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Negativeredwalter2.0's Posts and Other Poster's Replies To Negativeredwalter2.0's Posts



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Negativeredwalter2.0's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Negativeredwalter2.0's rumours posts


29 Mar 2024 11:11:31
Confirmed Alonso is not coming to Liverpool.


{Ed014's Note - confirmed, Klopp is staying!

1.) 29 Mar 2024 11:27:31
Hi eds2
Could you tell us what type of manager Amorim is. What type of football can we expect if he is our next manager.

{Ed002's Note - A back three and attacking football.}

2.) 29 Mar 2024 14:42:00
Ed014 - I'm guessing that's a joke or sarcastic reply and you don't have some kind of insider news? Just so I don't reignite any hope around that idea.

{Ed014's Note - yes sorry red it was my being sarcastic, as at the time Alonso hadn’t said he was staying put so I was just making stuff up to copy Walter. ?‍♂️

3.) 29 Mar 2024 16:47:54
Don't do that to us ed14.??!

{Ed014's Note - you’ll be fine mate, Big Sam is a quality manager! ?

4.) 30 Mar 2024 08:28:31
Good to see u over on this page ed14 haven't seen u here in while. I thought pressure of title race getting to u. ?
On a seroius note how u see league race going now? Hard to call but i think if city beat use over weekend they win it, i can only see spurs taking points off them in rest of games. arsenal prob toughest run in followed by lfc. City not bad after this weekend.



18 Dec 2023 18:54:44
I've actually googled this to no concrete confirmation, but chatting with two lads in the cafe earlier and they seemed adamant that Allison is off to Bayern in the summer?


1.) 18 Dec 2023 20:38:37
If there's even the slightest possibility that the club management are considering letting Ali go, then they all need sacking, including Klopp. Most important player in the team by far with how shockingly open we are with these bloody stupid tactics.

{Ed025's Note - there is only Pickford who could replace him Westwood.. :)

2.) 18 Dec 2023 20:49:39
Cheers ed but I'd rather register a cardboard cut out of Ali than have that angry showboater in a Liverpool net, no offence!

{Ed025's Note - none taken mate, Ali is going nowhere..

3.) 19 Dec 2023 00:43:16
Pickford couldn’t lace Alisson’s boots. Not just because he’s nowhere near as good, but his arms wouldn’t reach that far.

4.) 19 Dec 2023 00:54:18

5.) 19 Dec 2023 01:57:07
Yeah alis cardboard to the rescue!

6.) 19 Dec 2023 07:04:20
I often find that “a few lads in the pub” are absolutely bang on with their transfer intel ?

Classic Walter fishing expedition.

7.) 19 Dec 2023 07:35:09
@Spot on OP, Ali and his family go there every summer on hiking holidays.

8.) 19 Dec 2023 07:40:29
2 lads in the cafe, the most reputable source.

9.) 19 Dec 2023 12:30:57
I know it’s a rumour site but that is just too daft…. someone’s head needs a wobble!

10.) 19 Dec 2023 14:28:02
I was only going by what they were saying. I only popped in for a cheese sandwich.
Possibly untrue but if it is we're going to be in bigger trouble than we thought come start of next season.

11.) 19 Dec 2023 16:52:54
'Possibly' untrue!?

I'm sorry, but that can't even be classed as a rumour, wishful thinking on Bayern's part maybe, but there is more chance they'd get Oliver Kahn out of retirement before they see Alisson in their colours next year!

12.) 19 Dec 2023 17:52:19
Probably to play bayern in ucl next year.

13.) 19 Dec 2023 18:47:36
Brilliant Walter cheered me up.

14.) 20 Dec 2023 03:00:51
Lol Walter, I love this. As soon as you mentioned the cheese sandwich I lost my head. Absolutely brilliant mate! keep them coming haha some people just don't 'get' you, you barmy bugger. Merry Christmas mate!

15.) 20 Dec 2023 08:03:18
*sniff sniff sniff*

Is that cow?

*sniff sniff sniff*

No, it's bull****!

