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30 Jan 2024 09:19:44
ed2 - technical question for you. are the rules for clubs approaching another club's manager whist under contract the same as for approaching players?


{Ed002's Note - Yes - you can speak to the agent to gauge interest but you cannot speak directly with the manager without the permission of his club.}

1.) 30 Jan 2024 12:58:35
Are you worried about Klopp tapping up his replacement, Faith? ?.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 19:19:30
Ed002 is that rule not a bit silly considering some agents would push players or managers into making certain decisions?

Are the agents obliged by any rule to inform the club that another club is talking to them about their client or what way does that side work?

{Ed002's Note - Agents will inform clubs if the potential new buyer wants further information. The rules are clear.}



27 Jan 2024 13:22:27
Post-reflective thought - we’re still in the window. Any chance this announcement is a smokescreen for a big signing before the window shuts? Mbappe perhaps?


{Ed002's Note - Almost certainly.}

1.) 27 Jan 2024 14:03:59
Player manager.

2.) 27 Jan 2024 14:49:21
Mbappe isn’t going to leave his position of sporting director at PSG to be player manager here.

3.) 27 Jan 2024 15:00:39
Maybe we should offer hin sporting Director + player manager+ owner?.

4.) 27 Jan 2024 22:26:40
I think if you offer him being rush goalie then he will come!

5.) 28 Jan 2024 20:33:19
The centre back from Crystal Palace, this window, or the summer window, remember this .

6.) 28 Jan 2024 21:28:32
Can’t wait to see Rob Holding sign Kop that.

7.) 29 Jan 2024 15:02:39
kit man maybe.



04 Feb 2022 19:52:25
Ed2 - Klopp's most recent presser he was asked about Fabio Carvalho and whether we'd go back for him. Part of Klopp's response was that obviously we are still interested, we'd be crazy not to. Just a couplee questions to understand - Are klopp's comments breaking some kind of tampering rule? And if so, what is about that comment that is considered a bad thing enough to have a rule against

I like that he talked relatively freely but just wondered what the implications are. Ta.


{Ed002's Note - No, not at all. Whether or not Liverpool will look to low ball Fulham on a pre-agreement of some type would be the concern as Liverpool cannot speak directly with the player - whilst other clubs can speak to him and can sign a binding pre-agreement with the player.}

1.) 04 Feb 2022 22:16:04
Ed002 I don’t know why we don’t just offer the fee we did on Monday Fulham accepted it then I don’t think they would turn it down because he could leave for a lot less abroad. Or do you feel Liverpool feel they don’t need to offer as much now they did have talks with him Monday did they not maybe with it going down to the wire on Monday he has said he still wants to come in the summer.

{Ed002's Note - That is not how Liverpool traditionally do business.}

2.) 05 Feb 2022 07:25:44
ed in theory, can Liverpool and fulham have a pre-agreement but then Fabio agree with a club abroad?

{Ed001's Note - yes.}

3.) 05 Feb 2022 00:45:55
Ed002 regarding this Liverpool can speak to the players agent and make an agreement with them that the agent can agree with the player am I right? So is it not basically the same thing mate? Watched a thing between carra and nev and nev was told to speak with stevie at international duties so realistically if this all happens what is wrong with any other way of doing it?

{Ed002's Note - If it is the same thing then it is of course illegal and tapping up (yet again).}

4.) 05 Feb 2022 13:26:13
Pretty obvious he'll be signing on in the summer! don't be minding all the media clickbait about him and dis and dat club. Lfc are building a really exciting team of the future.

5.) 05 Feb 2022 13:33:18
Don't know what's hard to understand for some LFC fans and keep on repeating same stuff.

It's nothing to do with Fulham now, it's all in Fabio's hand if he wants to come here then he will be here it's simple as that. Signing pre contract with other clubs again it's nothing to do with Fulham it's all in Fabio's hand where he wants to go. LFC can't talk to him directly but can talk to he's agent as much as they want including the financial terms etc.

6.) 05 Feb 2022 16:14:50
carvalho will sign for dortmund.

{Ed077's Note - is that a prediction or a spoiler😁

7.) 05 Feb 2022 18:31:20
Given that he knows Liverpool want him and has previously agreed terms, for him to completely change plans and go to another side would be strange. If he did, it would be for money or may he game time but everything you read about Fabio suggests he isn't that type of person.

8.) 06 Feb 2022 03:01:00
Thanks for that edkopforever. Your knowledge is really helpful.

9.) 06 Feb 2022 10:52:42
Nice one kop. Very well explained brother.

10.) 06 Feb 2022 18:14:34
Every player will be 'tapped' up in this case. I bet most players, even in jest will say 'oh come and join us'.
I expect the clubs would not expect to ask players to do so as then yes that becomes an illegal approach. But I guess most players will know from rumours, media what players are linked.

11.) 08 Feb 2022 00:52:36
Tapping up is not illegal. Can you imagine the cells at Strangeways full of old football managers in orange tracksuits? ‘What you in for Harry? ’ ‘I spoke to Peter Odemwingie on WhatsApp and offered him 2 steak bakes and a vegan sausage roll if he signed for us. When he turned up Greggs was shut so I hid under my desk until the police arrived and arrested me for the most heinous of crimes. Tapping up’.



25 Apr 2021 00:39:50
Hi Ed2 - are you able to explain what Perez means by the ESL saving football. Was there a strategy plan for the ESL to support clubs outside the 12?


{Ed002's Note - What he means, as I have explained repeatedly over many years, is that football needs to decide what sort of restructuring is required. Putting aside any "breakaway" or counter proposal, my fears have always been the vast number of professional clubs there are in England well below the Premier League. I hold a reasonably strong view in terms of the need to restructure football in Europe in any case. Previously I have said that the eventual "breakaway pan-European league" would force the restructuring of many of the national leagues, possibly resulting in a British league with perhaps only a couple of professional tiers and then regionalised amateur leagues below that. Now we have a situation that will change the financial paradigm and may make clubs and authorities look at the situation with lower tier sides regardless.

