems like Ox will be gone.
2.) 07 Apr 2022 16:40:32
5 year deal, medical done with Fulhams permission, no loan back and announcement in May supposedly.
3.) 07 Apr 2022 15:40:06
Will he come to us eds or do you see him being loaned back? Thanks.
4.) 07 Apr 2022 18:37:04
According to Yahoo it's a done deal at £5 million and he won't be going back on loan.
Ox could well be gone, Klopp said in an interview recently there would probably be players moving on in the summer to get more playing time.
5.) 07 Apr 2022 19:43:17
As indicated quite some time ago. He will come to us. £7.7m agreed including add-ons.
6.) 08 Apr 2022 09:33:24
What do you think Ox is worth. Perhaps £20million?
7.) 08 Apr 2022 13:57:05
We'd be lucky to get £10m.
8.) 09 Apr 2022 13:33:11
Yeah, I think it will be around £10m for Ox, might struggle to get rid with his wages being so high.
9.) 11 Apr 2022 21:51:49
Hi ed. is gleison bremer also on our shortlist player to add for the next season? Appreciate for your thoughts. Thank you.
{Ed002's Note - Gleison Bremer (CB) Carlo Ancelotti tried to take him to Napoli and also Everton. He could try again as an affordable option for Real Madrid. Spurs and Milan provide good options as Spurs look to upgrade on the CBs they have and Milan fear losing Alessio Romagnoli as a Free Agent. Again, he is of interest to Inter Milan who fear losing Alessandro Bastoni in the summer of 2022 and they offer perhaps the most attractive solutution. Previously of interest to Leicester and Liverpool, but both opted for others. Juventus have him on a list of options should they lose de LIgt in the summer but there are certainly a couple ahead of him. Chelsea have a pressing need to add CBs with players out of contract in the summer and could look to him as a cost-effective solution. Torino will look to a new contract to end thoughts of a move but that has not stopped clubs scouting him as they expect him to be available in the summer as he has so far refused a new contract. Bayern Munich have held discussions with Torino.
A CB is not a priority for Liverpool.}
01 Jun 2021 16:05:17
while we are at it for transfers, can anyone update when will we sign any of the following players?
- Pablo Aimar
- Simão Sabrosa
- Dani Alves
- David Villa
- JoaquÃn Sánchez
Also, any others that we have been waiting for the transfer finally be completed after the long wait?
{Ed0666's Note - I think Simao is still on the plane ready to take off no?
1.) 01 Jun 2021 16:14:49
sadly that seems to be as far as he got
was it issues with the plane, pilot, airport or stewardess?
or that he had issues with flying?
i really think travel restrictions shouldn't be used as an excuse given how long we've waited for him.
{Ed0666's Note - don’t worry he’ll sign the pilots just a bit late. Maybe he should have used the babbel-copter!
2.) 01 Jun 2021 16:52:17
I think the Pablo Aimar rumour goes far back. It was around in the days of 'football rumours'!
{Ed0666's Note - around the days of Jurrasic Park mote like
3.) 01 Jun 2021 17:02:08
I believe a horse and carriage are being lined up to bring Fatty Foulkes from Bradford as Alisson's understudy.
His spiritual successor - Big Nev - is also being lined up for the No 3 slot, but he will only have to take a ferry across the Mersey.
4.) 01 Jun 2021 17:07:20
What about Arda Turan?
5.) 01 Jun 2021 17:31:14
Pablo Aimar, well that’s a blast from the past. Remember him being a wonder kid on Championship Manager. How time flies hey!
6.) 01 Jun 2021 18:28:38
Gareth Barry I've heard, although got a feeling it won't happen!
7.) 01 Jun 2021 18:30:37
Whaddabout the Konoplyankakopter?
8.) 01 Jun 2021 18:32:28
I'm still waiting for Ken Augero to sigh! 😃.
9.) 01 Jun 2021 19:26:49
And Quaresma.
10.) 01 Jun 2021 19:59:51
Aimar would have been brilliant for us.
11.) 04 Jun 2021 02:48:24
Don't forget Ayala from Valencia.
sgynwa's banter posts with other poster's replies to sgynwa's banter posts
08 Feb 2025 07:39:02
{Ed's Note - sgynwa has posted a new article entitled, Liverpool FC Player Reviews v Spurs
1.) 08 Feb 2025 09:35:02
Great review mate. Can you do the southampton game next?