Stirring the pot with absolute trash as usual Walter!

16.) 20 Dec 2023 09:24:41
Omg I only posted what I had heard. Salah my dear chap wishing you a very happy Christmas and a happy new year.

17.) 20 Dec 2023 13:35:52
Thank you Walter. I wish you all the best mate. Keep these posts coming.




Negativeredwalter2.0's banter posts with other poster's replies to Negativeredwalter2.0's banter posts


06 Jul 2024 19:48:37
Not his biggest fan but get in Trent with the penalty.


1.) 06 Jul 2024 20:15:48
I’m relieved he scored it for his sake, he’s been a convenient scapegoat a few times now.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 20:52:04
Was a fantastic penalty from Trent, he smashed it and nearly burst the net.

3.) 06 Jul 2024 20:57:10
How can you be a Liverpool fan and not love Trent. When he is in the team he is a difference maker. Any other international team would build a team around him he is far ahead of trips and walker only someone with the negative outlook like Southgate could see it like that.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 21:13:30
Made up for Trent - great penalty.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 21:24:15
I think he’s a very average player with a wand of a right foot Chris also his previous behaviour makes me question his character, happy for him regardless.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 21:34:51
Gakpo looks on fire.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 22:06:48
My thoughts are with The Colonel and Jaguar at this difficult time.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 22:07:09
His previous behaviour ?‍♂️.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 22:15:31
Was an absolutely brilliant penalty. As soon as he stepped up you knew he’d score. Should have been playing wide right all game. If Southgate has any sense he’d bin Kane off for Toney. Toney looks a threat, Kane is finished.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 22:36:14
Kane, Bellingham and Foden have looked completely shot all tournament. Both Kane and Bellingham scored late last game but both been pretty poor. I’d even include Saka a bit tbf.

He’s been the brightest spark out of the 4 though and scored a great goal today. Think it’s more the tactics than the players tbf although those 3 are tired.

11.) 06 Jul 2024 22:42:18
To be fair, some folk need a scapegoat when the team tops their group and are through to the last four ?.

12.) 06 Jul 2024 22:52:49
@ the colonel

Must have stung watching one of our own stick the penalty away and send England into a semi final

I’m sure you can go back to slagging off all our players again tomorrow, don’t worry.

13.) 06 Jul 2024 23:49:25
Great pressure penalty.

I’m confident Slot’s coaching team will get the best out of Trent.

14.) 07 Jul 2024 00:16:27
@Colonel, read what you wrote a FPF think about it - average players don’t have a wand for a foot - whatever the jargon word term is supposed to mean.
In the first place.

15.) 07 Jul 2024 00:19:32
Kane has been garbage but so have most of them. I think there's ONE reason for that. Gakpo looks fantastic coming off the left. Trent thank f that went in. ballza steel.

16.) 07 Jul 2024 05:11:09
Really really interested in Slots coaching team, not all arrived yet but still our posters think they'll improve Nunez and now Trent!
Is it possible to improve TAA as according to many LFC and 'every international team' should be built around him!
Looks like we'll have the next Diego Maradona playing for us next season.

17.) 07 Jul 2024 06:49:22
‘Improve’ or ‘get the best out of him’

Difference Mc Gov.

18.) 07 Jul 2024 07:37:13
Can’t even congratulate the lad without the negative first.

19.) 07 Jul 2024 10:21:08
Are there any Liverpool players you are actually a fan of Walter?

20.) 07 Jul 2024 12:39:31
“Not his biggest fan” I stopped reading after that.



27 Jun 2024 08:34:07
So I am curious to see people's opinions on the team for next season. This will be with our current squad.
Most improved player. Elliott
Best player Mac
Biggest let down Trent.
Biggest impact on team Baj.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 10:02:30
Most improved players:
Nunez, Szobo and Gakpo

Best player: Macca

Biggest let down:
Jota and Konate and you all know why.

Biggest impact on team: Macca. Honourable mention to Bradley, who I think can be anything he wants.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 10:53:33
I’m confused Walter.