Financially I do not see that so many professional sides can be sustained within the sport which, like it or not, will see more and more money going in to the highest levels of the game. Governments will ensure that grassroots sport get funding but everything in the middle (Southern, Northern, Conference, Division 2, Scottish Divisions 1-3, League of Wales will not get the funding needed to continue on any sort of professional basis. For me, clubs should already recognise this and put their efforts in to getting their finances in order to see if they can make it to a British professional league that will need to flourish without perhaps six sides that have eventually gone down the pan-European route - and have gone for good (it would be two or perhaps three initially) or even separation from the Premier League and Championship.

Clubs like Accrington Stanley will need to carry on as amateurs or face extinction (yet again) like Bury. Recently Hartlepool has been struggling - again it needs to adapt. The mighty Third Lanark have started their long journey back to the top - it can be done. These are all proud clubs with a history.

The game has changed significantly and will continue to do so whether the supporters of certain clubs like it or not. Football at the highest level is big business and attracts the sponsorship it does because the sponsors wish to tap in to the disposable income of the fans and ride the back of the advertising that flows naturally from the success some clubs achieve. Long gone are the days of the cloth-capped, hobnailed-booted, chimney sweep making his way, rattle in hand, to cheer on his team at Anfield on a Saturday afternoon. I have explained that there will be changes, probably within the next 8 to 10 years, which will force the restructuring of all of the leagues in Europe and likely do away with the likes of UEFA. You will have the opportunity to see the likes of Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Juventus and the other major European sides play in week-on-week regular competition at The Emirates, St James Park, Stamford Bridge or wherever. Fans of the sides who take the plunge will have the opportunity to visit cities such as Milan, Barcelona, Munich, etc. every couple of weeks to watch their team play. If you want to don your cloth cap, have a pint of wallop with your chums before going off to the local match through the grim, wet and cobbled streets of the Northwest of England where there is smog, dead & dying pit ponies laying on the street and only chips and fried curry to eat., perhaps one of the sides from the suburbs will have survived so the Liverpool and Everton supporters can go and watch them?

This will be a case of getting with the game. I will try to refer to this as the "Post Apocalyptic Zombie Scenario" from now on.}

1.) 25 Apr 2021 09:05:23
Pint of wallop absolutely love that Ed you’d want to trade mark that it’s brilliant my friend!
1/ pint of wallop
2/ RTFP.

2.) 25 Apr 2021 09:28:27
Classic ed002 response so clinical and fascinating to read yet with a hint of comedy to make us chuckle
Up the pool.

3.) 25 Apr 2021 09:48:22
If there is little to no support for such restructuring from fans then can is realistically move forward and be a success? In the UK were already in another economic slide due to C.V. and being compounded further by Brexit, I don’t think the sort of money required to follow ones team with the structure you’re suggesting is there for most. Now if it was 90% sponsors/ affiliates/ etc attending I could well imagine that but it is an incredibly dystopian, ugly face of what football could be. I understand it is a business now but there are still huge swathes of fans who are very attached to their clubs, not to mention political considerations which may come into play (like involvement of national governments) if the uproar is significant enough. I would be surprised if such proposals and restructuring went ahead as, though there are wealthy individuals in favor of such things, there is little of any support from fans - I’m not sure I’ve heard much from anyone in favor, the closest I’ve heard is ‘we should join so we don’t get left behind’ but even those sentiments are rare.

I know your understanding of the game, and the ins and outs behind closed doors, are far superior to mine, but in this instance Ed I truly hope your predictions/ expectations are wrong.

All the best Ed, also thanks for the time and effort you spend giving us your knowledge, there has been a lot of talk and discussion recently and your insights are greatly appreciated.

{Ed002's Note - It is nothing to do with COVID-19 nor BREXIT. These proposals have been around since long before both. Whether the fans like it or not, more clubs will go out of business like Bury if nothing is done.}

4.) 25 Apr 2021 09:51:10
I know you are correct Ed and football must change. But what trophies will the elite sides play for? IMO after a couple of years of watching the same sides play each other the atmosphere will die. I might move more and more corporate but it will become totally boring.

{Ed002's Note - The "elite" group of clubs includes 21 sides so it won't be the same sides every week.}

5.) 25 Apr 2021 10:51:32
I’m inclined to agree with you Ed002 on this, I can see the benefits and disadvantages on both sides .
I don’t necessarily want it to happen but I’d rather Liverpool were in than out if it does.

6.) 25 Apr 2021 11:59:57
I don’t doubt a word of what ed2 says but it is heartbreaking to read. It seems as though the game has to be restructured because of the greed at the very top of the pyramid and I include UEFA and FIFA in that. Perez alluded to the fact that the big clubs are struggling financially but what I don’t understand is why they won’t just face the exact same fate in say another 20years, as surely all that will happen by generating more money is the players, agents, hangers on etc will all just demand more again and the same problems exists just with higher sums involved. That doesn’t seem to answer to the problem to me, just kicking the problem down the line to the detriment of the sport its self?

{Ed002's Note - Football has to naturally evolve, as it did with the Premier Leagues and Champions League.}

7.) 25 Apr 2021 13:29:39
And who exactly can afford milan on a Wednesday with Barcelona away on Saturday week in week out. It won't be long until it only home fans ie NFL.

