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28 Nov 2019 10:44:25
Is Keita injured again or is he just not getting in the squad. If he’s not injured then is that the writing on the wall for him as Shaq and Lallana are being ed ahead of him in the squad and both them are rumoured to be on the way out


1.) 28 Nov 2019 20:43:55
He be gone in the summer.

2.) 29 Nov 2019 01:00:25
I've heard illness kept him out this week and he's previously been struggling with shaking off recent injuries, . Of course these are often excuses used to detract from other issues but let's not write him off yet as we've seen many examples of players turning things around. Fabinho, OX, matip, Origi, Henderson all spent periods where our fan base gave absolutely no support or backing of them having an LFC future.

Keita is still only in his early 20s and has proved he has great talent.

Before his injury vs Barcelona he had flourished with confidence for 5 or 6 games as a regular starter scoring 3 goals and a couple of assists. He was rushed back and clearly unfit for international duty in the summer and his return to full fitness seems very frustrating but he's still young, has huge potential, on a long contract and a manager who will be the perfect judge of his worth to this team.

Unless he's a bad egg personality wise let's not give up on him just yet.

3.) 29 Nov 2019 03:36:03
He's ill I believe.

4.) 29 Nov 2019 04:08:20
He is ill.

5.) 29 Nov 2019 15:33:14
Guess what? ill is not good enough I would rather curtis Jones was in the squad, keita is a fraud who performs when he thinks is suitable, we need warriors and he is a tranny sorry its harsh but he is not contributing nowhere near enough .

6.) 29 Nov 2019 17:48:20
Literally made a profile to just ask for what you base the above opinion on hailstones? I understand if there were some substances involved.

7.) 29 Nov 2019 21:16:44
On the evidence provided from his time at the club, also info the Ed's have shared about him, its harsh but wat has he contributed and has he showed fight an desire on the pitch no he hasn't . I want too be wrong big time as I love the player we were signing but that player has evaporated into an average joe, you only have too look at Fabihno too know wat i am on about . Was not trusted at first went away got his game together an BINGO! same with Robertson.

8.) 30 Nov 2019 09:40:39
He’s shown glimpses and due to injury and the form of others hasn’t really been given an extended run to show what he can do. What he’s shown in training and as a professional off the pitch is another question.

9.) 01 Dec 2019 10:42:23
Interested to what you mean by "Tranny" Hailstones? I can't really take any criticism of a player if you're going for a pretty transphobic insult.

In terms of what you're saying about Fabinho / Robertson, the difference for them is that they were injury free for a sustained period so they could be integrated into the team, while for whatever reason Keita was picking up niggly injuries.

Sure I get he has been disappointing, but to call him a "Tranny" is pretty childish and insulting to be honest.



05 Apr 2019 13:11:20
Is there any rumour on Keita. Is he still very much in Klopps plans for next season and is this season just being written off as a bedding in period? I’m by no means suggesting that we get rid as I really want this guy to succeed and he was probably the player I was most looking forward to seeing this season. This is simply a query as you know what the rumour mill is like suggesting Klopp might look to sell back to Germany with Bayern / Dortmund linked.


1.) 05 Apr 2019 13:29:17
Ed001 answered a similar question below.

2.) 05 Apr 2019 22:35:40
Scored tonight. classic post.

3.) 06 Apr 2019 00:34:03
There is a rumour that Keita scored against Southampton.

4.) 06 Apr 2019 03:43:16
Please post on every match talking about the rumour departure of Naby.
We need you jk23.

5.) 06 Apr 2019 07:08:17
Well Naby did score today so hopefully this is the trigger he needs to finally kickstart his LFC career. He deserves one more season before we start thinking about possible destinations for him.



15 Aug 2018 15:56:12
Mignolet’s agent in talks with Napoli apparently. If he does go then all the best to him.


{Ed002's Note - Napoli want one of David Ospina or Simon Mignolet. Besiktas want one of Loris Karius, Ospina or Mignolet. Mignolet was priced out of a move to Fenerbahce. If Liverpool were to drop their demands for a loan fee for Karius, I suspect something could be done.}

1.) 15 Aug 2018 17:17:08
Currently in talks with Arsenal fro Ospina so that option looks dead in water. I think we will be stuck with him until at least January now.