Are you saying Trent is the “biggest let down” for next season, before it’s even started?

It’s becoming like Minority Report (great film! ) on here, players are getting criticised for things they haven’t even done yet ?.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 11:02:23
Well if that’s the case how’s he going to know if Macca is going to be the best player?‍♂️

He asked a hypothetical question.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 11:17:40
Quite a strange presumption to nominate someone who is going to be the biggest let down prior to the season.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 11:21:52
"Trent Bashing" would be a huge hit single this summer, if it was a song.

6.) 27 Jun 2024 11:26:26
In fairness he had 3 closed envelopes with names in dem and Trent just came out.

7.) 27 Jun 2024 11:38:11
If you predict Trent to let you down, can he possibly let you down?

8.) 27 Jun 2024 11:40:38
Quite sad that any supporter, even in a hypothetical question, should ask about the biggest let down (for which I have to admit I read ‘failure’) .

9.) 27 Jun 2024 11:48:47
Why don't we all just agree that next season the biggest let down will almost certainly be VAR/ PGMO and then we can focus on the positives:

Most improved: Darwin
Biggest Impact: Baj
Best player: Hopefully a battle Royale with 6 or 7 players in the shakeup.

10.) 27 Jun 2024 12:20:03
Biggest let down is still Klopp leaving early ?.

11.) 27 Jun 2024 13:00:06
Can I pick when the transfer window closes?

12.) 27 Jun 2024 13:16:13
Without throwing stones if Trent did go through a bad patch we have a very able replacement in Bradley so no “let downs”.

13.) 27 Jun 2024 19:24:49
Someone has been in Brendan's envelopes again.

14.) 27 Jun 2024 19:46:39
Hardly baj if he continues being late which is disgraceful at his age and at this or any club. If it continues he can be moved on.

15.) 27 Jun 2024 21:45:37
@Mizer, I know - imagine a teenager not turning up on time - absolutely unbelievable!

16.) 28 Jun 2024 00:59:48
Biggest let down - still waiting to hear about the court date for Man City while they keep buying 60m pound players to sit on their bench ?.

17.) 28 Jun 2024 22:08:06
WDW is that you condoning his lateness?

18.) 29 Jun 2024 06:39:25
Nah, me remembering being a teenager @Frode. I think it was Ed01 (apologies if incorrect) who suggested that the club don’t see it as a major problem, at least at the moment.

{Ed001's Note - I certainly never said that. I personally think it is a major problem, even though it is just a very Spanish attitude to timekeeping, it goes hand in hand with laziness. It is the start of a slippery slope for me and it needs nipping in the bud. For starters it is extremely disrespectful to others to be late. Not just your teammates, but also people like the coach driver who is kept waiting etc. They are the ones that players need to learn to show respect to, not each other. It is the tea lady etc that ends up having to wait around on them for an extra hour that won't get paid for it either and will only be on minimum wage to start with. I would not allow tardiness to become a habit if it was me.}



16 May 2024 15:57:32
Genuinely I am not trying to annoy people but here goes.
For the last few years I've wanted klopp gone I've finally got my wish. I prey Salah is next to go with Diaz and Trent and a few of the lesser used players.
I think with these sales we can really do well with our incoming head coach.
I guess what I am saying is don't be too upset about klopp and players leaving. We all have good memories with the trophies we have won.
I am really excited for next season if my personal preferences regarding sales comes to fruition.
I am going to state right now we win nothing next season but the season after we will have silverware. If Slot gets 3 seasons minimum I think we win at least 2 premier leagues and hopefully a cup or two.


1.) 16 May 2024 17:49:19
Walter, mighty grand of you to concede we may get silverware in two years time.

2.) 16 May 2024 18:46:18
No need to pray for players to be sold.
I’m excited for the future too.



13 Jan 2024 22:28:29
I am sorry but I don't see a world class player in Trent. Yes he's good going forward but world class no.
Can he become world class yes.
As for his defending he's average at best. There's been many a time when he's been beaten by his incompetent defending style.
Overall he's the player we need in the style we play but there's room for vast improvement in his defensive duties and there's room for better decisions going forward.
I for one want him to do well but there's still work to be done.