{Ed002's Note - I suspect you don't understand the plan.}

8.) 25 Apr 2021 14:52:39
Thanks ed, regards your comment -

"I have explained that there will be changes, probably within the next 8 to 10 years, which will force the restructuring of all of the leagues in Europe and likely do away with the likes of UEFA"

You've also. mentioned that the key difference between ESL and the elite 22 clubs is that ESL hasn't worked with UEFA. Can I assume then that if UEFA are at the table with the elite clubs, that they have a sense of inevitability that their time will be coming to an over the next decade? I just wonder what the purpose. of these clubs negotiating ei UEFA is if the end game is breaking them up.

{Ed002's Note - I think that is a reasonably fair description. UEFA coming to the table is with the obejective of being in control, or at the very least maintaining their position as the controlling body. But changes need to be made and this recent attempt falls far short of expectations and has dome more harm than good.}

9.) 25 Apr 2021 14:54:09
Also ed2, reminded myself to tell you this - I posted your detailed post about ESL to a fan page in NZ. One member replied back saying he went to Anfield regularly 40 years ago and never went cloth-capped. Lol I don't know what this means but thought I'd pass it on :p.

{Ed002's Note - It means he probably has loads of illegitimate if he failed to take protection.}

10.) 25 Apr 2021 16:51:47
I’ll be honest Ed. I’ve got no time for a pint of lukewarm wallop or whatever vile brown booze the campaign for real ale prefer for that matter, boring bearded trainspotters that they are. So I’m all for weekend trips to Bavaria, Turin, Milan, Budapest, Bruges, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Prague, Paris, Lyon, Milan, Rome, Madrid, etc when it eventually happens. Just needs to be done better than this last laughable effort.

11.) 25 Apr 2021 20:43:47
Newsflash! Fans will not put up with what Ed002 is talking about. We have just witnessed that. So let’s put that to bed.
I’m sure Eds 02 information is correct however that doesn’t mean it will happen. How can it? If there is some sort of European elite/ super / pan / bull league then fans will be marginalised or grouped into the few that can afford and the few that cannot.

Thanks for your very elitist view of the working class game Ed’s but your comments are out of of touch. The working class has evolved and just because we don’t wear cloth caps and drink a pint of wallop doesn’t mean that we don’t work for the week then walk to the game and have a pint on the way. This happens all over the country at every club week in week out.
The event this week prove your view of the fans the game are way off the mark.
Despite the best efforts of money and greed football remains the people game. Without the people there is no product no game.
So thank you sir but I think you need to re examine your theory.

{Ed002's Note - So what has happened to disprove what I have said?}

12.) 26 Apr 2021 04:08:55
I started going to matches in around 1959. The European Super League has been kicking around the boardroom since the mid-1960s.

In the time I’ve been a fan, society has changed enormously. If you look at what has happened with other social organisations, such as social clubs and hobby clubs and churches they’ve had to adapt or go bust. All organisations have followed similar paths. We no longer tolerate sleepy little organisations that scrape by on charity or luck – everything is properly commercialised. The pattern repeats all over society… to simplify it, if a club needs 100 active members to be viable, two clubs with 80 members will be forced to merge – but the new organisation won’t have 160 members because a significant number won’t follow the new organisation. In essence the choices diminish at the same time as tickets/ membership gets dearer.
The football business model is entirely different, but the outcomes are similar.
When we were forced to go all seater, the days of wandering up every other Saturday and paying three bob to see a match (15p for you youngsters) went for ever. Instead of a damp step, there was a plastic seat and instead of pence it became pounds to use that same space. Last time I went to a game it cost best part of £30 to sit where the boys pen used to be and I used to pay 9d (4.5p) to watch from there.
The football team I went as a lad to see and support became a real force – then it became a brand – then became an International big deal brand; And although my support is unquestionable and always will be – it’s hard to find much “Liverpool” about Liverpool FC
Instead of local Dad and Lads being the main fan base, it’s now the clubs international fan base that the clubs serve. The population churn under Mrs T resulted in people going where the jobs were. So now there are more of us supporters that live outside the city than are in the city.

The international fan base for teams like Liverpool and Man Utd dwarfs the UK based fan numbers and ultimately are more important financially to the clubs.
I’m priced out. I can’t afford to go to games now, but there are so many people to take my place. People who can afford to buy the expensive corporate hospitality deals, Fans have moaned about the day-trippers to Anfield and Old Trafford for decades, but that is a huge income stream – and the “Anfield Experience” fan is probably the future.
If anyone thinks that the movers and shakers of football MUST take notice of fans wishes, you are sadly mistaken. This year’s Training Ground Premiership shows that they can to a bigger degree than you’d think get by without the diehard match going fans.
Football is a business; the Americans consider them franchises and milk them for everything they can. And the thing that not many people have noticed is that the franchise is for a competitor’s place in a League, NOT for a team from a specific town or city. If the owners consider that there is some strategic advantage in moving the franchise to another city – They will. It’s been done several times in the USA and although the financial set-up was different, Wimbledon moved to become MK Dons.

Fan ownership is an attractive option, but how would that happen? And why? Some of us considered this when Hicks and Gillette were the owners. We couldn’t see how it could be done mostly because a lot of people would not be able to afford to buy a share.
Short of some sort of government sponsored compulsory purchase, how are the fans going to get control?
Wimbledon fans did it, reclaimed their club and got it climbing the pyramid. United of Manchester and AFC Liverpool are promising start-ups and probably the only way that fans could control their hometown club – but that will take decades….

13.) 26 Apr 2021 11:36:44
The world categorically said no to a super league through protests, governments and media outlets. Within 48 hours the computation was announced and retracted.

Surely the only feasible conclusion is that this (or anything like it) will not happen as a project.

Football as a whole may need to change and adapt but not like this. The answer will and should never be that the smaller clubs become even more obsolete tim they already are and richer clubs should get richer. That would be just be rubbish. A decision based on greed.
If it is to be shaken up it should be to keep as many clubs involved as possible. A bottom up approach. Because you know what. It means something to communities not 50 years ago. Now. It’s something that gives people an identity a focus. Something to bloody do!

