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29 Jun 2023 08:54:30
So apparently we are linked with everyone even Mbappe and we should also sell everyone to make way, C'mon lads it will be what it will be, Its nice to get big name players but we aren't going to break the bank and the basis of a top team is still there whoever we get will have a red shirt on and we will support them. YNWA.


1.) 29 Jun 2023 11:08:55
It's not a top team – we finished in 5th last season, no trophies and 22 points behind City.

It's a very good team, but one that needs fresh blood.

2.) 29 Jun 2023 12:33:58
Could be worse could be the blue half of the city then we would all agree we have problems.

3.) 29 Jun 2023 13:26:24
It is still a top team though. We went from walking the league to scraping 4th to getting close to a quadruple to a bad season. If the team that scraped 4th with almost no additions can go to nearly winning a quadruple why can't this team get back to that level with multiple additions?

People spend so much time making everything negative and wondering why they're miserable.

4.) 29 Jun 2023 13:26:41
Yes, Rabh

Could be even worse could be in the championship.

5.) 29 Jun 2023 13:48:04
It’s getting to the stage where if you haven’t got anything positive to say then you’re told to not post.

Who cares what everyone else’s opinions are.

Whether they are extremely positive or the most negative and everything in between then surely we should be encouraging more posters to post.

If someone likes to rant then let them rant and if someone thinks we should be having an open top bus tour and dvd release of we almost won the quadruple 2 seasons again then good on them.

Not one single opinion has any bearing whatsoever on the club and I personally enjoy reading all sides.

I’m 3 weeks time the actual football kicks off again and we can all go back to that.

6.) 29 Jun 2023 14:08:30
There's negativity and there's believing every single bad story about the club, no matter how far fetched and talking rubbish JK.

7.) 29 Jun 2023 14:23:19
JK you seem an intelligent person based off of previous posts. But couple issues with this one. No one has said don't post anything in this thread. I have seen it said prior though and mostly don't agree (some people shouldn't be posting some stuff they do though which is why we have eds obviously)

Also you say you enjoy reading all sides that's absolutely fine so do I but posts such as "We didn't get Bellingham so I'm angry and want to be taken over by Saudis" isn't really a side is it? Like I just don't see where that ads to the conversation really? This imo is completely different than debates about the midfield and how many players we need or at Cb etc.

But some people go out of their way to make things negative and there are periods where this site becomes almost unreadible because it is just filled with negative nonsense that sometimes it is worth the effort of reminding people you can choose to spin things positively aswell.

8.) 29 Jun 2023 14:53:45
SR and Pickle cheers for the replies.

You’re right that it’s not been said on here not to post but if anyone has anything negative to say then it’s almost like they are talked down too. I don’t agree with lots of stuff on here but I’ve never got to the stage where I’ve thought it was not worth coming on or it was unreadable and if anyone ever gets to that point then maybe an open forum isn’t the place for them.

I love going to games and watching them In pubs with mates who support other teams and some of the stuff they come out with is extraordinary but it’s just an opinion.

I think a lot of people may post for reaction and people taking the bait and reacting is giving then what they want.

I’d 100% hand on heart hate coming on here if everyone had the exact same opinion and whilst I don’t agree with lots of opinions then it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy reading them.

I don’t really like my wife or agree with her most days but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some of the time with her ?.

Also just to clarify my post was in no ways intended about any of the posters above on this thread. It was just a general post regarding how everyone seems to be at each others throats over the last few weeks and I include myself in that as well.

Everyone in Anfield shares different opinions but there’s never any trouble. I suppose when we throw the safety of a keyboard in then it’s easy to sling s##t at each other.

9.) 29 Jun 2023 17:42:35
Yeah great post JK all fair points. and while you joke about your wife it is true you can disagree with someone even be annoyed sometimes at someone and still get on great with them and hopefully in your case still love them ❤️.

Anyway have a great day mate! I just try and spin a bit of positivity into people's gloomy posts sometimes! As a couple have said it could be a lot worse could have been born an evertonian!

{Ed025's Note - in your dreams pickle..

10.) 29 Jun 2023 17:59:36
“Everyone in Anfield shares different opinions but there’s never any trouble”

Not necessarily JK. I’ve seen quite a few issues over the years based on a few absolute bell ends.

Also re this:

“It was just a general post regarding how everyone seems to be at each others throats over the last few weeks and I include myself in that as well. ”

That is part and parcel of when you all love something but come it with different attitudes. Some go into the new season with blind hope and loyalty. Some go into it with sheer pessimism because nothing ever will come good if it’s still owned by FSG. Most of us are somewhere in the middle.