2.) 08 Feb 2025 11:01:09
Some jokes just never grow old apparently.
3.) 08 Feb 2025 12:21:16
Hmm, I might need to activate the babelcopter to fly back in time.
4.) 08 Feb 2025 21:18:05
Sorry about that wdw mate. Just having some fun is all.
07 Feb 2025 11:21:47
sgynwa has written an article entitled, Liverpool FC Player Reviews v Spurs
1.) 07 Feb 2025 13:22:58
Pure mastery that performance on a similar level to the one against Real. The performance reminded me of the Klopp 18/ 19 side. A well-oiled machine that simply won before kick-off.
The workrate off the ball was incredible. We suffocated them.
Whisper it quietly, but we might be getting better in this second half of the season (touching wood to not jinx) .
I know we have Plymouth, but Goodison is on the mind.
2.) 07 Feb 2025 14:18:15
A good read that mate, nice one. I didn't get to watch the game, gutted! Saw the highlights and in 5 minutes I could see spurs got lucky it only being 4-0. Could've and should've been more.
Get in Liverpool! Bring on wembley.
3.) 07 Feb 2025 16:56:41
My review
Hardcore domination by the fit and impressive Liverpool over the timid and submissive spurs. Liverpool were able to penetrate forcefully through the spurs soft defenses.
Ah crap. My review sounds like cheap porn again. Every single time. No more reviews for me.
4.) 07 Feb 2025 19:22:16
I don’t know davy. I was into it….
5.) 07 Feb 2025 19:33:07
FPF, it makes absolute sense the team will be playing better this half of the season the more they become accustomed what slot is asking of them.
6.) 07 Feb 2025 21:36:39
Aoe, if that was enough to "raise" your consciousness, you need to get out more. ??.
7.) 08 Feb 2025 12:26:31
Was spurs defences soft and delicate or were they lose and had big holes? Choice of words and it’s the implications matters here I reckon.
And were we forceful or just smooth and had momentum? After all a wise man once here said it’s not about the size but the movement.
27 Jan 2025 00:59:34
Big week ahead and I hope Slot makes all the right decisions
Not sure what is right but I recall we went full strength in a dead rubber European game last season and next week lost to man Utd in FA cup and just fell off the cliff
The game vs PSV is a dead rubber to me. It may mean a bit more money, first place and 8 wins out of 8, but it's negative consequences may be more lasting i thought if key players get injured or tired and affect the performances of subsequent matches
We'll need to be at our absolute best to beat Bournemouth in their current form, then do what we need to do against Spurs and go on to the final of EFL and win it (seriously how poor were we in the game, since then they kind of lost to any team put in front of them), then have a decent team in the FA cup (they'll be up for it but if we put 2nd string can't beat the bottom club of championship then that's really too bad) .
After that is derby and Wolves in quick succession
I'm glad Slot is making all these decisions and not me and I hope it gets it all right. If we win all these, come Feb we could be making a push for a very special season.
1.) 27 Jan 2025 02:49:44
I don't know what it is, but the boys tend to play worse after they've rested a week or after a long break. This has happened consistently this season, so if this is not just a chance occurrence, I won't be surprised if Slot goes new full strength.
Also, he's Dutch and may attach an additional importance to beating a former rival and thorn in the flesh. Just speculating, but won't be overly surprised either way. There's also the opportunity to set a new [meaningless] record of finishing the group phase with a 100% record.
Let's see what happens. It's only a few nights away. My real irritation is that we play the PSV game away on Wednesday and then play away to Bournemouth on Saturday rather than Sunday, while City and Arsenal play on Sunday. That extra day would have done us a world of good given the away European trip and a potentially difficult game vs. Iraola's boys.
2.) 27 Jan 2025 03:14:17
Sgynwa- I remember thinking at the time that it was a mistake to load up before that manU game last year. From memory didn’t we score a boat load of goals in that dead rubber CL match?
So yeah, I agree, I think we should go to win vs PSV but not with a team as if we have to win the game, if that makes sense.
3.) 27 Jan 2025 06:18:25
I think we won 5-1? But it was immaterial as there was no way they could have come back from a similar margin from the 1st leg
But point is taken we do seem to play less well after an extended break but I thought this time it might be different
The players were supposedly given day off training as it was around x’mas season but I suppose even if they are rested this game, they should still be in training.
