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v12bax's rumours posts with other poster's replies to v12bax's rumours posts


28 Jun 2024 07:59:10
Any concrete interest / update re. Calafiori and Liverpool?
Seems to fit the bill re age, left footed and can play CB or LB.


{Ed002's Note - Riccardo Calafiori (CB/LB) Bayer Leverkusen and Chelsea have a declared interest but he is not first choice for either although Chelsea may well look to two additions and push for the player. Newcastle interest has gone. Spurs, Bayern Munich and Brighton have sent scouts but Juventus has held a number of discussions with Bologna and are offering cash and a part exchange. They will also have an edge because of Motta although Bologna have now secured CL football they insist they do not need to sell their prime assets. A wildcard may be Real Madrid. Liverpool have shown no interest that I am aware of and have very specific targets of their own.}

1.) 28 Jun 2024 13:45:57
Would Madrids interest be dependent on signing Yoro?

{Ed002's Note - No, it is dependent on something else - hence it only really being a wildcard option.}



26 May 2024 22:56:46
Has Liverpool shown any interest in Adeyemi? Either as a Salah or even Diaz replacement?
Get ready for silly season!


{Ed002's Note - No.}



17 Dec 2023 10:03:59
Has Liverpool shown any recent interest in Olise as a Salah replacement?
I know you’ve indicated that Klopp appears to favour Sane (and Olise wasn’t on the radar a few months back) but he seems to tick all the boxes and is progressing very well.
All the best for Xmas.


{Ed002's Note - Michael Olise (RW/AM) PSG and Manchester City want him as cover although the departure of Mahrez will mean more opportunities now, but their focus is now on another player. Crystal Palace has no real interest in selling but know that Chelsea want to take Olise back to Stamford Bridge and Olise has made clear that one day he wants to be playing with his brother. Down the list of AM players Chelsea want but they need a replacement for Ziyech and they will perhaps push for him.}



14 Aug 2023 20:47:01
Thanks first for your patience - frustrating times for some fans and yet it seems to keep being taken out on the one source we rely on, you lot!
Anyway, I’m sure things are developing quickly but do you have any info on targets?
Lots today about Sangare but not sure if that is regurgitated new. What about the likes of
hojbjerg? Left field but read he may be available. Anyway, anything which can give us some hope would be appreciated.
Thanks as always.


{Ed002's Note - I have explained what I know of targets.}

1.) 14 Aug 2023 21:57:31
PSG have apparently made an offer for him so I’d forget about that.



09 May 2023 21:48:23
Given TAA’s now role, and the possibility of him moving into midfield, are you aware of any interest in an established RB?
Many thanks for all of the credible info and time you all provide!


{Ed002's Note - Liverpool have Calvin Ramsey and a suitable back up so I am not sure that RB would be a priority for them.}

1.) 10 May 2023 15:36:54
Do you think Ramsey is ahead of Bradley in the pecking order Ed? I guess pre-season will give Klopp a chance to see who he likes.

Been pretty disappointed not to have seen more of Ramsey this season, is he past his injuries worries?

{Ed002's Note - I really have no idea.}

2.) 10 May 2023 16:14:27
Not even Klopp knows atm. RB is up for grabs in pre season.

3.) 10 May 2023 16:36:48
I think Joe Gomez can do a good job there.

4.) 10 May 2023 18:17:41
I agree in relation to Gomez in this new system as we probably need a less attack minded RB.

5.) 10 May 2023 19:22:42
I just think we should play TAA in midfield as a6 and Gomez at right back. It seems such an obvious solution to two problems.

6.) 10 May 2023 20:25:00
Is that not just the same problem as when people moan about Gomez not being good enough attacking wise whenever Trent is rested. Trent is not going to solve all our attacking problems by moving to midfield to the point we go ultra defensive at the back. Trent is getting a lot of this space in the hybrid system because he's the spare man. don't know why everyones apprehensive about this new system, every team with a fullback technically good enough to do what Trent/ Zinchenko are doing will be going this way.

7.) 10 May 2023 23:46:21
Do people realise we're not playing full backs?

8.) 11 May 2023 06:38:00
Presumably, if we play TAA as an out and out midfielder next year and we persist with the inverted fullback we are going to want a fullback who is comfortable in midfield? And if it turns out that Bradley or Ramsey are better n midfield ……

I think we need to buy some more right backs!

9.) 11 May 2023 07:00:46
Gomez is never a solution to any problems. Get what we can for him in the summer. Unless you want to support a mid table team again, obviously.

10.) 12 May 2023 01:53:32
the Gomez comment doesn't make sense given he has been a regular feature of our team that isn't a mid-table team.




v12bax's banter posts with other poster's replies to v12bax's banter posts


19 Jun 2018 15:47:14
Have we shown any interest in Bernd Leno?
I know its looking likely that he will sign for Arsenal but he is one of the best in the Bundesliga and for £20million he would be an absolute bargain.
Same for Rui Patricio going to Wolves. have we missed a trick here eds and reds?