Think of this forum like pub chat. Everyone’s entitled an opinion but everyone also has the right to call you a tool if they think you’re being a tool. So long as it’s never personal and doesn’t cross any lines obviously.

11.) 29 Jun 2023 19:47:01
100% JK. Variety is the spice of life and all that. Let’s be honest, as far a football forums go this one is pretty good ? but we all need to acknowledge that there is only so much in Liverpool terms we can chat about and it is mainly an OPINION based site, never mind how some (including me) find ridiculous.
I would much rather have someone’s opinion than people who post what they think others want to hear or regurgitate what an Editor has already said.
Regardless of that as long as it’s done reasonably civil then there shouldn’t be an issue ?‍♂️

Oh, one last thing, come back Harry, this site is better with you on it?.

12.) 29 Jun 2023 20:45:22
Cheers pickle mate great reply and hope you have a great day.

Wassa cheers for the reply and it’s not a good look if there is issues with fans inside the ground. Thankfully I’ve never come across it and have always found it very friendly. You get the odd person screaming and shouting abuse but they normally get outsung.

Irish always great to read your opinion mate and couldn’t agree 100%.

Regardless of what fans opinions are we all want the same thing and that’s the club to be as successful as possible on the pitch next season.

Some want to do it spending millions, some just want to spend some money and others want us to defend the net spend, we’re ahead of the rest in the transfer market trophy for the 6th year.

As long as Klopp is happy and the team can compete then that’s the main thing.

13.) 29 Jun 2023 20:46:34
99.9% of the stuff on here would be sorted out in a pub with the comment ‘Don’t talk soft and it’s your round’. The trouble is there is no tone and very little real time response so context goes out the window and it becomes easy for people, myself included, to misread and so start to see insults were there aren’t really any intended.

One thing I would say is that virtually everyone who comes on here cares about the club. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be here putting forward their opinions . We all want the same thing in the end, the thing is we have different views on how to get there, which is brilliant and long may it continue.

14.) 29 Jun 2023 21:01:12
All great points WDW and couldn’t agree more.

15.) 29 Jun 2023 22:15:45
Agreed WDW, which is why I now sometimes use emojis. I mean, they’re not really my thing, far from it if I’m honest, being 54 and never used one before 53 but if it tries to soften the context of a post then I hope it’s worth continuing with ?

16.) 30 Jun 2023 08:36:29
Some stunning hypocrisy on display here.

17.) 30 Jun 2023 08:36:29
Some stunning hypocrisy on display here.



19 Jun 2023 08:53:19
Just wanted to say well done to Graham Souness for raising money for the little girl by swimming the channel YNWA.


1.) 19 Jun 2023 09:49:28

2.) 19 Jun 2023 09:20:59
Heard the story of the little girl and it certainly puts life into perspective.

Really hope they can find a medical solution and funding is fully available for her.

3.) 19 Jun 2023 11:19:03
Legend Forever. None of the guys who go after him could hold a candle to him as a player and as a person regardless of his flaws as a human being. Nice one, Souey.

4.) 19 Jun 2023 14:58:22
Class from souness, heartbreaking how much pain that girl goes through every day.

5.) 19 Jun 2023 17:45:59
Graeme Souness, Liverpool fc Legend, What a man.

6.) 19 Jun 2023 18:00:25
Graeme Souness makes Irn Bru look weak.
A colossus of a player and a man to be admired and respected.

7.) 19 Jun 2023 19:25:47
Also a great example of how to look after yourself in your older years. He’s some boy for 70 ?.

8.) 19 Jun 2023 19:48:56
Irish clearly his years in Turkey were good to him.

Trend setter.

9.) 20 Jun 2023 00:23:05
I've heard the Channel backed off and Yosser could walk across.

10.) 20 Jun 2023 11:35:16
The fact he also went through heart surgery makes the swimming feat even more remarkable. Still making grown men cry at the age of 70. Legend.

11.) 20 Jun 2023 12:11:10
Hopefully you all backed up your praise with giving a quid or two to the actual charity Souey is raising money for? Be great if you did anyway. One of our top five ever players still making YNWA mean something.



12 Oct 2022 11:31:43
I am just going to be a bit controversial here. so the question is although he is a fantastic footballer what have we won with Thiago actually in the team? so does his type of football put more pressure on a 3 man midfield in a high energy game, is this why we see the decline of Fab and Hendo? only a question and i do think he is an awesome player YNWA.


