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Boydy's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Boydy's rumours posts
27 May 2024 12:16:28
Any interest in Rafa leao?
{Ed002's Note - Lots but not from Liverpool.}
04 Jan 2018 12:45:09
Sky Germany apparently stating we are back in contract talks with Emre Can, can the eds confirm this? Or is he a goner?
Don't mind so much if he goes but it would be better to get some money for him at some point!
{Ed025's Note - i think hes a goner boydy..
1.) 04 Jan 2018 13:30:09
I'll be gutted if he goes, he always does so well for me on FIFA : (.
2.) 04 Jan 2018 13:41:01
He's going and good luck to him.
3.) 04 Jan 2018 14:25:11
Can is gone, to much water under that bridge. Klopp wouldn't guarentee playing time and exit Claus.
4.) 04 Jan 2018 14:44:24
By now life goes on.
5.) 04 Jan 2018 14:46:27
I thought Can was supposed to remain in the club until summer when he'll walk for free? Eds?
{Ed002's Note - I am not sure he is "supposed" to but I expect that he will.}
6.) 04 Jan 2018 14:49:31
Not quick or mobile enough.
File under Charlie Adam, Lucas Leiva (post-knee op), Suso etc etc.
Hopefully the Ox gets a bit more playing time now.
7.) 04 Jan 2018 15:22:21
What? Did you seriously just compare Can to Charlie Adam?
I've always liked Can. With his powerful storming runs, neat footwork that looks clumsy but somehow comes off, his rushes of blood to the head and gorgeous slick hair. I'm not going to start pretending otherwise should he leave. It happens. And I don't think one of the biggest clubs in Europe were too interested in Charlie Beefcake Adam.
8.) 04 Jan 2018 16:52:43
Charlie Adam's corners alone were worth £10m though, Meister 😂
I like my men a bit rough around the edges, and Charlie was rougher than a Glaswegian alleyway.
9.) 04 Jan 2018 18:12:42
bumped into him in san carlo a couple times, charlie adam certainly was/ is rough around the edges, his missus though, anything but ;0.
11 Aug 2017 15:27:58
If coutinho goes could the club look to Alexis Sanchez?
Probably not but thought I'd ask anyway! 😂
{Ed002's Note - Sanchez is not going to want to move to Liverpool.}
1.) 11 Aug 2017 19:57:47
Wishful thinking, would be funny if that happened.
2.) 11 Aug 2017 20:57:28
What about Riyad Mahrez? He doesn't want to stay at Leicester. quality player, PL player of season the year b4 last.
3.) 11 Aug 2017 22:13:06
I wouldn't want Mahrez anywhere near the club.
4.) 11 Aug 2017 23:46:17
Problems with South American players
Problems with South amton players.
Ronnie Whelan had problems with Southend players.
Does anyone see a pattern?
5.) 12 Aug 2017 00:30:51
Stop asking for wingers. we don't need wingers. Stop the nonsense.
13 Jun 2017 09:00:04
Morning eds
I saw yesterday ed001 you said a verdict from the fa was expected yesterday regarding a transfer ban, was there any announcement?
Also I know it's been asked before but seeing links to lacazette from arsenal at around £60mil, any interest from us? Would be a great signing! Or is it just wishful thinking!
{Ed001's Note - nothing yet mate. The FA moves in mysterious ways mate.
I don't know of any interest from us in Lacazette.}
1.) 13 Jun 2017 09:41:54
Doubt Lacazette would move to a club that has'nt qualified for the CL.
2.) 13 Jun 2017 09:43:10
Ed. What's your verdict on Lacazette? He has been a huge goal scorer for a few years, available now it seems as well, but he's not really linked with the top clubs you'd expect.
Chelsea, Juve, Utd all looking for strikers. We are. Real Madrid if selling Morata, Man City never say no to a striker and Spurs signed Jansen, so they we're looking last summer. Milan are boosting this summer.
I'm just surprised a stampede isn't happening. Is he just not that good?
{Ed001's Note - no idea I have not seen a lot of him.}
3.) 13 Jun 2017 10:31:20
I have always thought that too, didn't make the French euro squad either which also got me thinking is he actually that good?
I don't watch the French league but he looks quality on highlights, quick and a good finisher.
4.) 13 Jun 2017 11:43:44
Thanks for the quick reply ed!