1.) 13 Jan 2024 22:45:14
He's been world class since he was 21. He's a generational talent that has redefined the role like Roberto Carlos, Dani Alves and Marcelo did.

2.) 13 Jan 2024 22:49:31
Already filed under the "Negative for no reason whatsover" folder, Walter.

3.) 13 Jan 2024 23:46:36
This season he has been world class for sure.

4.) 14 Jan 2024 00:50:50
There are actually some decent forwards Trent comes up against, so it’s no disgrace to be given a hard time on occasions. It just seems the media love to jump on his back at every given opportunity, not to mention some on here.

Rejoice in the fact we have him and what he brings to our team, regardless of what role he’s asked to play.

5.) 14 Jan 2024 00:51:16
World class is such a subjective title. I care more about whether a player is world class whilst playing with us.

6.) 14 Jan 2024 01:01:51
Negative after a reaction again I see. Are you bored mate?

7.) 14 Jan 2024 02:46:19
Not even worth a reaction.

8.) 14 Jan 2024 03:37:37
Yet you reacted redflyer.

Most hilarious thing here is, Walter probably loves Trent. He's messing about and sparking a debate, he does it all of the time and is the negative one but it's an act, trust me this fella isn't being serious lol. He's a character and he brings something different.

Sorry for blowing your cover Walter :) .
Hope all is well mate.

As for Trent, when Ed1 is about 95 year old (not too far from now) he'll be doing a 'legends of the game' profile on the lad. Trent is a fantastic player and one who is cementing his name into our history. We are very lucky to have such a player who is as talented and as loyal as he is, they don't come around too often.

9.) 14 Jan 2024 05:13:02
U got me. ?.

10.) 14 Jan 2024 07:27:20
LOL Trent is a key part of a defensive line up that has only conceded 18 goals this season, the best so far in the league. The scary part about Trent is that he is only going to get better.

11.) 14 Jan 2024 09:39:50
It’s almost like media and pundits believe we are the only team with class forwards in the league when it comes to watching us.

When Diaz, Jota, Darwin or Salah go past defenders it’s always because they are class. But whenever Trent is taken on by a class forward (ie martinelli, foden etc) then it’s always because of Trent’s defending and nothing to do with the other player being pretty good as well.

It’s the same thing for Vvd as well. The guy didn’t get taken on for 3 years and then when it finally happens once and then maybe another 3% is the time last season the other 97% of his successful challenges are forgotten about and it’s Vvd os done.

Sad thing is a few LFC fans fall into the trap of this media noise themselves.

12.) 14 Jan 2024 10:33:08
Salah, you've been caught out too, my old friend. ??. You've been doing a great job of pretending that you like Walter's posts. But you haven't fooled everyone yet. I suggest you try harder in praising him and his posts, Maybe a few more of us will bite. ??

In response to your earlier post, I thank you mate and the road to recovery is ongoing. But I tell you, quitting smoking after 46 years is a bitch. Biggest regret in my life that I ever started. One summer with a hot blonde right after high school, who smoked, and I got myself into a lifelong addiction that won't let go.

13.) 14 Jan 2024 12:52:48
Aray I smoked 3 packs a day for almost 30 years. It’s seen as fickle by some but the vape really helped me quit. Couldn’t have done it without.

14.) 14 Jan 2024 17:22:02
Aside from players like Messi and Ronaldo there’s always a debate whether a player is world class or not. Trent, at only 25, is only like 5 assists of being in the top 20 of all time assists in Premier League history. If he carries on generating the same numbers it’s not out of the question for him to break into the top 10 maybe even top 5. For a full back that is ridiculous. His range of passing is phenomenal, on par with most of the best midfielders currently playing. His free kick ability is pretty decent and his long range shooting ability is good as well. His defending may not be his strongest asset but it is no where near as bad as pundits and fans make it out to be. In my opinion world class is being a standout in your position and would likely play in most teams in the world over what they have there. I can’t think of many clubs where he doesn’t walk into the side. If he played in Spain generating the same numbers every football fan would saying how amazing he is.

