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31 Jul 2021 02:14:40
Heard from someone at the club regards hendo with his contract Apparently both his hips are shot along with his knees and heal, also said person would not be surprised to see klopp walk within 18 months. 100% gen person working at club.

scouse john L8

1.) 31 Jul 2021 03:55:00
Dont think klopp is the type of guy who would leave a team in mid season.

2.) 31 Jul 2021 06:45:20
Biggest load of nonsense I’ve read in a while. Congratulations.

3.) 31 Jul 2021 08:41:31
Is it the way he runs.

4.) 31 Jul 2021 09:45:47
Was your source a small wooden boy with a long nose?

5.) 31 Jul 2021 10:51:45
I can believe the Hendo bit, Demento pointed out the gait and issues it would bring down the line years ago. The Klopp part is drivel, surely. He will see out his contract and then take a year out before choosing another sleeping giant with great fans. let's start a sweep stake on where he'll go after LFC.
I reckon Napoli or Athletico.

6.) 31 Jul 2021 11:16:25
A sleeping giant with great fans …… got to be Everton 😉😉.

{Ed025's Note - never a truer word said WDW..

7.) 31 Jul 2021 12:26:25
Sleeping giant? Atlas FC?

8.) 31 Jul 2021 13:07:09
Klopp is German national team bound next, or at least a national team somewhere. I could see him wanting that before he retired.

9.) 31 Jul 2021 14:33:13
All good things come to an end. Eventually.

10.) 31 Jul 2021 14:38:52
Forgot my medication again this morning, Ed025 😁.




scouse john L8's banter posts with other poster's replies to scouse john L8's banter posts


14 Jul 2024 12:55:18
Well Spose it's a excuse to go the pub today.

scouse john L8

1.) 14 Jul 2024 17:26:49
No way SJ I’m working in London and I couldn’t possibly spend the evening with a group of cockneys, all singing god save our king and it’s coming home!
Would rather watch Everton than England at least they regularly get beat which provides me with some satisfaction.
Spain to win in extra time tonight ??.

{Ed025's Note - a bitter bitter man..unlock the joy in your heart my friend and get a few bevvies down your neck..

2.) 14 Jul 2024 18:23:32
I know, imagine cheering your home country in a final?.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 20:00:02
I don’t want Everton to win a throw in never mind a game . But if your English you should be cheering on the team tonight . I don’t mean you should have no top on and painted at St George’s in cross on ya belly but at least want them to win it over Spain . Fair enough if you’re not bothered if they do or don’t but they should have your backing .

4.) 14 Jul 2024 20:08:04
I'm with you SJ.
I'll relish a 16 year old demonstrating how to attack, until the moment Trent may come on, then it's a very different matter for me.
Also, can we stop calling it a National anthem, it's a royal anthem, entirely about one accident of birth. Or, is a monarch the only thing we're proud of as a country?

5.) 14 Jul 2024 20:32:18
Rover you've never cheered for your home country in your life, so give it it a rest.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 21:19:05
Listen how do you think we up here in Scotland feel never been to a final and most probably never will if Spain win then we can say we beat them in the qualifying group.

7.) 14 Jul 2024 21:39:42
I’m from Northern Ireland, we’re not Brazil we’re Northern Ireland but it’s all the same to me ? ?

In the absence of them being in the finals, which is quite regular enough, I will get behind any home nation and the Republic of Ireland .

I’m not bitter Walkon ?. Come on England!

8.) 14 Jul 2024 21:56:35
Question who were the last team to be the current European champions am sure the answer is scotland.

9.) 14 Jul 2024 23:07:25
I'm an American that has typically rooted against England in tournaments, but England will be a problem for the world for a while. Lots of young talent incorporated in this tournament. Bellingham, Palmer, Mainoo, Saka, Watkins, Golden, Rice, etc. It's going to be a very strong side for many years.

10.) 14 Jul 2024 23:47:33
Don’t all fight over me going the ale house. yozzer lad I’m with you mate I couldn’t spend. a night in pub with a load of cockneys.