1.) 12 Oct 2022 13:06:28
I don't think it's controversial to say that the evolution of system that Thiago was bought in to spearhead hasn't happened for various reasons.

Is he to blame? Certainly not.

2.) 12 Oct 2022 13:18:05
I also think he's a quality footballer but, in my opinion, his lack of pace sometimes gets found out and leaves us vulnerable. The whole midfield is lacking energy at the minute, and he's certainly not solely to blame, but he's certainly part of the problem.

3.) 12 Oct 2022 14:30:24
Must of missed an entire season last year? Where we not challenging for 4 trophies and won two of them?

4.) 12 Oct 2022 14:57:20
just a question then what did we win with him in the team?

5.) 12 Oct 2022 15:09:42
He was the final piece of the jigsaw I seem to remember?

6.) 12 Oct 2022 15:36:14
All of the same people who were desperate for us to sign Thiago but insisted we never would because of FSG being meanies are now the same people criticising the age and injury record of our midfield, which also is apparently FSG’s fault.

A lot of the discourse about our struggles is laced with hypocrisy and convenient revisionism. Not accusing you of that worzal, just a general point. Everything is twisted to fit the narrative that FSG or external factors are to blame, Klopp is infallible and is practically being held hostage, and that the things people are complaining about are things that they never asked for. Examples include signing Thiago, Nunez and keeping Salah, also Mane who despite everyone clamouring for him to be sold is now apparently the most obviously stupid sale of all time, which is also FSG’s fault of course.

Klopp and the staff chose to sign, keep and mollycoddle all of these players, and the blame lies with them and them alone.

7.) 12 Oct 2022 15:19:33
Kloppers - the issues were there last season too. The results masked over them.

8.) 12 Oct 2022 16:16:50
That wasn’t the question pelican it was what have we won with Thiago in the team. and we competed for 4 trophies and won two of them.

9.) 12 Oct 2022 18:44:58
The results masked over the issues? I've heard it all now!
It's a results game. Are we not judged on our results?
If we win every game there are no issues to be masked.
Some of you love having something to moan about and someone to blame.

10.) 12 Oct 2022 19:05:55
The midfield is where the problems lie as it’s exposing our defensive line far too often. This was the season to spend big and get a couple of quality energetic midfielders in and integrate them into the team, and actually add competition for places. We could have got rid of Ox on a free. All that guy does is steal a living.

11.) 12 Oct 2022 21:00:50
@FlyPelicanFly, thank you for the funniest post I’ve read in ages. We had loads and loads of problems last year but we kept winning ??? we were 61 games out of 63 into the season, had gone the closest any English team had ever gone and were 2 games away from doing the quadruple. Some problems we must have had ???.

12.) 13 Oct 2022 09:54:30
the answer is 1 fa cup he has never played in the league cup and was injured in the warm up of the final. Like i said i think he is a wonderful footballer just wanted to post the question YNWA.

13.) 13 Oct 2022 10:02:16
OP, you're just being controversial, as you said you would be. When has one player EVER won a trophy in the game of football? This ain't golf, bro. This is just lazy and yeah, controversial stuff for literally no reason. Does Thiago play in midfield by himself? Seriously, what are you getting at here?

Thiago is playing the role he was brought in to play and frankly based on the evidence, it has worked. You can't just reduce a player's impact to whether trophies are won or not. That is just again, myopic thinking for me. There's no need for this stuff, really. Not right now.

14.) 13 Oct 2022 10:07:07
@FlyPelicanFly, you're going to have to explain that comment and how it is possible that results could mask as many problems as you claim we had last season in midfield?

Also, you do know that if we had the exact problems last season that we do now, we don't get anywhere near competing for the Quad, right? How do I know? Simple. We literally would have had the same issues we have now, last season which we didn't so again, strange comment.

15.) 13 Oct 2022 13:08:09
OliRed - midfield control and final third pressures were down last season on previous seasons. Possession lost by our forwards was up too.

We gave up 5 leads in the PL. That isn’t typical of a title challenger.

Ps going behind in games started in the second half of last season too. I think it’s something like 17 out of the last 21 games.

The regression was happening last season in front of our eyes despite the amazing run of results. It is possible for both things to be true.