4.) 27 Jan 2025 07:12:20
Trent and Robbo are easily rested with Endo stepping in for Grav and Nunez and Chiesa to start.
It’s just who rests out of Vvd and Konate as there is only Quansah and who is replacing Mac (Morton) with Elliot to start in place of Szob.
I think we can all agree that Bournemouth is the priority but I suppose only time will tell and we’ll soon see what Slot goes with.
5.) 27 Jan 2025 11:10:23
Rest Mo he needs a break he look shatered at end of game at weekend and Arne give Mo shooting practice sharpen him up for Spurs game.
6.) 27 Jan 2025 22:48:28
iwillbreed - it'd be helpful for the squad to play more time without Mo.
20 Jan 2025 03:20:48
Just a thought
Am I wrong to think City May yet be our closest rival in the title race?
Arsenal and Forest are closest to us now. Arsenal has a good team or squad, but probably not the manager nor mentality to do so. I also don't see them going on a long winning run.
Forest has no expectations on them and is in a good moment. This may persist and they do a Leicester, but they have to hope no injuries, no tiredness, and teams don't figure out how to break them down.
City whilst not full steam yet, as shown by their draw with Bournemouth recently, has restored their ability to be a flat track bully once more. And if Kevin De Bryune is fit, they are the only team then can go on a 15 game winning streak.
While I've confidence in us, I do expect us to drop a couple more points.
Never easy to win the PL even when City are not at their best, but crazy to think even with their slump, they could they be our closest rival.
1.) 20 Jan 2025 04:00:26
I don’t think we have any rivals at this point it is nailed on. We are streets
Ahead of the other 19 sides in every department.
2.) 20 Jan 2025 05:12:16
No. They themselves don’t want to be in the title race. They are preparing for the next season. No wonder the average points to secure the league falls down from 90’s and 100’s to 80’s.
3.) 20 Jan 2025 05:35:48
City need to play some better teams before we assess them; there is no point in doing so right now. They were pushed all the way by Leicester, beat a hapless West Ham and trounced an Ipswich team that instinctively went into Championship team mode and just wanted the game to end. In amongst that, they've drawn to Brentford.
City tend to do better in the second half of the season because mid-table and below teams no longer have the energy or motivation to go at them so a long winning run is possible, but I don't see it with this team.
I do expect them to catch up with Arsenal, however.
4.) 20 Jan 2025 06:36:45
12 points with a game in hand. Are you lot mental. It was only ipswich.
5.) 20 Jan 2025 06:37:14
they have an extremely soft underbelly and will drop more points.
6.) 20 Jan 2025 06:42:35
The season we finished 5th, we beat Bournemouth 9-0, Man Utd 7-0 and Rangers 7-1.
They'll do fine against the teams lower down in the league but they are struggling against the decent teams 10th upwards.
7.) 20 Jan 2025 07:19:21
Given their injuries and form, I can't see Arsenal going on a run like City typically do. I can see City going on a good run but not to their usual level. They play each other in a few weeks, too.
I'm not too worried about Forest and I wouldn't be surprised to see them drop out of the top four.
There's a long way to go and there's no point looking too far in advance because things can change in a moment.
8.) 20 Jan 2025 07:19:29
Sounds like John Snow (aka Harry) has spoken. We would be wise to take due note and deeply consider the ramifications.
9.) 20 Jan 2025 07:46:58
Imagine a season where Forest and Bournemouth qualify for CL.
10.) 20 Jan 2025 08:07:33
I’d never right City off if I’m honest or even Arsenal.
However the truth is both have to go on a hell of a run and we have to drop points in quite a few games.
Of our last 8 games we’ve won 4 and drawn 4 so dropped 8 points but so have our challengers.
If we can go on a winning run in the league now for the next 5-6, then our challengers would need to be perfect just to stay the same amount of points behind us as they are now.
11.) 20 Jan 2025 08:28:07
I think if we win our next 4 games which are all very winnable and Arsenal drop more points - ideally vs city then the league is ours. We can go to our closest rivals and afford to draw which is a massive advantage given are counter attacking ability.
12.) 20 Jan 2025 08:35:52
Wouldn't it be brilliant for Bournemouth JK.