11.) 15 Jul 2024 04:24:43
Well I'm English and my wife is Brazilian so lucky me I get to watch TWO rubbish teams that play slow ambling defensive football.

Also I don't believe anyone should have to support anyone just because they're born there, silly rationale. If you're born in a country that has no football team are you not allowed to like football?

12.) 15 Jul 2024 06:44:59
If only this wasn’t a FOOTBALL site tho Nevada then you might have a point. Maybe people who post on here don’t like football ?‍♂️

Unlucky England, small margins. Well played Spain ?? ??. Best team in the tournament.



25 Jun 2024 13:21:11
Just to enter the Trent debate. For me he played his part in making us the best team in Europe for a few years as a wingback. Stupid tactics with this inverted crap have caused this debate. For me he has to stay a wingback the position that made him world class. Why take the best rb in the league ( shurrup with the walker and Reece James shouts not a chance ) and try convert him to a midfielder? Get him back to being the old Trent build the team around him. As for Bradley I love the kid but it's upto him to push to get into the team. Look at the history more accomplished / experienced players had to sit on the bench. There was a time Hansen couldn't get a start. You don't throw a hissy fit or change position.

scouse john L8

1.) 25 Jun 2024 14:11:42
Scouse John, I pretty much agree with you there, mate. We're blessed with two attacking right/ wing backs, let them both fight it out for their place. Hopefully there's 60 games to be played next season, so there's plenty to go around.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 14:38:23
100%. When we won the lot Trent and Robbo were wingbacks.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 14:47:56
Yep - I agree they were wingbacks - and we were all the better for it.

{Ed025's Note - all day WDW, it was not broken so why the hell did they try to fix it mate?..answers on a postcard..

4.) 25 Jun 2024 16:02:14
With all due respect, I don't think Trent was ever a wingback in the sense the term is generally used. Infact, if anything Robertson played like a wingback much more than Trent.
Our system was designed to enable him to put balls through the right channel and the right half-space. Generally these balls would be into the box, or would be swithces of play from right to left. Clearly, the idea behind moving him into midfield is to open up more passing options to him, as theoretically from a central position he can pass to both right and left. It also has a few downsides, as it pushes him further away from the opposition goal, so he is more of a facilitator rather than the final ball provider.
All in all, the best way to utilise him is to get him into positions where he has a little bit of time to play his passes. Ideally it would be as close to the opposition box as possible, while also allowing him to access the whole pitch. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. So whichever position he ends up playing, there would be some compromise.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 15:25:04
Pep linders happened ed.

{Ed025's Note - oh yeah Colonel, him and his book..

6.) 25 Jun 2024 18:32:00
Completely agree. Best attacking fullback in football is Sat infront of the defence. It’s a shocking decision and I can’t believe nobody has switched him back.

7.) 25 Jun 2024 18:49:12
Pep Lijnders was there when TAA was playing his best football and we won the League and CL.
TAA was playing in a better team though.



24 May 2024 22:56:14
Well hopefully ETH will stick it to the owners and turn up on the touch line in a Liverpool kit.

scouse john L8

1.) 24 May 2024 23:41:19
If I were him I'd start the U18s with an outfield player in goal and walk around the pitch giving the finger to the Man U fans until the ref sends me off.

2.) 25 May 2024 01:06:38
If I were him I'd stick the goalie upfront.

3.) 25 May 2024 07:41:58
Serious question peeps. but do the owners allow the club to get into this position?

Could this be the outcome of having a minority share holder in Ratcliffe trying to throw his weight around whilst the Americans are nine the wiser

It's just all very very strange.

Not that I'm complaining, just interested in how this is allowed to happen.

4.) 25 May 2024 07:50:22
Ratcliffe may well be an experienced businessman but I’d suggest he knows little about running a club like United. I expect little change in their status as the current top banter club over the next ten years TBH.