14.) 26 Apr 2021 12:57:28
In my opinion the only reason the super league isn’t going through is because the clubs decided that the immediate consequences were worse than the potential gains they intended to make. Ed talks of a completely different culture to where we are today. He talks of a time when people hop around the continent watching their team week in week out this time is not aimed at us. The owners aren’t interested in the race to the bottom that the current set of fans demand. They will alienate and push and through the passage of time there will be less and less of the previous generation of fan until all that it left are the ones that can afford what they want to sell us. They will break away they will not care about being banned from the premier league they will create something that they want and they have learned the cards that uefa and fifa and the fa and the government hold. They know now that they will fight it and what means they will use to fight it. Once the clubs spoken about join the super league the people that stay will be the ones you can go and support if you want to see the lads with a pint of wallop the team name might be Merseyside reds or tranmere but that’s what will be left for you if you do not stick with what’s on offer from lfc. The owners will not care. The protests won’t matter. Being kicked out the premier league won’t matter. No traditional fans in the stadium won’t matter. It will be a different sport but the old one will be available to you in the form of whatever is left behind and picking a club from that.

15.) 26 Apr 2021 13:46:04
How can any of your post hold any weight when we have just seen a prime minister, managers and players, fans and pundits all reject it. You have clearly learned nothing from the past week. Club owners don’t get to decide the fate of football and there is no appetite for an elite European league. Why? Because most fans cannot afford the money or the time to go trudging around Europe on a weekly basis!
How are you still convinced football will go this way. The question is been emphatically answered with a resounding NO! Up the pint of wallop!

16.) 27 Apr 2021 00:45:25
The point is that there is more than enough money in football for everyone to have a space at the table. The fact that the few don't want to share with the many is a very old story that continues to this day.

Ed.002, everything you say has a good chance of coming true, I don't doubt it. The problem is, the way you present it is as if there is not enough to go around. Suggesting that there is no way way half of the clubs in the UK can survive. They could if we shared more. You are at times brutally honest about us fans, how about that same acerbic withering wit of yours being directed at this. They (those at the top table, boardrooms, Uefa, FIFA, Elite, etc. ) are in it for themselves. Not the development of football.

As I say, I don't doubt what you say. I appreciate the Information. I do think you are coming at this from a certain angle though. Thank you.

17.) 27 Apr 2021 08:27:55
Redman - your lack of vision is a little embarrassing here man. All that happened is that they learned. They've learned that they won't be allowed to partially break away so they need to be prepared with a full new league. They've learned that they need to get major broadcasters signed up before announcing to temper the barrage of criticism. They've learned that they need to have a more polished proposal locked down. Maybe that waiting until uefa piss everyone off first before announcing anything. They will do it again, and again and again if need be until eventually the backlash just isn't there.

18.) 27 Apr 2021 15:17:01
The ESL will come. It is only a matter of when not if. The maths say so. Currently LFC and others can expect about £250m to £300m for winning the EPL and the champions league for TV companies.
We have depending on who you ask somewhere between 100million and 600 million fans worldwide. Similar figures are estimated for Utd Barca, Real Madrid, and most of the other dirty dozen clubs. On that basis LFC v Man U could attract easily 500million tv fans worldwide. At £10 per viewer via pay per view this would bring in £5 billion pounds for one game. This is what will happen in the future and why none of the greedy owners will sell at the moment
I also believe quite frighteningly that if too much pressure is brought to hear to stop it, the owners will just move the club's to places which will accept it. LFC to Boston, Utd to Tampa Bay Arsenal to L. A. for example.

{Ed001's Note - they won't be moved any time soon, that is not going to happen.}

19.) 27 Apr 2021 21:27:03
Hjikle the only lack of vision or grasp of reality was that of Perez and the other snakes. They embarrassed themselves in front of a world audience.
I think what Perez and maybe you possibly Ed’s 02 fail to grasp is that football does in fact have a soul. it belongs to the fans.
Ed2 jokes (I hope ) about the good old days. They still exists in an evolved modern day form. This is the basis on which the game is built and makes money from. The working masses make up the money which is pumped into the game. The owners and broadcasters make the profits but without the blessing and participation of the fans their product has zero value.
If there is anything to learn it’s that a handful old white wealthy men don’t get decide what happens to the game.
Of course there will be variations and evolutions to competitions but not a cull anywhere near the magnitude of what has been proposed. I really hope the opposite happens and other models are looked at to keep as many clubs as possible competitive and secure.
It’s interesting that the German clubs wanted nothing to do with it.

20.) 28 Apr 2021 00:31:56
Redman football does not belong to the fans and it hasn’t for the last 30 years or more. This breakaway will happen as soon as they can get all of their ducks in a row.
There will be a backlash from the working class fans and others but do you know what? They won’t care because it’s those fans they are trying to get rid of.
They don’t want the types that have that pint of ‘wallop’ on the way to the match and a pie at half time. They want the types who can spend hundreds if not thousands on a hospitality ticket and spend fortunes in the club shop.
This isn’t new it’s been happening for years in front of our eyes! We all loved the redevelopment of Anfield but that was done to get more hospitality seating.
Like Ed says it’s big business now and you either move with the times or find another team to support.

{Ed0666's Note - there’s are plenty of working class that can afford the hospitality tickets that will boycott football once this breakaway league happens. I’m not ashamed to admit that lately every time I’ve been to Anfield to watch the game (pre-pandemic) I’ve watched from hospitality because let’s face it it’s a more enjoyable experience but that won’t stop me from walking away from football once the lunatics take over the asylum. And I’ve been a Liverpool fan going on 45 odd years. Have been home and away all over Europe to watch my team. The point I’m making is don’t be too sure football doesent lose major gravitas once the breakaway league transpires because there will be a lot of disillusioned fans who would walk away than see their beloved sport prosituted.