13.) 20 Jan 2025 09:12:27
City are not expecting to win the title, their objective is to salvage this season and build for next season. Now that they're so far behind there's no pressure on them, and, their opponents are perhaps less scared of them than they still should be, I bet Ipswich were licking their lips after City threw away that lead at Brentford.
14.) 20 Jan 2025 09:21:09
I’m with JK. You should never count out City until it’s mathematically impossible for them. They’re the ones capable of going on a run of wins, and even if they do have easy games, winning becomes a habit and creates its own momentum.
15.) 20 Jan 2025 09:29:22
Well I hope City are our closest rivals given the gap.
16.) 20 Jan 2025 09:36:02
They could easily be our “closest” challengers without ever really getting close.
Only 6 points behind Arsenal and Forest.
Still 12 points and a game behind us but could easily be our closest challengers.
17.) 20 Jan 2025 09:45:46
I think pep is the problem. He left a mess at bayern and barcelona. I think he has stayed too long and lost the players with his man management. It still sits strangely that no players have followed him to the next club he’s managed.
18.) 20 Jan 2025 10:02:56
I’m thinking I’m coming from the angle that City is the only team capable of a long winning run and should never be written off
I like our lead over them and hope it enough of a cushion, but am reminded this is essentially the same team as last that lost energy in the final 2 months. Added to that, we are light in some areas, have evident weaknesses and Slot doesn’t rotate as much so fatigue could come into play
Of course I believe we are in a strong position now but there’s half a season to be played so am not counting the chickens yet
I can only hope the lessons from last season has been learnt, injuries and suspensions are kind to us, we keep churning out the results even if performances are not always great, and don’t let slip this fantastic opportunity we now have.
19.) 20 Jan 2025 10:08:07
I agree with Ron, wouldn't be surprised to see City finish second but with the leaď we have they really shouldn't be ģetting near us at all.
20.) 20 Jan 2025 10:39:39
I honour of everyone freaking out that we're 'only'6 points ahead with a game in hand, I went back and checked how many points we won the league by with the Liverpool teams I regard as our greatest (88,86,84, 77), and it goes like this
88- 9 points
86- 2 points
84- 3 points
77- 1 point
So we win our game in hand and we'll have the lead that the Liverpool team I regard as our greatest ever did. The Klopp title win was an anomaly in regards to our advantage over 2nd place. People need to chill.
21.) 20 Jan 2025 10:52:58
It puts pressure on on Arsenal being only 6 points behind them. I still think city will finish top 2. Nothing is guaranteed. How far ahead was we last season?
22.) 20 Jan 2025 10:59:46
Shoot for a 90 point total and forget about the challengers.
If we can win our homes games, we would only need to win 4 away games to get to 90 points. Bournemouth and Everton, coming up, are an opportunity to half that!
23.) 20 Jan 2025 11:09:26
It’s Bournemouth away what worries me. They’re on a good run.
If we beat Ipswich and Bournemouth, Arsenal and City meet In the league and we could open the gap again.
24.) 20 Jan 2025 11:20:28
12 points gap with a game in hand. I wouldn't write them off completely but put it this way, if we allow them to catch us up we should be given their 115 charges.
25.) 20 Jan 2025 11:31:17
No I think you’re wrong to think City are still in it, respectfully.
I think unless something drastic happens then it’s ours to lose. I can only see arsenal either keeping within 6 points (if they are lucky) or falling back a bit. I don’t see enough in them this year to make a push for it.
Forest won’t push us for the title despite having a great season.
City, Newcastle and Chelsea are too far back and don’t have what it takes either.
26.) 20 Jan 2025 11:45:59
Klopp was our problem two seasons ago, according to some. The midfield was knackered and we finished fifth.
We bought a new midfield that summer and we finished third and we know where we are, currently.
I think we a rebuild by Guardiola and City in the summer at the latest.
Man City are still going to be a threat whilst Guardiola is there, imo.
27.) 20 Jan 2025 12:32:00
Completely agree JK23.
28.) 20 Jan 2025 12:35:25
For me as long as we focus on ourselves and ONLY on ourselves, we will be in good shape regardless of what any of our rivals do.