{Ed001's Note - welcome.}
5.) 13 Jun 2017 13:04:44
Lacazette not making the France euro squad costed them the Euro cup.
Giroud played well but he is still a tree. His replacement Gignac was the same, just more clumsy.
6.) 13 Jun 2017 13:52:36
Ed, not sure if anyone has mentioned this (had a quick look) but that ex City guy on SSN yesterday said that he is sure if 2000 deals were done this window, 1999 would need to be investigated by the FA for tapping up and that the rules are so outdated! Whether they are outdated or not, surely they still need to be adhered too, but if true, I was surprised at the level this law is allegedly being flouted! Like I said before, we've still been idiots, but is it as rife as he thought?
{Ed001's Note - it is not as rife as that. There are very few innocent clubs, but no way is it that common. Plenty are not even set up until the last second and the players are not high up on the target list so would in no way have been tapped up. People are just exaggerating for effect.}
7.) 13 Jun 2017 15:48:20
Thanks for the reply Ed, I did wonder if that was an exaggeration or not.
{Ed001's Note - just like Carragher, they are protecting the club they support. Citeh are one of the major culprits in recent years, not just with players either!}
8.) 13 Jun 2017 16:00:32
Not just with players Ed?
{Ed001's Note - yes mate, Pep was tapped up for years before he finally agreed to take charge there.}
Boydy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Boydy's banter posts
13 Jul 2023 08:53:01
I'd love Henderson to stay but if he does go then I wish him the best! Only disappointment for me is that he won't get the proper anfield send off he deserves! A great captain who's lifted every trophy he could have for us!
1.) 13 Jul 2023 09:56:59
No player is bigger than the club and we’ve lost plenty of legends along the way in our great history.
Hendo and Klopp seem extremely close and if this offer is actually real then no doubts Hendo would have asked the gaffer where he sees him in terms of starting this season and the pecking order.
If Klopp tells him he’s a starter then for me he stays.
For me If we are going for the hybrid role then he could technically be competing for the deep lying midfield position against (depending on opposition) Fab, Mac, Thiago and Baj as I’m unsure if he really suits the more advanced midfield positions.
That’s 5 very good players competing for 1 position.
If Hendo does go then he gets the upmost respect from every LFC fan worldwide regardless of what they think of him as a player now but 100% for being the captain of the club during our most successful period in 30 years.
I’ve always said it and will stick to my opinion. If the club were to lose Hendo or any other player or even the owners to new ones then I wouldn’t be worried as the world evolves and we move on.
My biggest worry and still is, is the day we lose Klopp.
{Ed025's Note - if he takes the Saudi blood money he will go down in my estimation of him JK (not that that will bother him one iota). He’s worth an estimated £23M and if that’s not enough for anyone on this earth then I don’t know what is. He still has a lot to offer and for me would be better joining a club who would benefit from his experience and then maybe move into management. But maybe that’s just me mate..
2.) 13 Jul 2023 10:11:43
Indeed, Boydy. It will be a sad day when he leaves either this season or eventually. A true captain, leader of men. A selfless leader, at that.
3.) 13 Jul 2023 10:14:53
The money in the prem is as bloody as Saudi ed, pot kettle black there.
4.) 13 Jul 2023 10:30:04
He joined in 2011 surely he was due a testimonial about 2 years ago at this stage wonder why that never happened.
5.) 13 Jul 2023 11:15:05
@onekiss, not sure if you realised but there was a little C.V. going around two years ago mate. That may explain why he didn't have a testimonial then.
6.) 13 Jul 2023 11:15:56
Ed25, can you honestly say if you were his age you’d turn that money down? Yes he may well be worth what you say but he can set his family up for life. That’s what would be going through my head. Loyalty, morals and all that would be thrown out the window I’d id be choosing what I thought was best for my family, sod what anyone else thought. Personally if what’s being reported is true, he’d be stupid to turn it down.
{Ed025's Note - but just how much is enough PegLeg? He has enough in interest to secure 10 generations of his family mate. And he will still be earning if he stayed and no doubt after that with football punditry, and if he does sell his soul to the devil I’m afraid I can’t wish him well..
7.) 13 Jul 2023 12:09:41
Fans have been in grounds since 2021 which would have marked his 10 years at the club. CV was hardly the reason.
8.) 13 Jul 2023 14:43:42
Would you tefuse it ed25?
{Ed025's Note - if had £23M in the bank John?….absolutely mate, avarice is a terrible thing and is the major problem of what’s wrong with this world imo..