21.) 28 Apr 2021 17:20:13
You explained it better than I did Ed’s football will loose gravitas.
If the product is messed with to much it becomes less valuable. Your right Becker football doesn’t belong to the fans but we are it’s customers. It’s logical that customers need to be kept happy to keep buying.
The large majority of society and football fans are working and lower middle class who don’t have thousands to spend on football. Collectively we make football worth billions hence the reason fan power is stronger than many on here think.
Terms like “move with the times” or football needs to evolve” is just another way of saying make the owners and broadcasters more money. I don’t think we should have it! Football should evolve for the right reasons not those based on greed.



19 Oct 2020 12:13:28
ed2 - when a club loses a player for a number of months and potentially the season, do they have the option to kind of de-register them to free up a roster space?


{Ed002's Note - Unless they have space in their squad, he cannot be replaced until January - they cannot deregister him until January. There are no HG free agents available that would even come close to the likes of Williams and Phillips. It is an unfortunate injury, clubs have to deal with things like this all of the time.}

1.) 19 Oct 2020 12:51:22
If we can’t cope with a player being injured, leading player or not, then we have issues bigger than VVD.

2.) 19 Oct 2020 16:30:22
Glass half full is that Alisson is back in training and should be back soon, having a top class keeper behind Matip and Gomez will make a huge difference. As for Prickford, hopefully karma will even itself out on him.

3.) 19 Oct 2020 23:41:56
Ok so I think we need to be logical about VVDs injury. Last season we won the league by 18 points. Is his absence going to lose us that many points. Probably not. But he’s a massive loss and others have to step up to the plate. I hate to say it, but in united’s hay day that’s what their players did regularly. Klopp will find way.

4.) 20 Oct 2020 02:29:54
Thanks ed was just interested to know as they do have this provision in american sports.

5.) 20 Oct 2020 10:29:05
lakes4 - we didn't start the season with an 18 point head start.

6.) 20 Oct 2020 15:23:02
That's the whole idea behind a squad of 25, isn't it? And to build a squad of 25 (not just 11) that is as cohesive and similar in quality as possible, so that there's no let down when injuries happen. ManC did just fine without De Bruyne one season, and without Laporte the other. And Aguero is not fit half the time. Suck it up and move forward. Let the chips fall where they may.

7.) 21 Oct 2020 05:33:14
ArAy . but theh didn't do just give without Laporte, they lost 8 or 9 games and finishes 18 points adrift of us, . They needed to take fernandinho into the back and thus losing out in his midfield strenghts, I hope we don't suffer from Fabinho possibly being unavailable to play his best role every week.

8.) 21 Oct 2020 09:35:20
Agreed Har_red. But they came in second, and were still a potent force during the season. I suspect you're going to see a title winner with at least 8-9 loses this year. Compressed shorter season, no home-field advantage to speak of, players in and out due to catching c. v., and the usual injuries. I don't see how any team can play consistently in the face of such havoc and disruption.

9.) 23 Oct 2020 06:07:53
That is fairly true, I can't argue with the points you've made there.




Faithinworks's banter posts with other poster's replies to Faithinworks's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 16:24:09
With a new manager we should be taking a 2-3 window view of re-tooling the squad.

The squad is massive and we have unique issue in two key areas we want to strengthen so we can replace incumbents. Namely VVD and Mo. but it’s looking like the replacements will need to be ready in 1-2 seasons time.

We need to move players on as well as buy So in this particular window it’s not that simple.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 20:04:21
I think there will be some major signings in 12 months time. I see a couple of players signed this summer.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 20:53:57
Not good enough. We need to be preparing now to get this team into prime position, for when Pep leaves Man City. It simply has to be us that takes the Perch when the inevitable dip happens.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 21:23:09
Get that LFC8. I’m just not sure who were bringing in this window to do that. Unlikely to get a ready made replacement in this window unless we land a saint who is prepared to ride the pine for a season or two. And a development player to be ready in 1-2 years time is obviously a risk. So it’s not simple. It seems to be getting to the point that any signing would be a good signing. So maybe some fans need to reflect on how beneficial that mindset is

I much prefer the approach that they’re taking which is what we’ve always done.

{Ed025's Note - its tough for Slot Faith, players playing in the Euros and the Copa America means he has not had the chance to assess the squad yet mate, never mind that some need a holiday with their families, for me he keeps his powder dry and does not rush into things, the current squad is strong anyway..

4.) 25 Jul 2024 23:37:31
25 - I think it's tougher for the fans who aren't grasping that lol.

{Ed025's Note - the microwave element will always be looking for instant success Faith but we all know it doesn,t work like that mate..

5.) 26 Jul 2024 06:10:59
@Faith, I’d prefer us to buy a DM before we worry about players (potentially) off contract at the end of next season. As it stands VVD and Mo are playing for Liverpool next season but our perceived lack of DM coverage from last season still persists.

If we do buy a CB it should be to replace Matip rather than VVD.



15 Jul 2024 23:17:41
question for ed2 - regards our transfer and how Slot, Hughes and Edwards will work together. I'm taking that from the lack of movement so far is an indication that Slot is more involved in the transfer discussions than we perhaps thought when he was first announced? At the beginning it seemed like he would just coach and then Edwards and Hughes would take the major role in player recruitment. So I guess, in theory, Slot only having limited time to work with his team wouldn't have an impact on transfers because Edwards and Hughes were already onto it? This seemed to be the consensus thought on here anyways.
Is it fair to say that Slot's has more of a say in transfers than just letting Edwards and Hughes do it?