29.) 20 Jan 2025 13:47:07
Aye JK23 it is great to see isn't it - would love to see them both make the Champions League and i am genuinely enjoying watching them both this season
Just how high can they go? Would love to see Forest get second and Bournemouth to get Europe - Champions League might be a bit too much for them but hey, who honestly knows, it's making for a great season - that and the fact Utd keep losing at home lol.
30.) 20 Jan 2025 16:24:52
It's still too close for comfort for me. Ipswich or not they're part of the league so can be an issue, any team can. 'it was only ipswich' is silly talk. I see City turning it on once again but it's ours to lose, right now we're laughing so we just need to keep it up, if we do we win the league. We will drop points, guaranteed we will but the others will as well.
Bill, agreed it's always good when it's as unpredictable as it has been and seeing some of the 'lower' sides do well, it's better then the normal we see every year. Also great to see utd so low down lol this season will be one to remember I think!
12 Jan 2025 12:45:48
so we are back to winning ways, albeit against a league 2 side
i must say, i have to take responsibility for the first 2 games of 2025 that we did not win. why? i have a set of pajamas that i've been wearing while we were on a good run, but i thought to make a change in the new year and we got bland results. i switched back to those old pjs, and wala, we won. of course, as Slot said, its only against a League 2 side, so let's not get overly excited.
the return of Macca since Ed02 left us and given this site a new lease of life i reckon. as we have been feeding off scraps and rumors (invented at times! ) with no one to quash them immediately.
finally, next game against Forest, let's hope we get that win and not let them become Slot's bogey team.
1.) 12 Jan 2025 13:02:15
I’m optimistic about the Forest game. I think the rest will have done Salah/ Virgil/ Grav good and I think Slot is a very smart guy who will have learned from the mistakes he made in the last meeting.
2.) 12 Jan 2025 13:48:33
MKS, Slot already learned from his istakes vs Forrest in literally the next game when we went to the San Siro and smoked AC Milan which was the start of the longest unbeaten streak in all comps. in Europe till the Spurs game.
Like you, Im looking forward to this game to see how we really do vs Forrest. Let's get it.
3.) 12 Jan 2025 13:11:30
Yeah Macca's return is the best thing since sliced bread.
I think we have a point to prove against Forest this time around. I don't think it'll be an easy game and they'll certainly give us a good go but I think Slot will be well on this one making sure we get the win after the last game against them but it was at the beginning of his career with us, it happens. I think it'll be a top game, bring them on.
4.) 12 Jan 2025 13:26:17
Looking forward to the chance to finally put the Forest home game to bed with a solid win at the City Ground. It'll be a white hot atmosphere with some utterly pathetic and tone deaf songs from their crowd as usual.
We must go into battle for this one!
5.) 12 Jan 2025 13:30:01
Think game management will be important. Patience let Forest have more of the ball and hit hard on the break
Up the pool.
6.) 12 Jan 2025 13:59:33
Very hard but vital game v Forest. Basically we have our first choice 11 out plus a healthy bench so absolutely no excuses.
7.) 12 Jan 2025 14:04:27
I hope Slot and the players have learnt.
Apart from a league 2 side our last 2 games prior were a defeat to Spurs and Draw to Utd where performance in both were as worrying as the results.
A win yesterday isn’t hardly a confidence boost as I imagine it’s going to be almost a different starting 11 on Tuesday night.
Forest are certainly going to be up for this game we need to match that.
8.) 12 Jan 2025 14:25:22
I think of Forest come at us with the same aggressive approach other teams have as of late we may struggle. If we go at them and slow the game down at the relevant times I’d expect us to win. Challenging game either way.
9.) 12 Jan 2025 14:46:58
Don’t write forest off they’re playing exceptionally well and have momentum on their side. Definitely won’t be an easy game against them and if we turn up and play like we did against spurs and Man U I think they’ll beat us.
10.) 12 Jan 2025 15:37:50
Last game against them we were too tentative. They just bullied us in midfield and Mac had a mare.
It seems to have haunted Arne ? he mentions it way too much for us to not go smash them.
11.) 12 Jan 2025 15:54:47
Forest beat us quite comfortably before, they were aggressive, combative and didn’t give us time on the ball. If we play like we did against Spurs or United then we’re dropping three points again.
