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11 Jun 2024 14:27:51
So I was watching some of Darwin's performances from his first season at benfica, and bizarrely he was exhibiting a lot of the weaknesses that make him a frustrating player for us- getting caught offside all the time, lacking composure when presented with easy chances, choosing to shoot when the pass is on but more often choosing to pass when the shot is on, running into a cul-de-sac sometimes, getting frustrated with himself and snatching at chances etc, but he also got team mates involved a lot and racked up the assists even when not scoring because of bad decisions. he was also played on the left wing instead of through the center at times and actually looked more effective having space in behind to take full backs on one v one and the. Cutting inside or delivering cutbacks

As we all know Darwin got flak from benfica fans for missing a lot, went off social media, worked on his game in the off season and turned in a blinder his last season at benfica, topping the scoring charts, lighting up the champions league, becoming the hottest non-haaland property on the market that year and then moving to us, all while continuing to develop his all around game and rectifying a lot of the faults that he showed in the season before

Oddly enough the exact same thing has happened again, maybe this sort of ebb and flow is going to take place once more? Very enigmatic and emotional player, but he's shown that when he has confidence and space to attack in front of him he can be a monster.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 17:50:57
Darwin really found his feet during the season but the final international break seemed to throw him along with a whole load of players out of form.

I think he will benefit from the new era under new coaches, without the pressure cooker environment that was created by Klopp's imminent departure.

Call me hopeful.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 18:35:16
This season coming is Darwin’s third season with us tho. He should have been doing what you said last Summer.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 21:05:42
I doubt Nunez will ever not frustrate, but as long as his numbers are good, he will always be worthy of a place in the current team.
As for his end of season dip, it happened to many, but it also coincided with us playing slow deliberate keep ball around the halfway line. Rather than looking to utilise his strengths behind the backline. We saw many times with the lethal Haaland, if you don't provide the ammunition, it's difficult to score.

4.) 12 Jun 2024 00:32:12
OP, Isn’t what you are saying basically that he hasn’t changed / improved ?

I think he has one more season to show consistency in his game awareness and scoring ability. If he doesn’t do it next season I doubt he ever will (at least for us) . we signed him for @ € 75m which is a hefty sum of money for an inconsistent return.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 06:51:17
Actually what I mean WDW is that he did improve, but then fell back into old patterns again, but the way in which he reacted to being made the target of ridicule and derision before shows that he has the ability to react. I think the issues with him are both mental and tactical, he is a player who needs confidence and needs space to attack, he’s not the kind of player to pirouette past players near the corner flag in a packed box and play one-twos in tight spaces, he needs space to run directly at defenders and the game around him has to be fast and direct rather than slow, methodical and ponderous
I think with slot keeping his wingers out wide rather than cutting into the box and the number 10 and two 8s pushing high up to feed Darwin we could see an interesting turn of events for him, though I think at the same time slot’s football is considerably less direct and more calculated than vintage klopp, so we’ll see what happens.

6.) 12 Jun 2024 09:06:21
Sirshanks, City keep the ball better than anyone and Haaland still scores more than anyone. A big difference, as well as City taking their chances, is that it's ok to do that when you're winning and not chasing games. When we are conceding so many goals keeping the ball isn't what is needed.
A lack of control at the back, in midfield and up front meant that we were often on the back foot.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 09:18:31
Make or break season for Darwin I feel.
Hopefully the new coaches can work on his confidence and composure.
He’s good enough, he needs to believe in himself and focus.




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22 Jun 2024 18:59:17
They don’t even play the same position, endrick is a pure 9 and mbappe also plays up top or as an inverted winger, guler is a natural 10 who is also starting to play out on the right wing (also inverting), also guler refused to go out on loan to get game time because he insisted on getting into the real starting xi, real have no intention of letting him go either, to me this rumour is a non-starter.




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22 Jun 2024 13:36:15
…. sesko is staying put, so is it safe to say that your rumour isn’t going to happen ?.


{Ed002's Note - He is simply trolling the site.}



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21 Jun 2024 14:01:34
Questionable attitude and high wage demands seem like a red flag, Ed, even though one on one he’s probably the most terrifying winger in Europe on form this season.