Personally, I would assume that this is the case anyways. Cos I can't see that it'd be very effective to have the coach totally out of the loop of the movements within his own team.


{Ed002's Note - I would not assume that to be the case at all.}

1.) 16 Jul 2024 09:33:47
I don't think anybody outside the club can 100% know how the transfer process will work at Liverpool yet because we haven't even really got started in this new era.

However I don't think Edwards is involved in this discussion at all. He seems to be significantly higher up the food chain this time around. I might be wrong there, but I don't see why Hughes would take the job as Sporting Director if he was going to be micromanaged by Edwards.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 09:38:07
Some of the most successful clubs barely have the manager involved in transfers. It's been the way European clubs do it for literal decades.

The reason for lack of movement is likely because there was a national tournament ongoing.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 10:00:14
“but I don't see why Hughes would take the job as Sporting Director if he was going to be micromanaged by Edwards”
Because Bournemouth to Liverpool is a huge upgrade. Simples. He wasn’t wanted by Real and Barca’s of the world. Was he?

4.) 16 Jul 2024 11:14:36
What has going from Bournemouth to Liverpool got to do with him being willing to be micromanaged by Edwards?

Not saying that it's the case since I don't think Edwards is as involved in our transfers as people expect. But just curious what your thought process is that the above statement is "simples" for you.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 11:27:13
It’s a huge appeal to oversee a club like Liverpool and he wouldn’t reject it for any reason and that includes working for someone or under any “micromanagement”.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 11:59:23
Utter guesswork Jaguar. You know what “assume” does?

7.) 16 Jul 2024 11:53:03
Edwards more likely involved in the Bordeaux deal than Liverpool transfers.

Pretty quiet on the Hughes front so far for him.

8.) 16 Jul 2024 12:13:18
Even as a coach Slot will still give his thoughts and input on positions he feels should be strengthened or specific player that he feels would fit in well. Hughes may even ask for Slots thoughts on targets that he has identified but at the end of the day it will be Hughes who decides who to move for based on budget and need. Nobody will be a silo working independently.
Both Slot and Hughes have only just taken up their posts so it's not a surprise that the window has been slow so far. Be patient.

9.) 16 Jul 2024 14:04:37
Nah sorry Jaguar, I still don’t see it. It’s not the correct way to streamline a business, having senior management roles for the sake of it. It’d be as ridiculous and damaging as when Evans and Houllier were co-managers back in the late 90’s. Maybe more so. I’d imagine Edwards is working on stuff above contracts and transfers. Maybe more commercial and financial projects? Maybe the multi club model FSG want? Probably defining the parameters he wants Hughes to operate within? Who knows. Sure it’ll become clearer over time.

10.) 16 Jul 2024 14:59:47
I’ve not really got much confidence in Hughes. The fact he was about 8th choice says those above had some doubts too. Hope it works out.



25 Apr 2024 22:48:39
Obviously an interesting and anxiety filled time for fans.

Klopp was a real difference maker so I’m not making a direct comparison between Slot and Klopp. But my thinking is that before Klopp came in, the vast majority of fan opinion on the squad at that time would have been that they couldn’t win this or that or even be competitive.

Enter Klopp and a European final that first half season.

Again not a direct comparison but my encouragement to everyone is to see the potential in the players we have and how a new environment can help them to improve.

It may be u popular to say this, but we’re not a useless team. Anyone coming in has a fantastic squad to build upon.


1.) 26 Apr 2024 06:13:22
The ability is definitely there. It’s just been the lack of application this last month.

2.) 26 Apr 2024 07:47:19
I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. How many of them do you truly trust in the most important games? If you can’t up for a title run in against your biggest rivals then you clearly have problems. The first rule of football is win you duels, we look actually scared like young kids. Some of the clips of Sob, Jones and Trent trying to defend set pieces are cowardly. Lots of work to do.

3.) 26 Apr 2024 08:36:22
I've never had Szob, Jones and TAA down as defensively minded; especially on set pieces.
In fact, we over rely on VVD to deal with set pieces and Everton did their homework. They targetted him and we were in trouble.
More generally I believe that we have been more focused on attacking than defending this season. Our midfield leaves and we bring in Mac, Szob, Grav and Endo and only the latter is a defensively minded player and we all know he was a cheap option.
Not only that, but we also tell one of the defenders to drift into midfield and leave the right sided and inferior centre back covering a larger area.
It's not my thing and it's intended to get us on the front foot but how often have we conceded the first goal this season? It has the opposite effect, we end up chasing games and it was always going to catch up with us.

4.) 26 Apr 2024 09:18:05
You don’t need to be defensively minded to give one. Effort, desire, application. At least give 100%. You actually jump and put a challenge in, don’t cower down, it looked like they were praying the ball didn’t come near their area. I don’t see how you’re going to give certain players a set of balls.

5.) 26 Apr 2024 09:40:54
You do have to be defensively minded to defend. If your mind is not telling you to defend or sensing danger you're not going to do it as well as someone that is defensively minded. It's easy or lazy for a corner to come in and let VVD deal with it.
I agree though that every player should defend and put the effort in. Some are more natural than others though and Trent, Szob and Jones have never struck me as defensively minded types.
Trent has some brilliant attributes but they are usually going the other way.

6.) 26 Apr 2024 11:03:15
Trent is an amazing player I agree. But I fear if we don’t add a couple of leaders then these kind of defeats when it really matters will continue to happen. Mac, Jones, Sob will never ever be a good enough midfield to win the PL.