5.) 25 May 2024 08:04:28
I’d say the Glazers know even less @Johnny. They are running the club into the ground - second highest waterfall in the country a. k. a the rain coming through a hole in the roof- they should be ashamed.

6.) 25 May 2024 08:16:25
I don’t know how anyone is even shocked. Yes he has some decent results against Liverpool
The guy is an absolute clown. Every single one of his signings are terrible or always injured. Finished bottom of champions league group. Finished season with a negative goal difference. Lost 14 games. Play the most boring football in the league.

Same with poch. He’s a massive failure. Everyone’s been laughing at chelsea all season, a couple of wins towards the end when all the pressure is off and the season is dead, everyone’s In uproar. ? it’s staggering. These are two giant clubs they can’t keep ten haag and poch they’re simply not good enough.

7.) 25 May 2024 11:06:55
It was the wrong move for Seven and it will be the wrong move for McKenna’s career (or anybody else on an upward curve) if he tales it on.

United won’t improve until the Glazers are gone and even when they are gone it’ll take a fair bit of time to address the issues on and off the field. Ratcliffe is just a Band-Aid to address the effects, the cause is deep rooted.

8.) 25 May 2024 11:16:27
I'd love for ETH to saty at Utd, he's doing a fantastic job

But in the build up to a final, the most important game of their season, which could be their entry into a European competition next season, reports are coming out of the club meeting with other coaches / managers.

Irrespective of their current relationship, the owners and whatever INEOS are, should surely be putting all their attention into this final.

The sheer arrogance and disrespect that the owners are showing are indicative of what their true ambitions are for the club, which is to simply use it as a cash cow

We should count our blessings.

9.) 25 May 2024 11:52:14
The fact that INEOS have not explicitly talked about a future with ETH since arriving was signal enough to know that they are lining up a preference. A clean slate is much easier than carrying the baggage of the last two years.

10.) 25 May 2024 12:06:30
Very well said JLC, couldn't agree more mate. They are an absolute shambles. Luckily we aren't them, Christ I'd be concerned if we were. They've been in trouble for ages now, long may it continue.

11.) 25 May 2024 13:49:51
Not too long ago, we were in a similar state. Our ownership was crap, squad was poor, lingering just above the drop zone, and declared a win against Bolton as a famous victory. Had Suarez nearly drag us to the title but called BR the second coming of Shanks. Dark days.

Glad FSG came, Klopp came and in spite of his modest exit, put us back among European elites. Glad we are now complaining about bottling titles and not winning more trophies, about players not hitting the world class standards we expect them to, rather than worrying which half decent manager or player will we be signing.

But as a Liverpool fan, I’m enjoying Ute’s demise. Though I’m rather disappointed they are not sticking with Ten Hag. But perhaps they will appoint Brendan Rodgers? Stranger things have happened.

12.) 25 May 2024 15:10:22
Sgynwa, not arsed abouut Utd cos to me, there is a lot of blame to go around and Fergie is the main culprit here. He is the one that paved the way for the Glazers to come into the club and BOOM went the dynamite. Couldn't have happened to a nicer set of people, me thinks.

13.) 25 May 2024 15:53:18
I’m not bothered by them too
Just that recent memory tells me we really should be more contended with what we currently have now
Flawed as it may be, we could just so be in utd’s shoes and worse

But hey, they are leading in the FA cup final now
I’m indifferent about who wins it cause it’s not us
But I will find it really funny that the most expensively assembled squad only has a league title they barely managed to win to show for, and losing to a far inferior side who probably is going to sack the manager

Life can really tie people up in knots.

14.) 25 May 2024 15:59:18
Did Fergie own Man Utd then?

