24 May 2024 22:56:14
Well hopefully ETH will stick it to the owners and turn up on the touch line in a Liverpool kit.

1.) 24 May 2024
24 May 2024 23:41:19
If I were him I'd start the U18s with an outfield player in goal and walk around the pitch giving the finger to the Man U fans until the ref sends me off.

2.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 01:06:38
If I were him I'd stick the goalie upfront.

3.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 07:41:58
Serious question peeps. but do the owners allow the club to get into this position?

Could this be the outcome of having a minority share holder in Ratcliffe trying to throw his weight around whilst the Americans are nine the wiser

It's just all very very strange.

Not that I'm complaining, just interested in how this is allowed to happen.

4.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 07:50:22
Ratcliffe may well be an experienced businessman but I’d suggest he knows little about running a club like United. I expect little change in their status as the current top banter club over the next ten years TBH.

5.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 08:04:28
I’d say the Glazers know even less @Johnny. They are running the club into the ground - second highest waterfall in the country a. k. a the rain coming through a hole in the roof- they should be ashamed.

6.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 08:16:25
I don’t know how anyone is even shocked. Yes he has some decent results against Liverpool
The guy is an absolute clown. Every single one of his signings are terrible or always injured. Finished bottom of champions league group. Finished season with a negative goal difference. Lost 14 games. Play the most boring football in the league.

Same with poch. He’s a massive failure. Everyone’s been laughing at chelsea all season, a couple of wins towards the end when all the pressure is off and the season is dead, everyone’s In uproar. ? it’s staggering. These are two giant clubs they can’t keep ten haag and poch they’re simply not good enough.

7.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 11:06:55
It was the wrong move for Seven and it will be the wrong move for McKenna’s career (or anybody else on an upward curve) if he tales it on.

United won’t improve until the Glazers are gone and even when they are gone it’ll take a fair bit of time to address the issues on and off the field. Ratcliffe is just a Band-Aid to address the effects, the cause is deep rooted.

8.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 11:16:27
I'd love for ETH to saty at Utd, he's doing a fantastic job

But in the build up to a final, the most important game of their season, which could be their entry into a European competition next season, reports are coming out of the club meeting with other coaches / managers.

Irrespective of their current relationship, the owners and whatever INEOS are, should surely be putting all their attention into this final.

The sheer arrogance and disrespect that the owners are showing are indicative of what their true ambitions are for the club, which is to simply use it as a cash cow

We should count our blessings.

9.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 11:52:14
The fact that INEOS have not explicitly talked about a future with ETH since arriving was signal enough to know that they are lining up a preference. A clean slate is much easier than carrying the baggage of the last two years.

10.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 12:06:30
Very well said JLC, couldn't agree more mate. They are an absolute shambles. Luckily we aren't them, Christ I'd be concerned if we were. They've been in trouble for ages now, long may it continue.

11.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 13:49:51
Not too long ago, we were in a similar state. Our ownership was crap, squad was poor, lingering just above the drop zone, and declared a win against Bolton as a famous victory. Had Suarez nearly drag us to the title but called BR the second coming of Shanks. Dark days.

Glad FSG came, Klopp came and in spite of his modest exit, put us back among European elites. Glad we are now complaining about bottling titles and not winning more trophies, about players not hitting the world class standards we expect them to, rather than worrying which half decent manager or player will we be signing.

But as a Liverpool fan, I’m enjoying Ute’s demise. Though I’m rather disappointed they are not sticking with Ten Hag. But perhaps they will appoint Brendan Rodgers? Stranger things have happened.

12.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 15:10:22
Sgynwa, not arsed abouut Utd cos to me, there is a lot of blame to go around and Fergie is the main culprit here. He is the one that paved the way for the Glazers to come into the club and BOOM went the dynamite. Couldn't have happened to a nicer set of people, me thinks.

13.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 15:53:18
I’m not bothered by them too
Just that recent memory tells me we really should be more contended with what we currently have now
Flawed as it may be, we could just so be in utd’s shoes and worse

But hey, they are leading in the FA cup final now
I’m indifferent about who wins it cause it’s not us
But I will find it really funny that the most expensively assembled squad only has a league title they barely managed to win to show for, and losing to a far inferior side who probably is going to sack the manager

Life can really tie people up in knots.

14.) 25 May 2024
25 May 2024 15:59:18
Did Fergie own Man Utd then?

{Ed001's Note - why do you have to spend your time just being snarky? Ferguson's support and dealings were essential to getting the Glazers the shares they needed to buy the club. Simply because of his dispute with Magnier and McManus over money.}