7.) 26 Apr 2024 11:21:33
The problem stems from a one formation for every game for me, it’s worked for klopp for sure but there’s always been teams who we couldn’t get past and who defended deep, usually he’d throw another 2 forward attackers on and we’d manage to get through it. However against Everton 2 nil down we put kostas and Gomez on…. that is giving up. (and both should be out the door now) Agree they need a rocket up their arses all of them. But why can’t we change formation 3-5-2 for instance, pack the midfield would have destroyed all Everton attacks and 2 front players closer together with crosses into box. Kloppo given up and rubbed off on players, should remember they are playing for the club and more importantly the fans not the manager.

8.) 26 Apr 2024 11:24:27
Mark - I don’t think this was a title worthy team to start with. And I think most reasonable fans would agree. But we’re building towards that. What has changed the narrative is Klopp announced his departure which turned this season into All or nothing. And contextually, we performed so well for much of the season so we’ve fallen from a winning position.

In reality we are about where I think we should be.

So, now it depends on what you believe we have to build on. Sounds like you’re in the camp that believes this squad is full of useless and unreliable players o we need to clean house. Or thereabouts, yea? I’m of the kind that we have more than enough to build on and we should do just that. A major clean out would set us back years imo.

9.) 26 Apr 2024 11:49:30
So City on 76 points are a title worthy team and arsenal on 77 points are a title worthy team but us on 74 points aren't quite a title worthy team.

2 weeks ago when we were top with the title in our hands not 1 sinlge LFC fan said we aren't ready for the title or top 4 is the aim.

There's nothing wrong with aiming for the moon and coming up short. But let's not just make excuses and pretend like we knew all along that we weren't going to win the title.

There's actually still a chance we might still win it but just not a very good one.

10.) 26 Apr 2024 12:08:26
JK - to re-phrase, my pre-season prediction after the midfield overhaul was a top 4 finish and anything else a bonus. I agree, it's not over and if you follow my responses you'll know I am one of the more pragmatic and optimistic on here.

I think you will find plenty of posters on here who made predictions that we would fall in the title challenge because our performances were starting to fade. That wasn't my position, but it's not correct to say that not 1 single LFC fan said we aren't ready because there were plenty and they were on here.

My point is that this team is being unfairly criticized against the standard of a title contender team. yes, we have been chasing the title but my view of it is that we have been over-achieving
relative to the development phase of the current group of players.

I'd like to think that people would appreciate where this team is actually at and see that there is a fantastic foundation for the new manager to build upon.

11.) 26 Apr 2024 13:02:55
Faith sorry mate. My reply wasn’t all aimed at you and I do enjoy reading your posts.

I seem a part of your post and thought it would be a good discussion point and jumped in and then went off on my own tangent.

I’m certainly one of the fans who believed we could win it all but that was because of results over performances.

So much so I’ve paid over the odds for my Wolves tickets and was researching flights and hotels in Dublin the morning of our Atalanta hammering.

12.) 26 Apr 2024 13:51:08
I am not in the camp of a full clear out and I am not in the same camp as you Faith. Somewhere in between the 2 and feel we need min 5 additions. We lack in all areas. We concede too many, we don’t score enough and the midfield can’t control a game and we lack leaders. So some work to do in each department.



18 Mar 2024 07:20:06
Personally, the only disappointment out getting knocked out of the FA cup is that it was at the hands of Manchester United.

Obviously would be all in on the cup had we made it through but at the end of the day it’s a knockout comp. And if we don’t take our chances against any team, let alone average ones, then we are prone to not win those games.

I’m sure there will be decisions made to reflect on but the time for an inquisition isn’t now lol The self doubt creeping in is for those who are still stuck in 2015 lol

Last 10 plus maybe a few more European games to enjoy with Klopp at the helm. The time to get someone better because he couldn’t beat Manu will come at the end of the season ??.


1.) 18 Mar 2024 07:38:19
Personally I will hold my judgement on the game until the league game in a few weeks.

If we use this loss as a wake up call that we can't take them lightly and win, then the loss will be worth it. However lose or draw that league game and my attitude might be different.

Both sides had chances to win it, our 5 on 2 should of lead to shot on target at the very least. And rashford should of won it in the 90.

The theme of the round was last minute winners so I had a feeling one was likely. It just didn't fall for us yesterday. We have beaten enough teams late on and it was our turn to take one.

Yes it's frustraitng but we still have the big one to go for and also the Europa league so two more chances to finish on a high!

2.) 18 Mar 2024 08:20:37
Gutted we lost yesterday as it’s probably the hardest team to take losing too.

For me the priority trophy to win is the Premier league title and yesterdays result has zero affect on that.

It’s all about regrouping over the next 2 weeks now and Then getting back to winning ways against Brighton and Sheff Utd before we are back to Old Trafford.

3.) 18 Mar 2024 08:35:04
Forest fan here, now you know what it's like to be heartbroken at the death!
Justice served!
Karma is a wonderful thing!

4.) 18 Mar 2024 08:44:56
Rogie Red - yeah but I think most sensible Liverpool fans will recognise we were the architects of our own downfall yesterday, accept the disappointing defeat and move on to the remaining part of the season; unlike Forest fans who are evidently incapable of recognising their team's shortcomings and just want to blame everyone and anyone else.

Not good enough yesterday. Sloppy right from the start. Not finishing United off in that 30 minute spell in the second half where they had almost given up came back to bite us. The shambles we made of that 5 v 2 break summed it up best. A break like that should be 100% conversion rate.

If we come back and win our next two league matches at Anfield and then set the record straight at Old Trafford in the league, I'll get over yesterday I think.

5.) 18 Mar 2024 08:46:46
I wouldn’t day it has zero effect on the league game JK. We should have beat the 4-1 then the PL game was as good as won. Now they will be right up for it. We couldn’t handle them in the first 25 minutes, they will try that again.