{Ed001's Note - why do you have to spend your time just being snarky? Ferguson's support and dealings were essential to getting the Glazers the shares they needed to buy the club. Simply because of his dispute with Magnier and McManus over money.}



26 Apr 2024 17:36:57
The constant sniping at klopp has got to stop. The man has come out and told us he is tired probably being polite. Pressure and stress. DVLA say don't drive when your tired the BMA say don't operate heavy machinery yet here's a man running one of the top 5/ 6 clubs in the world facing setback after setback with the weight of expectations of the millions of fans on his shoulders too . We all make mistakes when we're tired just we don't have 50 news outlets 100 pundits and couple of million fans judging you. He turned the club around and now some of the fans are turning on him. Sad, we call ourselves the best fans in the world " this means more" let's show it then. If we finish 3rd it won't be for the lack of trying. He could have walked out mid season but he showed loyalty and stayed on, let you lot who are having a dig show him some loyalty. He is not the first Liverpool manger to struggle with stress and pressure, shanks, king kenny, smoking joe even Rafa had a touch . I'm glad social media wasn't around in them days. YNWA eh? Unless you slip up, make mistakes then your not one of us.

scouse john L8

1.) 26 Apr 2024 19:33:13
Agree with you there, scouse john.

{Ed025's Note - thats a great post by John by the way..

2.) 26 Apr 2024 19:55:21
Klopps made a lot of mistakes since linders became his assistant and our build up play is non existent then 70 minutes in you can hear him screaming 442 yet we still have no build up play.

He's had a poor end to his career unfortunately and it's the right time to leave but I'm not sure how people can say they hate him, he took us to the next level and is number 3 on the all time list.

3.) 26 Apr 2024 19:43:35
Best post i've ever seen on here.

4.) 26 Apr 2024 20:01:56
It won't stop. It's human nature, John. People need someone or something to blame and lash out against when they are unhappy.
I like to think I'm not too bad but I have been known to shout at the TV ?.

{Ed025's Note - I swear a lot Rigsby...and it really helps mate.. :)

5.) 26 Apr 2024 20:39:29
If klopp isn't up to it then he should have left back in Jan. It's what Kenny did when he didn't feel he could handle it.

We all love klopp but the season has been a disaster BECAUSE of how he feels. Could have put someone in charge for the interim and it would have benefited everyone and nobody would have been angry.

6.) 26 Apr 2024 20:55:49
Because we have not won the league means the fan boys aren’t happy, probably new generation keyboard warriors. No manager wins everything but with Klopp we are very much back as being the most successful team in England. Klopp has done so much for us and regardless of how the season ends, he will get the send off he deserves and will forever be a legend at LFC.

7.) 26 Apr 2024 20:54:02
I know what you mean, Ed025 but I watch the games on TV with my lad now so any strong words have to been done under my breath. He's ok with the milder ones. For the Palace and Everton games he has disappeared to play on some device or other and can just switch off from the game.
I wish I could.

{Ed025's Note - my lads are both married with kids Rigsby and both red hot Liverpudlians mate, luckily they dont hear me so i get carte blanche in my house.. :)

8.) 26 Apr 2024 21:15:12
Could definitely see Liverpool romping to the title under Pep as interim manager from when Klopp announced he was leaving Nevada ?? or maybe Hodgson would have come back for the 2nd half of the season ??.

9.) 26 Apr 2024 21:19:03
At the start of the season no one gave us a glimmer of winning the league, with the midfield rebuild etc. And now everyone is crying that we've dropped to third with a handful of games left to play. 99% of us would of been more than happy with a 3rd place finish this season.

{Ed025's Note - your spot on ashy..

10.) 26 Apr 2024 21:57:28
Klopp has taken us back to the top. Anyone hating on him now should refresh their memory of what went before him and moreover, what he’s been up against, a club owned by an extremely wealthy nation state with allegations of cheating hanging over them. And he’s still competed. No one before him had that to play against, in those circumstances he’s done exceptionally well. Any other time in the premier league era, he’d have won three or four titles.

11.) 26 Apr 2024 21:57:59
Jurgan Klopp. Liverpool Legend. Simple as that.

12.) 26 Apr 2024 21:59:22
Well said Scouse John - brilliant post.