15.) 14 Jan 2024 18:52:48
TRENT is world class. Some of his shots and passes are unreal. Any team wouoild want him or woul Sign him given The chance. he's probably worth 150 mil minimum.

{Ed025's Note - Trent is a very talented individual SG, my problem is that im not sure what his best position is mate, hes not anywhere near world class yet but certainly has the potential to be in that bracket..

16.) 14 Jan 2024 19:18:06
Totally disagree Ed. With the ball at his feet only KDB is similar level in the PL at least. Don't watch any other leagues. Agree his best position is up for debate.

{Ed025's Note - as i said RF the guy is certainly a talent, i dont think his defending is his strong suit though mate and he has not played enough in midfield to really judge him yet, great passer of a ball with a wand of a right foot, needs to find a permanent role for me before he is fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as KDB..

17.) 14 Jan 2024 19:37:39
He plays RB. He’s been a RB since he broke into the first team seven years ago. He gets in the Liverpool all time XI ahead of Neal, Nicol, Jones, Finnan etc. He gets into a World XI ahead of Walker, Hakimi, Carvajal, you name it.

If that doesn’t make him World Class, then you might want to check your jealousy and bitterness settings.

18.) 15 Jan 2024 11:16:00
As, @BP said. The guy is just bored and wanted to get a reaction with the over the top and dismissive tone of his OP. I guess it worked as the argument of Trent being world class RB or footballer overall, has been over years ago, IMO.

19.) 15 Jan 2024 11:45:46
Why do you keep banging on about his defending when he's kept most wingers quiet this season? Anything to have a go, you don't see other defenders getting this much stick, jealousy from half wits who don't understand how he plays and how much work he gets through in games, look at his stats and where we are in the league. Ask anyone who knows the game will tell you he's world class, not some blue nose who's bitter and hasn't had a world class player in their team since the 80's.

20.) 15 Jan 2024 12:48:44
Trent definitely world class, his numbers alone are crazy coming from a bitter blue nose, im not surprised he isn't being called world class, they think Calvert Lewin AND Pickford are top class lol (banter with a edge of truth there 025 haha)

21.) 15 Jan 2024 13:50:16
I know what you mean ra mate, it's not easy. I quit last year but it wasn't easy. It's almost a year now and I still get the cravings but keep at it and you'll do it.

Back in November I went and got a packet because I'd had a bad day and luckily I didn't cave in, I'd quickly opened the pack lol but didn't do it. Don't give in to it mate and it'll be the best thing you've ever done. Honestly I feel like a different person since quitting and I'm sure, I'm certain you will as well.

Good luck mate, hard? yes, impossible? no. Just got to stay focused, you've got this mate. Keep it up, you're doing great.

22.) 16 Jan 2024 11:12:40
As a full back I wouldn't put him before nicol, although I never forgive him for not bringing down Michael Thomas for that goal.



01 Jan 2024 17:28:22
I feel it's going to be a tough night tonight. Newcastle need a win big time. I hope we smash them.
Tonight will go a long way in deciding if we're going to get champions league or uefa cup next season.
Come the end of the season I think we will look back to tonight and see this is where Manchester city won the league.


1.) 01 Jan 2024 18:02:08
Man city won the league after we trounced Newcastle 4-0? That's quite an impressive feat!

2.) 01 Jan 2024 18:31:52
It’s impossible for one result to win or lose the league now Neggy. Too many points have been dropped by all teams for it to be down to just one game.

3.) 01 Jan 2024 18:41:38
That reminds me, I’m going to have a waffle for desert.

4.) 01 Jan 2024 18:59:56
I predict a 2-2 draw. We'll have to drop points so City can gain some ground. And pep did say they would win the league :/.

5.) 01 Jan 2024 19:25:37
No league is ever won on January 1st.

6.) 01 Jan 2024 19:48:24
Ah lads, just dont.