2.) 15 Aug 2018 17:17:08
Cheers Ed002. A fountain of knowledge as per usual.

3.) 15 Aug 2018 17:52:35
Spot on Ed as usual with your info. You explained both Karius and Mignolet could well leave in August. I have to say though I thought Karius would stay. Kids not ready to be back up imo.

{Ed002's Note - He should have moved at the first opportunity. Staying at the club puts him in an untenable situation but I would not put it beyond Klopp to force him to stay.}

4.) 15 Aug 2018 18:51:54
He does want to leave then Ed? Was at Anfield on sunday and he seemed happy enough in the warm up, even signed a few programmes. Shame really.

{Ed002's Note - His position is completely untenable.}

5.) 15 Aug 2018 19:37:45
Do you mean untenable within the club? Certainly the fans would be happy for him to stay as a number 2.

{Ed002's Note - You must have a very short memory.}

6.) 15 Aug 2018 20:33:42
While there are some cretins, I think the ovation he received on his Anfield return speaks volumes to how the real fans feel about him.

7.) 15 Aug 2018 20:53:43
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. At this stage I’d be happy for Karius to go and prove himself elsewhere and Migs to stay as reserve. 👍🏻.

8.) 15 Aug 2018 21:22:47
Saying ‘He should have moved at the first opportunity’ implies that he has had a chance to move and didn’t take it. Therefore I hardly think we can blame Klopp if he is still at Liverpool when the window closes.

{Ed002's Note - I am sure Klopp is not responsible for anything at all.}

9.) 15 Aug 2018 22:54:59
Actually I think it is fair to blame Klopp for the goalkeeper situation at the club, it has been a shambles for some time. Mignolet and Karius were told they were no1 keeper, then Ward has just wasted a whole year out of his career when it was obvious he needed to go back out on loan for his sake.
Ed02 is right, Karius position is untenable, the vile abuse he and his family has received is despicable. Any mistake Karius made this season would have been magnified and the pressure he would have felt at away grounds would have been too great.
However i do not understand why Liverpool put crazy prices on players they clearly do not want, and put off any potential suitors, surely a more reasonable price to move the goalkeepers on would be beneficial to everybody in the long run.

10.) 17 Aug 2018 10:04:49
*”Karius recieves abuse from some cretins; let’s blame Klopp it must be his fault”

Actually no, it’s the fault of a few mindless persons why Karius will struggle to hold down a role with the club.

11.) 17 Aug 2018 22:09:32
I never said it was Klopps fault for the abuse Karius received, as you rightly say that was down to the cretins. I think he handled the Danny Ward situation poorly. How was Ward going to get game time over Karius and Mignolet, the whole season was wasted for him.
Klopp is doing a brilliant job and bought so well this season, but we are allowed to occasionally criticize him, the goalkeeper situation definitely could have been handled better.




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20 Jun 2024 22:47:39
Little bit of a subject change and wondering if anyone knows.

How long will the Euro and copa America players be given off after their competition ends?

Pre season starts week after next and it feels like quite a few players are going to miss a lot of it.

Also is there any update on Mo and the Olympics? I can’t see the club being happy with losing him for it and do we know when those squads are announced.


1.) 20 Jun 2024 23:49:31
They usually get 3 weeks after an International tournament.

2.) 21 Jun 2024 10:48:38
Looks like it, Keith.



29 May 2024 12:17:54
What does everyone believe is Klopp's best 11 during his time here and what is their favourite 11.

For me best:

Ali, Trent, Robbo, VVD, Matip, Fab, Hendo, Wiji, Mane, Bobby & Salah.

My Favourite:

Ali, Trent, Robbo, VVD, Matip, Fab, Mac, Thiago, Mane, Jota & Salah.


1.) 29 May 2024 12:38:01
Best I agree with yours.