12.) 12 Jan 2025 16:02:50
We should beat Forest, make no mistake about it. They have Chris Wood, we have Salah, they have Selz, we have Becker, they have Melenkovic, we have Virgil. I could go on. Sure they are well prepared and their coach has the team set up well. I’m hoping Slot has our team equally well set up and if that’s the case I see no reason why we shouldn’t win. The gulf in class is there for everyone to see. No excuses.
13.) 12 Jan 2025 16:12:49
Irish I agree, it's Forest, we should be beating them without a shadow of a doubt. First time we were caught off guard, Slot was new but this time there's no excuses we should and have to be beating them.
14.) 12 Jan 2025 16:17:30
Would Forest be sat top of the Champions League? No,
If we play how we can then we should get this game done and move on, end of.
15.) 12 Jan 2025 18:21:59
For big teams, you have to think playing forest at the city ground will actually be an easier game than at home. They're a counter attacking team, but you'd think they'd naturally have to attack more at their own ground.
It'll either be cagey and we'll nick it, or we'll score early and that will play into our hands. Not an easy game, but one I'd be expecting to win.
16.) 12 Jan 2025 20:58:58
Indeed, @Rugby. Forrest when playing the big teams at home and playing away from home in general, often let the opposition have the ball for the most part. I don't expect them to come at us from the off.
At home vs Spurs, they let Spurs have the ball and the only way Spurs lost was cos they had 2/ 3 golden chances and missed them all. Then on the counter, Elanga (I think) scores and the game's done. Same thing happened away at Brentford. The two goals they scored were on the counter and they won.
I expect them to do the same vs us come Tues. night.
17.) 13 Jan 2025 14:09:14
god bless the PJ's sgynwa.
29 Jan 2025 04:52:45
I posted? He did say?
Salah, here comes your multiple identities
Unless I’m not comprehending something?
25 Dec 2024 09:15:16
That’s sweet of you ed25
I’ll take that and I’m proud to call you a friend too
Hoping that you are having a great Christmas.
{Ed025's Note - cheers SG..
24 Dec 2024 23:31:42
You see Ed 25
Just like yourself, Sean Dyche is a closet red, hence he pulled out 2 0-0 masterclass to stop our closest rival
Say you love us
Merry Christmas.
{Ed025's Note - i cant force myself ever to say that SG, but i do like you mate, all the best my friend..
24 Nov 2024 16:23:45
unfortunately, as ed002 isn't here to quash the rumor, i'll have to believe that it has some legs
and i can explain why it may be possible
- RM needs a RB
- LFC wouldn't want to lose a key player on a free, especially to RM (Steve Mac 2.0 anyone? )
- AT was someone we had some interest in few seasons ago
- AT is not having a good time at RM
- LFC missed out on a MF in the summer
- because having some fee and player swap will help us feel better if TAA does really leave us, so we want to believe it
- because someone (dont know who though) reported it
- because there is no RTFP to read
so yea, i'm going to believe it! >, -.
28 Aug 2024 20:30:26
Ahhh. I got the twitter part but am stuck with goggle. Will try AI now and I shall be equally informed
Thanks for the tip!
08 Feb 2025 13:41:23
Either means he’s unfit to be a professional lino
The offside was so clear and obvious that is both options you offered were untrue, then the only other possible reason was that he was so sick of the briefest that he couldn’t beat to ref it for another 30mins.
{Ed025's Note - it really was an awful game SG..
08 Feb 2025 12:26:31
Was spurs defences soft and delicate or were they lose and had big holes? Choice of words and it’s the implications matters here I reckon.
And were we forceful or just smooth and had momentum? After all a wise man once here said it’s not about the size but the movement.
08 Feb 2025 12:21:16
Hmm, I might need to activate the babelcopter to fly back in time.
05 Feb 2025 11:19:59
Many didn’t like Hendo too
In fact Steve Macmahon was openly bashing him for years and says he does nothing in a game
But he became the first captain to life the PL
So as long as Slot is happy and we are producing results, I’m cool
Yes he can have better end product but his pressing, running power, is top notch. I did like him back on set piece duties as I think he’s one of the best, especially from corners.
27 Jan 2025 06:18:25
I think we won 5-1? But it was immaterial as there was no way they could have come back from a similar margin from the 1st leg
But point is taken we do seem to play less well after an extended break but I thought this time it might be different
The players were supposedly given day off training as it was around x’mas season but I suppose even if they are rested this game, they should still be in training.