23 Mar 2022 18:21:47
So just wanted to start a little debate on Marcus Rashford and who would take him if he was available. not that they would sell to us but just wanted to put it out there.

other thing would be Sako from the gooners replacing Salah what do folks think?

just a couple of questions to have a chew on YNWA.


1.) 23 Mar 2022 18:55:57
United are such a basket case that I find it hard to judge whether it's Rashford own fault he's been poor this season, or if it's the coaching and general malaise within the club.

Saka's a good player and one I'd seriously consider as a new RW should Salah leave. We would need a bit of patience with him though as he is only 20.

2.) 23 Mar 2022 19:00:27
Rashford is a good player who would be better surrounded by our squad instead of that s#@t-show at utd. And Saka, just don't think there's even a tiny chance of getting him with Arsenal looking like getting Champs Lge football and we have our own prodigy on that wing in Kaide Gordon.

3.) 23 Mar 2022 20:26:30
If he was available for 30mil I'd take him. Was a good player. Needs a proper coach to sort him out.

4.) 23 Mar 2022 20:30:30
Saka would be excellent signing I reckon, if arsenal qualify for champ league can't see him leaving but if they didn't I think he would go. Rashford a few years ago wouldve loved to him at liverpool but not now, he looks disinterested r maybe personal problems, something not right with him anyway.

5.) 24 Mar 2022 00:00:44
Rashford has been the victim of years of terrible coaching and rubbish players around him for sure. I have always rated him and said since the beginning that he’s ‘got it’, but I feel like he may be too far gone.

The biggest factor for me is one that scarcely ever gets mentioned: Solskjaer’s insistence on playing him through injuries. He knew that Rashford needed surgery on a BROKEN BACK, yet played him for months for regardless. That isn’t just bad management, that’s straight up employee abuse of the highest calibre. What’s worse is that all his mates in the media backed him and never said a word. Solsjkaer is not a ‘nice guy’ who’s just out of his depth, he’s an incompetent and parasitic toad, no matter how much the ‘Fergie took time to win things so by that logic literally anybody can become Fergie given enough time’ crowd want to believe it.

I feel like this more than any other factor could be what finishes off Rashford. It’s the same as when Torres was rushed back for the 2010 World Cup and was never the same again, only much much worse.

I love him as a player and as a human being but i’m not sure he can be saved at this point. It’s massive shame.

6.) 24 Mar 2022 00:06:28
If Salah doesn’t sign in this summer I could see us selling for as much as poss and going for Bowen.

7.) 24 Mar 2022 00:25:04
No thanks! Rashford should stay put he is at his level, how is this up for debate? To even suggest him as an option for Liverpool is ludicrous and would be a step back from where we are at. He has no fixed position and is quite terrible in most. Also is part of the problem Man utd have been so poor for years? Sorry this got me Puzzled!

8.) 24 Mar 2022 06:09:31
It’s a no from me on Rashford. You can blame the coaches and managers all you want for his training off the pitch but once he crosses that white line it’s all about him. And his attitude and efforts on the pitch the buck stops with him.

9.) 24 Mar 2022 07:03:50
Rashford is so busy being a (very admirable) humanitarian, he long forgotten how to play football.
He is way to distracted to be part of this group of players and actually contribute.

10.) 24 Mar 2022 07:09:23
Like a lot of players Rushford is living in the shadow of the "Ronaldo show" I'm not surprised his game has gone to pot. Personally I don't think he is THAT good but certainly better than is has shown this year. The signing of Ronaldo has been a regressive step for the club and the players.

11.) 24 Mar 2022 07:25:08
Not opposed to the idea of Rashford joining, just not as a replacement for Salah. He plays predominantly on the left and is right footed. If we replace Salah and unless we change our system we should get a left footer right sided attacker.

12.) 24 Mar 2022 13:52:04
There is no doubt in my mind that, with his footballing skills, Rashford would be a far more effective player anywhere else rather than where he is now. That club is just a circus with so many distractions. How is any player there able to focus on just the football?

13.) 24 Mar 2022 13:57:08
If Salah leaves i want Bowen.

Rashford would maybe be in the top 300 as a replacement option.

14.) 25 Mar 2022 09:50:29
Coming from a United Fan I think Rashford would suit a klopp style team. Also got to consider pre back injury that rashford was progressing quite well until ole ruined him whether he can get back to where he was is another question thought. The seasons prior to his injury 19/ 20 season he scored 25 and assisted 8 in all competitions and 20/ 21 scored 23 and assisted 12 in all competitions he was 22,23 years old in those seasons.