13.) 26 Apr 2024 22:09:37
Spot on, Scouse John. The modern day fans are just in it for the vibes and the clicks provided their team win and they can go on SM to give it the big ones. Nobody is interested in actually supporting their teams thru thick and thin, the good times and the bad times. it's all about "We are LFC and should be winning trophies". These same turncoats prolly wanted Klopp sacked after last season and didn't even think we would be where we are challeging for the title, winning a Cup the way we did eitc. Now, they are here mouthing off as if someone owes them something. Absolute rubbish.

Klopp could have gone anywhere he wanted as he was the hottest manager at the time and YET he came to us at our worst. We were NOT a club that top managers went to. He came to us and exceeded many of our expectations. He won the freaking LOT, something nobody thought he could, not even me. Klopp gave me my dignity back as an LFC fan. he gave me some of the best times of my LFC supporting life. Could he have won mre? You can say that for every manager BUT the most important thing is that he won when we needed him to win and when his moment came, he WON those moments.

Thanks for ALL you did for me and the rest of my LFC borthers and sisters, Jurgen. We will NEVER forget you. But MOST importantly, find a new purpose in your life. You deserve it. YNWA!

14.) 26 Apr 2024 22:20:11
Nevada, Klopp hasn't said he can't handle it and this season has not been a disaster. Far from it.
He has said he is tired but that doesn't mean he can't handle it. He needs a rest in the summer, that's it. You can't compare what he has said to Dalglish resigning. Dalglish had to deal with Hillsborough and the aftermath. He attended the funerals of those we lost. What effect do you think that had on him?
You're way off the mark comparing what Klopp has said and what Dalglish went through.

15.) 26 Apr 2024 22:35:50
It’s not a brilliant post. It’s all one sided. If he had been the Man U manager and then ended the season like this the same posters would have had a field day.

As a team and as a manager we were favourites for the league with 7 games to go. We even had a 2 week international break to get the players back on track. Something has gone very very wrong. Klopp gets the praise when it goas well but equally deserves criticism when it goes wrong. His team selection and subs v Everton will never ever make sense. He has been great for Liverpool but now it’s equally as important that he leaves.

16.) 26 Apr 2024 22:42:40
Putting an interim manager in could easily have led to the season completely falling apart and ending up outside the top four. And besides there was literally no one remotely suitable available.

17.) 26 Apr 2024 23:22:53
For what it's worth klopp will go down a legend but with an axtric as in could have been better.
I'll always be greatfull for what he's done but I do wish he left a few seasons ago.

18.) 26 Apr 2024 23:23:03
I think a lot of people's arrogance thinking we somehow deserve to win everything comes from the amazing years Jurgen has given us. Don't bite the hand that feeds comes to mind. The same portion of the fanbase that will be on the new gaffers back if he doesn't start his tenure blowing everyone else out the water.

19.) 26 Apr 2024 23:42:33
I think it's an achievement to be favourites for the League with 7 games to go after finishing fifth last season, starting this one with a new midfield and taking into account the seasons both City and Arsenal have had.
I've changed my mind, I think it is an overachievement.

20.) 26 Apr 2024 23:47:50
Trust you walter haha.

A great post John, I think we all love Klopp mate or the vast majority do anyway, he is a bloody legend for this club, if I had it my way he'd have a statue.

21.) 27 Apr 2024 00:01:11
Great post John, I've been getting fed up of some of the negative stuff on SM, it's not like Jurgen has caused this mini slump intentionally! Let's roar him and the team on for these last few matches and remember our great years we've had under this legend of a manager.