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20 Jun 2024 16:10:10
I think he is a very good player already for his age, definitely one to watch, he starts for the turkey euro squad (or at least he did against Georgia) so you can catch him playing there, turkey have the most exciting young team in the tournament pretty much (as well as being very open to counter attack) so it won’t be a slog if you do.




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20 Jun 2024 15:45:30
Olise isn’t even really that good and doesn’t work very hard, I think he’s very much a United or Chelsea signing.





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21 Jun 2024 16:46:28
Head scout and assistant scout, semi….




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21 Jun 2024 13:51:47
In no universe is leao anywhere near the same caliber as salah in terms of productivity, even if they play opposite flanks and have slightly different roles in their respective teams, salah comes up with the numbers even when he isn’t playing well, leao has considerably less impressive numbers for a player of his reputation, with his centrality to milan’s attack and price tag, he still gets bullied physically sometimes (which is something you can never say about salah), doesn’t defend and his awareness of his team mate’s movements and general game intelligence holistically speaking is also much much lower than mo’s, which is the trait that I think will allow mo to make an easy transition to being more of a 10.

Leao is fast, explosive, a mesmerising dribbler when he’s on form and unpredictable when on the ball, he can win you a game with some trickery and is more of an entertaining maverick than a consistently productive winger who works cohesively with the team on and off the ball, participating in the build up and that you want performing in a functioning system.




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21 Jun 2024 14:10:03
When you’ve got so many players who want to get on the ball standing close together and nobody pulling defenders out of their shape off the ball or making runs in behind, then you have nothing but disaster, Kane is England’s best number 9 but only if a team is built around the way he plays, he drops deep to receive the ball and connect the play with the other forwards, if you have other ball dominant players who want to get the ball in those spaces and look to create it just doesn’t work.

Just bloody use Watkins instead and you’d have much better results, if you have nobody running in behind then of course Trent will be ineffective, when there were people to pick out getting into the box yesterday Trent did find them, so I’m pretty sure he was doing his job correctly?

Is there some kind of official England policy that dictates that the most talented footballers with the ball at their feet need to start together, rather than a unit that moves and runs for each other, like turkey for example (who also have excellent ballers but actually have coordinated and systematic movements off the ball, creating confusion for the opposition)? Surely anybody with a modicum of football sense should know that the best team is the one that works the best together, rather than the best ball dominant talents, given that there is only one football and there is a whole lot of defending to do when you don’t have it?




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20 Jun 2024 16:07:00
I would love to get nico Williams, he looks like the real deal in terms of a winger who loves staying wide and taking people on one on one, but apparently he has extravagant wage demands, kvara would be a dream too but there’s no indication that we’re interested in him and Napoli would charge an extortionate fee considering they don’t seem to have any desire to let him leave

I think raphinha is okay but Diaz has such great work rate, has pace, loves taking defenders on, can run from the first minute to the last and is pretty much elite one on one, getting raphinha as a successor to mo or in exchange for Diaz can’t help but feel like a major downgrade however you look at it, especially since that means raphinha is supposed to then hold on to the starting right wing position for the next few years, I’m pretty certain we can do better than that, buying a younger and more adventurous option.




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20 Jun 2024 11:13:08
I think that if anything he relishes being the main man on his team and stands up to assume responsibility when the chips are down, he’s always looking to make things happen or get on the end of chances himself, one thing you can’t say with him is that he’s passive or that he doesn’t try to impose himself on the game, if anything the problem is that he sometimes tries to do too much. we don’t know what it must feel like to be the golden boy of the national team, especially one that has been transformed/ inflated by orban into some sort of sportswashing chauvinistic vehicle for hyper nationalist sentiment, where half the Hungarian fans are chanting your name and wearing your shirt, remember always that he’s only 23.

Have some empathy for our players and try taking a fairer view of their struggles and achievements. We have a cracking player in dom, let’s see if slot can help him get his head right if Hungary exit the euros, I think dom can be perfect in one of the positions behind the 9 that slot likes to utilise.




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