9.) 13 Jul 2023 16:50:48
Ed025, you and I are from the same generation but I would disagree with you strongly. I'm not the "greed is good" type at all, but there's a massive difference between 23 million and the 100 million) additional 73 million he would be getting in Saudi Arabia) .
Why don't you just admit you wouldn't know what to do or how to spend 23 million, if you had it? ?. After figuring that out, why not take the additional 73 million and give it all to charity, to soothe your angst? ?.
10.) 13 Jul 2023 18:36:47
Ed025, if you had £25 million in the bank and stood to earn another £20 million.
{Ed025's Note - does it matter Tele if you have £25m or £45m mate?, you would never be able to spend it in 10 lifetimes unless you were an idiot, its actually obscene that sportsmen can earn that sort of money when children around the world grow hungry, maybe its me out of touch..
28 Jul 2019 21:51:01
Some negative posts tonight about pre season! Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in!
That was the first Liverpool match I've been to in person having been a fan for years and I couldn't give a hoot about the result or performance! Pre season is exactly that! I'm just happy to finally have been able to sing YNWA in the stands even it it wasn't at Anfield!
Roll on Man City!
1.) 28 Jul 2019 22:27:27
Shame about the result boydy but glad to hear you still enjoyed the experience of your first game. Belting out YNWA with thousands of fellow reds for the first time is a moment that every fan will always remember.
{Ed002's Note - Because of the little damp patch I assume?}
2.) 28 Jul 2019 22:31:35
Was actually quite a big damp patch Ed!
Definitely won’t forget it! A 3-0 defeat has never felt so good 😂.
{Ed002's Note - The cool thing is the occasion.}
3.) 28 Jul 2019 23:26:44
I was at the match Today boydy and like you I'm unconcerned about the result or performance. That's my 5th friendly in 33 years and the 1st time we haven't won . Mignolet was very poor again his shots to save ratio isn't good enough for a top level goalkeeper. Napoli were good today and Insigne caused us loads of bother they were solid in defence too. City next week is more like a real match but Norwich the following Friday is the match that matters .
{Ed0333's Note - I love insigne classy and has poise. Lacks pace though.
4.) 29 Jul 2019 00:51:38
What he lacks in paces ed0333 he makes up for with intelligent movement . Real good footballer that lad is and would thrive in the prem i think.
{Ed0333's Note - I wouldn’t mind spending a few quid to find out mate but realistically he’s not gonna displace mane.
5.) 29 Jul 2019 18:01:30
Can he play a David Silva role does anyone know.
23 Jul 2019 11:33:37
Any idea when Salah, mane and Firmino rejoin the squad?
Only ask as I'm going to the Napoli match in Edinburgh this weekend and would love to see them for a half! Not sure it's likely though 😂.
{Ed001's Note - I don't expect Mane back in training for at least 2 more weeks, let alone playing matches. Salah and Firmino will probably be a while away from playing as well.}
1.) 23 Jul 2019 12:16:45
I hope we have them all back for the season opener against Norwich and the UEFA Super Cup final in the 14th.
2.) 23 Jul 2019 12:21:02
This has all been announced salah and the Brazilians will be back for the France training camp. Mane will be back the day after the community shield.
27 May 2018 09:48:37
Devastated is the only way of putting it this morning, can't believe we lost like that! We did not deserve to lose like that! Not saying we meant to win but to lose in that way is just not what the team and is fans deserved!
This will make or break Karius, feel for the lad but those two mistakes you could forgive over the course of a season, but in one game! In the champions league final! Lad needs support from the team and fans to get over it, if he is Klopp's no 1 come the start of the season then he will have my support too! But his chances are surely running out!
Need Fekir and Dembele to sign in the next few days to cheer me up now 😂.
13 Apr 2018 09:46:03
Hi eds,
I know you don't like talking about money a lot but hey ho though I'd ask anyway!
So much is made of the "champions league money", how much does a club get for being in the champions league and is there much difference in total earnings for say going out at the quarter finals to winning the tournament? And do club sponsors etc pay more if a club reaches a certain stage of the tournament?
Cheers, and I understand if you don't want to answer!