22.) 27 Apr 2024 00:36:47
Klopp is a legend and deserves every accolade that comes his way for what he has given to us and our beloved club. But heroics do not detract from failures. He deserves every bit of criticism as well. He turned away from the style and tactics that won him everything at Dortmund everything at Liverpool, why we wanted him in the first place, and turned to a turgid possession based nonsense approach that is reminiscent of Brendan Rodgers tenure and quite frankly horrible to watch. This isn't new because of the last few weeks either, we have been playing bad football for a couple of seasons now and it is no suprise that the two teams above us are Arsenal and City, with superior coaches to Pep Linders adopting the same style who have invested in players that suit that style. It is also no surprise that we have come from behind so often when reverting back to a more aggressive style after going a goal down. Everyone can see it but Klopp has done nothing. That is why is gets sniped at and it is quite deserved. It doesn't mean people hate him or anything, but he is responsible for the teams results. Regardless of past achievements you don't blindly follow a person's making bad calls, and unfortunately that is what Klopp has been doing recently. I do genuinely believe this team should be better positioned than how we are, and the fact that we are not is down to Klopp's poor tactical approach since he changed styles.

23.) 27 Apr 2024 00:59:11
I think some people just need to admit that they only support glory, they don’t support the club.

24.) 27 Apr 2024 01:20:31
Get some perspective - its simply a poor end to a season. Klopp has been excellent for Liverpool and with 2 months to go we were top of the league and on for the Quad. The capitulation since then has been dramatic so fans have every right to criticise.
However, there's a huge difference between moaning about our current form and slamming the whole club. there's a huge difference between saying Klopp has got tactics wrong recently and saying he is hated.
Ultimately, something has gone wrong in the last 7 or 8 games and it is a sad ending for Klopps final season but it doesn't taint his legacy as one of the best managers we have ever had.

25.) 27 Apr 2024 07:53:14
There will be no asterisk. He’s a legend.

He made us league champions, European champions and world club champions.

He’s the first to do that.

26.) 27 Apr 2024 08:16:31
Nobody should ever be above criticism.

If you're saying nobody should criticise then you're not a fan you're a cult member.

It's fine to criticise. We all celebrate the things he has given us but it doesn't make him immune. One should hope that when doing something badly someone will criticise since sometimes we can be blind to our failings and having a bunch of yes men echo chambers around you doesn't help.

I don't see people hating klopp or saying unreasonable things. Cast your mind back to houlliers final season and that's what hate looks like. This is justified criticism because of how poor we have been playing for the majority of two years now.

27.) 27 Apr 2024 08:29:04
I still think his biggest achievement is making us competitive again, year on year when previously we struggled to get top 4 . After 30 years he changed the clubs mindset. That can’t be underestimated.

It’s sad that it is ending this way, being top of the league a few games back . Let that sink in, our expectation as a fan base now. Klopp did that.

28.) 27 Apr 2024 09:55:33
"We all love klopp but the season has been a disaster BECAUSE of how he feels. Could have put someone in charge for the interim and it would have benefited everyone and nobody would have been angry. ".

Please, name the interim manager that would leave his coushy job and come over here to help us? Oh, and you cannot say Lijnders cos we all know how "loudly" he can talk yet when he got a chance to become a manager, he failed mgniificently. I'll wait.



14 Apr 2024 22:15:08
Sometimes relationships break down, divorce ensues and people who once loved their partner start getting bitter. Name calling, dismissive of there time together. Suddenly they try to make out the amazing time they had together wasn't all they thought it was, and maybe the breakup is for the best? One partner has to show some decorum for the sake of the baby ( club) This is what it feels like on here atm to me. A couple of bad results (is a point away to Utd a bad result? ) and fans turning on players Some even digging klopp out for under achieving . l've had the best 9 years in the last 30 as a Liverpool supporter thanks to him. He's the reason why players wanted to come here he's the reason why we are a super power again. With probably the exception of Real, Bayern and maybe city every other club in Europe would swap places with us. I would love him to go out with a bang play heavy metal football maybe? But if he decides to persevere with whatever system he wants he has earned that right. He could have walked away mid season but he showed some respect/ love for us and the club and stood by us the least he deserves is it reciprocated. YNWA jurgen.

scouse john L8

1.) 14 Apr 2024 22:35:51
Just remember Scouse John it was Klopp who wants the divorce because we didn't take him on enough sunny holidays.