Mane who I will use as an example as they play in similar positions. in the 19/ 20 season mane scored 22 assisted 8 and 20/ 21 season 23 goals with 12 assists. he was 28 and 29 during these seasons a whole 5 and 6 years older than rashford and Mane is/ was in his prime.

stats don't tell the whole picture granted, but I know if you take the names away and who they play fo from the players, I would pick the 22/ 23 year old with better goal involvement than a 28/ 29 year old with slightly less goal involvement and coming towards the end of his career than one about to enter his prime. If rashford was playing for liverpool during those season I suspect he would have even better stats and produce more then Mane has considering Rashford produced slightly better in an awful mismanaged side compared to Mane who produced those numbers in one of the top sides in Europe.



21 Feb 2022 17:41:35
Just want to say that we really have to enjoy this team while we have them as they are outstanding. we have had some amazing teams over the years but I just think this one is the best. YNWA.


1.) 21 Feb 2022 19:17:47
Was just thinking about this today worzal, I think your right this is liverpools best ever team. maybe don't have as many trophies as previous great teams (yet! ) but I think what this team has done under klopp is remarkable considering how our rivals are backed financially. And the football is superb, good physical stylish football, always trying to attack, a joy 2 watch.

{Ed025's Note - it makes me sick.. :)

2.) 21 Feb 2022 20:57:26
🤣🤣 your day in sun will come ed25.

3.) 22 Feb 2022 06:33:17
Digger probably when they play Blackpool away next season in August in the Championship.

4.) 22 Feb 2022 07:25:33
Imho, it’s Liverpool’s most complete squad in the almost 60 years I have been watching the club but it might not be our best team. Some of the starting 11’s in the 80’s were pretty good.

5.) 22 Feb 2022 07:26:23
I should add that without a doubt we are really good to watch at the moment.

6.) 22 Feb 2022 07:35:30
WOuld love to see this time nail 2-3 trophies this season not just cos winning trophies is cool but cos it will underline how good this squad is.

7.) 22 Feb 2022 15:33:04
Let’s not get too carried away. If we can’t beat this so called weakened Man City side then we can’t call ourselves great. The answer will be in the trophies at the end of the season.

8.) 22 Feb 2022 18:14:04
Digger10, still waiting for that day in the sun, man. Still waiting….




worzal69's rumour replies


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23 Jan 2025 08:56:36
I love an old school rumour, can we have more please.




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13 Jan 2025 11:24:43
I have to agree that Nunez is a likeable bloke and he always puts a shift in, Salah rates him and so do the rest of his team mates, If he had Jotas ice cold finishing he would be up there with the best in the world, There is definately a player in there i just don't think its as a number 9. i think we will keep him for the rest of this season. i think the fans would love him to score more its definately not through the lack of effort, He to Salah is like Heskey to Owen. I hope ot turns around for him . YNWA.




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30 Aug 2024 08:38:41
are we getting Simao at last. its been a few years but i haven't seen any rumours this year.




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07 May 2024 09:03:59
People who are affected by social media need to learn there is an off button. There are some terrible trolls out there but you can stop it straight away with one finger.
No matter what anyone earns some people Need an arm around them to get the best from them. Its what Klopp does the hugs and the smiles are all about man management. But Nunez gets his name chanted by everyone in the stadium which should always be a boost to anyone's ego. he gives it his all every game so get behind hime while he has a red shirt on YNWA.




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26 Apr 2024 11:43:20
Most of the trouble against Everton was that we kept giving needless freekicks away which we were unable to defend. Every Freekick and corner they took went to the far post and Once it went past the blocked Virgil they had free headers. Its happened more than once this year. Defensively we are naive.





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07 Feb 2025 11:15:35
i meant the 77.




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07 Feb 2025 10:25:55
I started supporting them when i watched the 78 fa cup final even though Man Utd won Liverpool were my team from then.




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15 Jan 2025 15:15:30
yep fair play Ed.




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15 Jan 2025 11:54:20
I am not sure i would keep both long term, they are both weak in the tackle and are also quite slow, they do have good and bad games, i don't think you would ever play them in the same team. Elliot though will run for the shirt.


{Ed001's Note - which is why I would keep Elliott. At least he cares about the club and would give his all for the club. He doesn't come out giving interviews about how his dream is to play for Madrid, instead he told them where to go when the chance came about to join them and chose us.}



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13 Jan 2025 14:09:14
god bless the PJ's sgynwa.




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