6.) 18 Mar 2024 09:01:34
Well Rogie, given your staring a points deduction and a one way ticket back to the championship in the face I would possibly hold off the “justice served” and “karma” statements for the moment as there are teams who will be throwing that in your face in a few weeks time.

7.) 18 Mar 2024 11:58:53
Enjoy Championship, Rogie.

8.) 18 Mar 2024 14:39:03
Rogie, I have no idea where or how you have come to compare whatever it is that happened to you with what happened to us last night BUT whatever, bro. You'd better focus on your own team and hope you get out of the hole you're currently in. Just my take.

9.) 19 Mar 2024 02:15:42
Hahahahaha the Liverpool fans who have crawled out of their cave for the first time in months are on the same par as Rogie the forest fan who is here to troll lol.



18 Feb 2024 08:20:43
And with Gakpo’s goal that is 5 first team attacker in double digit goals across all comps this season.
Wonder when the last time that happened was?


1.) 18 Feb 2024 10:18:03
Not sure when but it seems we might have replaced Sadio and Bobby. I know there was a lot of concern that we’d never replace Sadio’s goal contribution.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 10:23:48
We have great squad depth and this season is showing why it is needed when chasing on 4 fronts . ?? for jots and jones they are integral parts of the team.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 10:58:54
I'm gona put my neck out and say 2001. Owen Heskey, Barmby, Murphy and Gérard got at least 10 goals each. Maybe fowler aswel.

4.) 18 Feb 2024 11:17:32
Madmax there was only 2 goalscorers in the squad that year that made double figures.

5.) 18 Feb 2024 11:27:40
Not sure if the stats are wrong but it’s saying Diaz is currently on 9 goals for the season.

If correct it’s only a matter of time though and it’s a great problem to have for Klopp and whoever wil be the new manager.

6.) 18 Feb 2024 11:59:36
Deisered, the year we won our treble. Heskey 22goals Owen 24 fowler 17, Murphy 10 Gerrard 10 Barmby and mcalister 8.

7.) 18 Feb 2024 12:02:57
I don't know about LFC or 5 on doubles but I do remember a year where Middlesbrough had Mark Vodka, JF Hasselbaink and Yakubu and all of them were on + 20 goals. Very impressive. Think that was when Southgate was manager. Might be wrong.

8.) 20 Feb 2024 17:12:24
1977 a great year for goalscoring check your history lads you know I'm right.




Faithinworks's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 10:12:18
Bit unfair on carvalho. We haven’t even seen him have a run under Slot yet. And Slot wouldn’t have really seen him yet either.




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25 Jul 2024 08:49:49
VV - not sure Hjulsen is the name fans are salivating for.

But I would see that as a far more realistic option in this window as a transition from VVD. Can’t see us getting someone like Inacio in this window unless he’s coming in ready to compete and potentially not play a lot. That would be the scenario for a “big name” but seems less likely imo.




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24 Jul 2024 13:46:01
I see a right sided CB as more likely this window than a left sided one. I mean we need to replace VVD, but assuming he extends, who exactly is the left sided CB we’re going to bring in this window that is of the required level to replace VVD in a year or two and also will be happy to be in that back-up / squad player role?




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22 Jul 2024 23:20:11
Usually when you start a new career and a new coach you have the option to have financial takeover and have as much as $500mil added to your budget. Did FSG not consider this when they started fresh with Slot?
If not they are absolutely incompetent gamers. Unless EA sports have been lying to me all these years? if it's in the game, then it's in the game?




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22 Jul 2024 12:51:07
that article also rekons he's coming on wages that work out to around 240k/ week lol.

I have no idea who is the right person, but I'm thinking that a big part of what would work best is having a player come in with an attitude prepared to compete for a starting spot knowing that they're likely going to be rotating / backing up an established starter.





Faithinworks's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 10:53:22
I mean we’d read into it if Slot was coming across like he’s the new special one hahahaha I like to listen and watch. Over a season you can see consistencies in their demeanour and notice changes when things are going well vs when they’re not. The vibe I get from Slot is very determined and pragmatica.




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26 Jul 2024 10:51:41
Kloppice - get what you mean but I’m kinda the opposite there. One of my pet peeves in football are unnecessary fouls. One of them is an attacker fouling a defender shielding the ball well inside their own defensive third. Like, why!? And the other is a defender just running into the back of an attacking player who is running away from goal with no threat at all and then the defender just barrels into them giving away a dangerous free kick lol. Hate that lol.




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26 Jul 2024 10:04:13
Stopping the clock when ball is dead would kill time wasting.




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26 Jul 2024 10:02:35
Bit ridiculous there JK. They’re professionals and will do the job asked of them. So you think every single player under Klopp is going to say that the style was 100% to their liking and was the best ever? Even dortmund players spoke of enjoying football in a different way after Klopp left there. It’s not denigrating the time together.

We shpuld be happy that there’s a positive report as we are in transition. Unless we’re just trying to find things to be miserable about ?.




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26 Jul 2024 09:41:25
only disparaging or disrespectful if you take it that way. I thought it was really helpful insight because the majority of fans on here have bemoaned our inability to break down defenses. Lots of different reasons why that may have been the case but I appreciate Curtis' take because it's shining light on a new direction which is what I think the team needed. I don't want to see us running at 100mph every game, I expect intensity but I also expect to see more nuance to our game. Good on Jones for speaking his mind.

I thought he was quite clear about how he formed his opinion. WHat I took out from it was that the midfield under Klopp was there to press and get the balls up to the attackers to counter. And now under Slot there may be a more measured approach after winning the ball back and onus on the midfielders to tie the play together and create the openings. Jones is a naturally attacking player so I understand fully why he'd be "happy" now.

He's also getting to an age where he will want to find his own voice in the squad, so that's quite different to the age and stage in his career that he entered under Klopp.




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