Alisson, Trent, Matip, Virgil, Robbo, Hendo, Milner, Coutinho, Salah, Firmino, Origi.

2.) 29 May 2024 13:06:31
I think people forget just how deadly Divock was that year we got to the europa league final, he was probably one of the most, if not the most, in-form forward in Europe and looked amazing on and off the ball, forming a lethal understanding with Couts, if he hadn’t had got injured one wonders what he might have become, regardless of the folks who say he never had the hunger to be truly world class…. great choice for a favorite XI, will always be a legend for us.

3.) 29 May 2024 13:11:21
I think Klopp’s best team was the league winning campaign. I would swap matip for Gomez (though as a whole over Klopp tenure I would agree with teams above)

4.) 29 May 2024 13:22:56
Todd, I reckon the CL winning team was better. We lost the title by 1 point that year. 97 points and winning the title is absolutely absurd. It’s a toss up between those two years though for sure. I think Milner vs Wijnaldum and Matip vs Gomez are the only debates for a best XI. The other 9 pick themself.

5.) 29 May 2024 13:38:46
I probably wouldn’t put him on a best XI, and probably nobody else would, but prime healthy ox was a great player for us, even if the sample size was probably ten games or less, he had everything we could ask for from a box to box midfielder and had the confidence to unleash haymakers from distance, another who looked a bargain for the price but ultimately succumbed to injury woes.

6.) 29 May 2024 14:45:23
MKS, it's essentially the same team for those 2 years so for me, it's tough to say which one was better cos both has absolute monster seasons.

@PatrikBurgher, I never forgot ho great Big Div was in that season. In fact, he was considered ahead of Studge and essentially sent Benteke packing. That Funes Mori tackle cut his meteoric rise and he was never the same player.

7.) 29 May 2024 15:42:03
Wont be popular but loved watching Coutinho.

8.) 29 May 2024 17:47:08
Coutinho in full flow in a Liverpool shirt was a thing of beauty.
But we definitely improved in his absence.

9.) 29 May 2024 22:49:43
Becker, Trent, Robbo, Van Dijk, Fabinho and the front 3 pick themselves.
Virgil’s partner is arguable, Matip played the most games but at their peak I’m not sure. I’d probably go with Matip but happy with several others.
Hendo has been missed so he gets a spot.
The last spot probably has to go to Wijnaldum. Coutinho, Mac Allister, Milner, even Ox on form could get in.

10.) 29 May 2024 23:33:03
And also, we got the most incredible transfer fee for Couts. I still can’t believe we got that much money.

11.) 30 May 2024 00:06:36
Trent Matip VVD Robertson
Mac Allister Fabinho Wijnaldum
Salah Firmino Mane.

12.) 30 May 2024 00:34:27
I still can't believe we sold Jordan Ibe, Rhian Brewster and Dom Solanke for what we got for them. Insane business.

13.) 30 May 2024 03:18:05
never heard Gini referred to as Wiji! is that a thing!?
for me


14.) 30 May 2024 08:17:18
Faith not going to lie i couldn't remember for the life of me what we used to call Wijnaldum for short.

For some reason Wiji came to me but it is Gini. I was only 2 letters off.

15.) 30 May 2024 08:06:46
Thiago?! Man nvr done a thing for us brutal signing at the end of the day!

16.) 30 May 2024 09:03:20
Jay that's why its my favorite 11. He doesn't need to be in anyone else's.

I used to love watching him play though.



02 Sep 2023
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Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled,

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1.) 02 Sep 2023 15:03:38
Midfield is fairly solid.

2.) 02 Sep 2023 16:36:31
In fairness that cdm will probably have more mobility than anybody who has played there for a good 12 months or so.

3.) 02 Sep 2023 17:01:01
And still everyone’s writing us off. Do so at your peril.

We are bigger, better, stronger than one player.

4.) 02 Sep 2023 18:03:49
QV if the result and the Klopp tactical masterclass he dropped vs Newcastler and Darwin's bangers don't tell our rivals what Klopp could be cooking this season then, nothing will. I'm excited.