I wanted couples counselling but it is what it is.

Of course there were some good times. Who could forget that night of passion in Madrid that ended with that amazing ORIGIasm.

We'll stay great friends. That's for sure. He is the one that thought us to love again. Although, it was a little weird on carabou cup nights when we woke up in the bed with Pep Linders. What just happened?

At least we get the kids. Little Alexis and Dom, little Conor and his cheeky face, Trent (He's growing up so fast. Sniff sniff) and the rest. We had a lot of children with him.

Some of the older ones will move out. Mo and Virj maybe. But you can't stay at home forever.

But there's life in us fans yet. We're no spring chickens but we still give a hell of a rendition of "Allez Allez Allez", "Oh Andy, Andy" and that classic "You'll never walk alone" . Not even Klopp when he leaves. He'll have pep with him.

There'll be another who will fall for our charms and we'll fall for his. And I'm sure there'll be many more nights of exciting passion ahead of us.

2.) 14 Apr 2024 23:04:33
Get real. Klopps substitutions and team selections have cost us. Can't wait for a new manager. Arnold should stay on right like Robertson has on left, no spaces in behind and stop messing with team selection maybe the players will know where they are.

3.) 14 Apr 2024 23:35:47
Wake up and smell what you’re shovelling. We got to a position where everything was in our own hands and then Klopp and the players bottled it. Also not for the first time. Klopp gets praised when it going well and now when we can’t keep a clean sheet and we can’t score goals Klopp takes his share of the blame.

4.) 15 Apr 2024 05:09:24
Klopp and the players got us into that position where things were in our hands in the first place. But I agree that Klopp and the players should be held accountable for the poor results in recent weeks too. Why we shifted styles to this slow and turgid build-up when it has never worked before is beyond me. We always play our best when we go all out and overwhelm the opponents from the first minute.

5.) 15 Apr 2024 08:03:04
Welcome back @Mark. As an aside who do you think it was who got us in the position we are - two points off the top with a handful f games to go.

6.) 15 Apr 2024 11:23:00
Good form, Davey.

7.) 15 Apr 2024 11:40:53
Great point, WDW3.
And I don't think anyone is saying Klopp or the players shouldn't take any responsibility for poor results and performances. But we are one of three sides that have had the fewest poor results this season.




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21 Jul 2024 13:35:16
I’d rather he went for free next year than sold now. To much of a transition new coach and tactics it’s not rocket science nor is it like he is terrible and has to go. Football and winning over saving money.

scouse john L8



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18 Jul 2024 16:26:44
Didn’t someone post a stat saying Ibou only missed 5 league games last season.

scouse john L8



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17 Jul 2024 16:58:24
Probably end up trying to sign Orrin devlin from Hightown fc clubs record goal scorer apparently.

scouse john L8



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14 Jul 2024 17:09:28
Let him go I say.

scouse john L8



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22 Jun 2024 21:41:29
They wouldn’t get into the team Jensen lad. Can’t see them wanting to sit in the bench.

scouse john L8




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26 Jul 2024 13:16:24
The team last year was ruined with injuries. Not much to improve really replace Matip and Diaz if he goes (hopefully) and maybe cover for endo but bajetic is back. If we can sort the injury / recovery time out that would be a great help.

scouse john L8



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25 Jul 2024 18:11:20
Maybe Richard Hughes got his clubs mixed up.

scouse john L8



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24 Jul 2024 08:03:22
If true Best statement he can make is to shut up and just get transfers done. Make a statement by surprising us . Sounds like an attention seeker, don’t think I’ve ever heard any of previous DoF’s speak.

scouse john L8



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21 Jul 2024 18:11:07
The nickname “Digger”came from Dallas the Tv program characters “Digger barnes” if I remember correctly.

scouse john L8



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20 Jul 2024 15:35:08
I’d keep virg no one going to buy him at his age ( no one that he would play for)

scouse john L8



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