7.) 01 Jan 2024 21:53:57
Well i'm glad my prediction went to crap lol.

8.) 01 Jan 2024 22:03:02
This game will decide if we get champs league or europa league next season? Wtf are you smoking.

9.) 01 Jan 2024 22:55:58
Does that mean we've qualified for the Champions League now then?
Or the UEFA cup?

10.) 01 Jan 2024 23:07:54
So does that mean we’re definitely getting Champ’s league now Walter? If so, that’s a bit positive for you isn’t it mate? ?.

11.) 01 Jan 2024 23:33:24
Guys, let it go with Negative W. It is becoming too easy at this point.

12.) 02 Jan 2024 01:39:57
It’s all part of the fun Oli, he’ll be sat back chuckling to himself thinking about his next post. Proper banter, he’s not too bad for a Man U fan. That’s right isn’t it Walter? ?.

13.) 02 Jan 2024 08:10:17
Gotta give credit to the lads wasn't expecting that result today.
Let's hope it continues with Endo leaving.

14.) 02 Jan 2024 08:27:38
We have the best goals against record in the league this season (3 better than the next best - City - who’ve played a game less than us).

We are joint second on goals scored.

We have the best goal difference.

Mo is the joint top scorer in the PL with 14 goals (equal with the Norwegian one)

Mo is the joint top goal assist in the PL with 8 assists (equal with Ollie Watkins)

Mo tops the list of combined goal scoring and assists.

I understand it might be a bit of reverse psychology for you to have an ‘out’ if we do actually lose but you’ve been at it since about the 3rd or 4th game this season.

Although, thinking about it, perhaps the squad know about your concerns and aren’t losing just to spite you. So, maybe, on behalf of the superstitious everywhere, perhaps you should keep it up ??.




Negativeredwalter2.0's rumour replies


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01 Jun 2024 21:45:34
Curtis needs to be sold. Even at my old age I'd still think I am/ was a better player than him.
I am not trying to be rude but it baffles my mind he's made the career he has.
If he gets to stay I hope he can make vast improvements to his game.




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19 May 2024 19:39:45
@zeddicus that was me talking about Virgil all them years ago.




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15 May 2024 10:49:07
Trent is not world class in any sense of the statement. He has no defensive skills and is average with dead ball situations.
His passing is his good attribute and his level is decent at most.




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26 Apr 2024 21:41:58
I did mention a few months back per a conversation with some lads in the cafe he wanted to go to Munich.




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25 Apr 2024 21:29:34
As a resident in London for many a year now, I feel London has become a cess pit. It's truly disgusting.
I am no hard man but can look after myself, but I don't feel safe in London when on my own.
Even some of the more decent areas have become unrecognisable. There's so many scummy people that would kill you for your last watsit.
I have to travel with my kids regularly in central London and I am embarrassed they have to witness what the capital has become.





Negativeredwalter2.0's banter replies


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23 Jul 2024 10:10:35
Everyone keeping on about our manager. We don't have a manager we have a head coach.
They're different roles. i've took many shots to the head when younger but I am sure Mr slot has stated that he will train to the best of his ability anyone the club add to the staff. He has very limited input into the buying of players. As I said I've had lots of head shots and the brain don't work as well as others but that's how I understand it.




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13 Jul 2024 22:51:54
Agree ed 25. Even better if a Liverpool player scores the winner.


{Ed025's Note - it will be Trent in the penalty shootout after a 2-2 draw Walter..



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12 Jul 2024 21:37:10
The penalty shouldn't have even stood as in the build up saka actually handballed so should have been a free kick to Holland.


{Ed025's Note - but it was, and it wasn,t, so we won and we are in the final, which is all good Walter...Come On England..



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04 Jul 2024 19:24:23
@Mkscouser how is Salah staying a good thing? Curious to your view. Personally I feel he's had his time.




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28 Jun 2024 22:11:02
Just to add my most likely negative spin on this Gerrard was the better player for us.
I was disappointed overall with Alonso at LFC. I would say he had the better career overall though.




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