5.) 02 Sep 2023 23:18:35
Qou and Oli illl continue to buy tickets you carry on with with your streams.

6.) 02 Sep 2023 23:23:36
That money in the bank probably gone to
Anfield more than Oli and Quif combined.

7.) 03 Sep 2023 00:51:30
Do you go to games, JK23?
You never mentioned that! You must be one of them superfans. The ones that feel the need they tell us they go to games and how much it costs them.
Keep up the good work, lad.

8.) 03 Sep 2023 00:55:43
Ah yep, cause that what makes a true fan. Being able to afford to or living close enough. Classy.

Might want to drink the put down when you've had a phone or two.

9.) 03 Sep 2023 11:59:17
QV and Rigsby, haven't you heard the latest version of Napoleon's quote, "Never interupt someone when he/ she is relentlessly embarassing himself or herself"?

10.) 03 Sep 2023 12:03:29
And who the football is Quif, btw?



02 Jul 2023
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Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled,

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1.) 02 Jul 2023 20:53:41
??? szobo it is.

2.) 02 Jul 2023 21:58:17
“Boss lad. ”.

3.) 02 Jul 2023 22:08:20
Friend is calling him “So Boss La”.

4.) 03 Jul 2023 05:59:49
It’s Dom for me. I’m not even going to try!

{Ed025's Note - im with you westwood mate..



02 Jul 2023
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1.) 02 Jul 2023 18:32:24
This post is going to go down well ??‍♂️?.




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22 Jul 2024 09:59:52
MK same mate, i just had to google him to see who he plays for.




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22 Jul 2024 09:59:15
PSG ain't it.




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20 Jul 2024 11:41:46
The key for me is that if (and that’s a big if) we do bring any first team players in then they will have missed Slots pre season training and they will be trying to settle into a new club whilst the new league season is already under way.




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20 Jul 2024 11:38:50
The likelihood is any forward coming in will play 2nd fiddle (or 6th in the pecking order) to what we currently have unless we’re spending big on a proven player.

So any forward coming in will sound underwhelming.

Endo was pretty underwhelming last season when we signed and he had a decent season overall.

Nunez was a big name exciting signing at the time and we’re now at the 3rd season mark saying this will be the season that it clicks.

So there’s no actual blueprint of what will and won’t work.




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16 Jul 2024 08:44:02
Let’s hope Diaz’s dad was one of the Colombian fans Nunez punched ?.





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27 Jul 2024 08:13:20
Anyone watch the game last night. Seen highlights and reports and read who’s got the media praise and a little bit of criticism but would be interested to hear it first hand on here.




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27 Jul 2024 07:12:58
Ian rush for me. Another player who doesn’t get the recognition he deserves.

He will likely be our record goal scorer forever.




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26 Jul 2024 22:46:57
2 seasons ago after the quadruple season we were in a similar boat. Lots of fans wanted the midfield improved and the fans that didn’t said that we’ve just competed for a quadruple so we didn’t need signings and we all know what happened next.

I’m not saying history will repeat itself but there’s also no guarantee that just because we were 3rd last season does it mean we will be competing next.

This is a huge step up for Slot and I’ve seen loads say that he has a track record for improving players but I’d argue there’s more evidence out there of Klopp improving and getting more out of players.

Slots 100% got my backing and I think it’s going to take him time to make his mark on this league which is a league that Klopp only won once in 9 years. And that’s despite him being regarded as the best manager in the world by many.




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26 Jul 2024 15:49:53
Its crazy how our style of play and tactics cost us the league last season yet it was our style of play and tactics that put us in a place to challenge for the league in the first place.




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26 Jul 2024 12:18:48
In fairness if that’s what slot and the club thinks then great.

If they believe this squad can challenge then let’s go out and give it our all.

But if we don’t challenge then they can’t say it’s because the squad isn’t strong enough.

We had this a few seasons ago when Klopp told the world we didn’t need a midfielder to then 180 with a few days to go of the window and sign Arthur.

I’ve liked Slots press interviews and he can certainly talk the talk. Let’s hope he can walk the walk as well.




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