{Ed002's Note - In terms of sponsors it varies club to club. Liverpool's deal with Standard Chartered is structured the other way around (not uncommon) where they are paid less (£5M) if the club don't qualify for the Champions League. Other sponsors may have a deal wherby they pay more but it would be a trade off, typically against additional marketing. It can open the door to new sponsors of course, but again this is on a case-by-case basis. In terms of income from the CL, for this season it is as follows:
Clubs in first qualifying round but going no further: €220,000
Clubs in second qualifying round but going no further: €320,000
Clubs in third qualifying round but going no further: €420,000
Clubs knocked out in the play-off round: €800,000
Domestic champions failing to qualify for the play-offs or group stage get an addition payment of €260,000
Qualifying for the group stage: €12.7m
For each group stage win: €1.5m
For each group stage draw: €500,000
Teams competing in the round of 16: €6m
Teams competing in the quarter finals: €6.5m
Teams competing in the semi-finals: €7.5m
Losing finalist: €11m
Champions League winners: €15.5m
There are also “market poolâ€related payments distributed according to the proportional value of each television market for games in the group stage on. This is a total of something like €480M to €520M – so could result in significant additional income for clubs. It can be disproportionately allocated if those sides which are a major television draw face each other, and it takes account of previous years rankings, previous season’s domestic league positions, how many sides from each nation partake and how the other sides perform (giving the national ranking coefficients). As such it is not possible to say what each club will receive and even trying to work it out after the amounts are declared is very difficult.}
1.) 13 Apr 2018 10:28:04
Top answer Ed thanks
If RBL don't qualify for the CL next season does the Keita transfer cost LFC less money? I had read somewhere it was about £15m.
{Ed002's Note - No. Liverpool committed to pay a fixed fee and have already paid a very significant additional payment to secure agreement for the transfer.}
2.) 13 Apr 2018 10:31:50
Thank you ed2! Very interesting!
3.) 13 Apr 2018 10:40:05
For instance because of market pool and Italy only having Juve in the latter stages (spain have 2-3 teams) of the cl they made they got more money than Real Madrid despite not winning it.
So basically the further you go in the CL with lessor teams form your league the more you will get from the market pool.
{Ed002's Note - There is no "basically", it is complex and depends on several factors - as I have explained.}
4.) 13 Apr 2018 11:44:54
Thanks for the info Ed2.
5.) 13 Apr 2018 12:36:17
Another prime example of why this site (thanks to Eds and posters) is the best on the net. Great question and brilliant answer. Have been reading this site for well over ten years and have never seen anything close to what we are lucky enough to have here. Thanks to all.
{Ed002's Note - Thanks.}
6.) 13 Apr 2018 13:38:52
Sizeable chunk of income for this little cup run then - I like it 😀.
25 Aug 2018 09:31:20
Who cares? The lad deserves a chance to get his career back on track and he wasn’t going to get it here!
It’s not our money that he’s bought with and sold for!
11 Jan 2018 11:49:24
Ooooooooooh I like that shout for dybala! This is all getting a bit champ managerish! Eds will be pulling their hair out 😂.
11 Jan 2018 10:41:01
Fingers crossed for Marco Asensio! That would be my absolute dream purchase.
28 Aug 2017 14:59:06
Bye bye Emre Can then!
13 Jun 2017 11:43:44
Thanks for the quick reply ed!
{Ed001's Note - welcome.}
14 Aug 2024 14:13:47
Because the search engine on this site is absolutely useless and has been for the last 15 years!
Don’t understand why the eds don’t just copy and paste.
{Ed002's Note - I don't have the time. The search engine works fine.}
01 Oct 2019 16:41:28
I use nowtv, good quality, reliable, 20quid a month is a tad pricey but that’s for all channels and imo worth it for reliable good streams! Hated watching the footy on crap streams where you couldn’t even see the numbers on the players back and the ball moved across the screen like mario on the nes! And that’s from supposed hd streams!
Obvs won’t get you the champions league but I get by sport with my internet so not an issue for me!
02 Aug 2019 10:16:42
I’d throw Wilson and 20m at them for Fraser. Far superior player.
28 Jul 2019 22:31:35
Was actually quite a big damp patch Ed!
Definitely won’t forget it! A 3-0 defeat has never felt so good 😂.
{Ed002's Note - The cool thing is the occasion.}
18 Jul 2019 13:06:51
So we’ve been paid 92m so far with two instalments of 24m still to come and any of the extra payments should the requirements be met?
Cheers Ed for the insight but I’m still confused 😂.
{Ed002's Note - Why is that confusing?}