{Ed001's Note - no interest in either.}

1.) 19 Jun 2018 21:01:48
Leno has signed for Arsenal. Announced today in French media.

2.) 19 Jun 2018 22:12:25
In the games Iv seen Patricio I have liked what I have seen albeit not a huge amount. Not sure if he will be a freebie or not but I think he would be a good signing and an improvement on Karius.



03 May 2018 18:56:38
Great result for the reds last night.
2 players who stood out for me roma (apart from the keeper who we know is of interest) was Manolas and Naiangolan (I know he made a mistake for our first goal) .
Any interest that you're aware of from us eds?
All the best.


{Ed025's Note - not as far as i know bax mate..

1.) 03 May 2018 19:55:45
Id be looking at schick myself, he was their best player, el sharwari was good as well.

2.) 03 May 2018 20:05:23
El sharaawy good? ? He spent the whole match rolling around and whining at the ref.

I also think aside from the goal, Naingollan was none too impressive either. Mane just danced around him at will at every chance, and he gave the ball away so much.

Not to mention, he flat out gave up. That’s inexcusable.

3.) 03 May 2018 20:57:42
Schick for me was their best player, could become a great player in a few years.

{Ed025's Note - he was their best player....but it was a close shave.. :)

4.) 03 May 2018 21:12:34
Red 911 with you on that.

5.) 03 May 2018 21:16:24
Schick was excellent, great engine and great drive, skillful too and strong. Think he’d be excellent in PL.

6.) 03 May 2018 22:11:50
Schick was pretty good and will only get better. As for El-Sharrawy, he was poor and could not stay on his feet to save his love.

{Ed0333's Note - am I the only one who thought Djecko had a good game. He was a threat all game no?

7.) 03 May 2018 23:16:04
yep Ed, Djecko had a good game, he is a danger in every game, he would be worth buying, by any pemiership team .

{Ed0333's Note - I reckon he would be an excellent buy for a team like spurs.

8.) 04 May 2018 00:04:20
Yeah Dzeko was mvp for Roma he was everywhere winning headers, holding the ball and he scored 2 goals.

9.) 04 May 2018 00:31:05
I like dzeko, he looks a beast every time I see him play. Manolas looked like a pen waiting to happen. I'd take Allison and naingollan but naingollan only on a cheap.

{Ed0333's Note - cue the abuse but I didn’t see anything from Allison in the two legs to suggest he’s infinitely better than Karius. He did let in 7 goals in 180 minutes.

10.) 04 May 2018 00:54:22
He looks like he'll score every time he gets the ball ed, but we don't play with a target man.

11.) 04 May 2018 02:23:03
Dzeko was the only player that worried me over the two legs, just not a Liverpool style player. Manolas looked decent but don’t forget they conceded 7. I wouldn't take any of their players IMO apart from Allison.

12.) 04 May 2018 01:27:09
Dzeko was Roma's best player. Link-up play, coming deeper to influence midfield, and harassing Lovren and TAA all game all helped Roma win that game, along with his cool finish. Schick is the target for sure, but if you told me at the end of the summer window that we'd signed Dzeko for £30m, I wouldn't be upset.

13.) 04 May 2018 04:32:19
Except for a sweetly struck goal Nainggolan did little in that second leg. Except for one, nice pass over the top to Dzeko he did little in the first leg. Add to that he is a chronic smoker and likely to be finished as a top level professional soon and I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. As others have mentioned Schick was excellent and certainly looks to have some potential. Dzeko is undoubtedly a fine player too, Ed's shout of a move to Spurs is an excellent one (if they have the foresight to make it happen) .

14.) 04 May 2018 21:33:11
And honestly I"m trying to remember what else Schick did besides doing a decent Dolph lungdren impersonator?



31 Jan 2018 15:41:14

Should I just turn off deadline day coverage now to avoid further disappointment or is there any prospect of anything happening?

I think I know the answer but ever hopeful.



{Ed002's Note - I would keep it on until the last knockings.}

1.) 31 Jan 2018 15:52:06
Ed002, you tease!

Apparently we're activating the release clause of Kerem Demirbay next 😂.

{Ed002's Note - One English side came close to buying him earlier in the month.}

2.) 31 Jan 2018 15:59:04
I told you this back a few weeks/ months ago MK.

It went to the rumours page, told you we had a very good look at him, he's seen as low risk because his fee is quite low and he's not been first choice for some of the season at Hoffenheim.

Not saying we're 100% going to buy him in this window or the summer, but believe me, we are watching or have recently watched him very very closely with an idea to bring him in.

He's about 6 foot, technically sound and has a wicked set piece on him, so we'll see.

3.) 31 Jan 2018 16:00:29
So you're saying there is a chance 😉.

4.) 31 Jan 2018 16:05:48
Just to follow up quickly sorry, not sure if he has a release clause or any of that nonsense, but Liverpool scouts were definitely asked to take a look at him more in depth, it wasn't just our play off matches that were used to determine whether we should make moves or not to get him.

I can't see it happening myself personally as he seems to blow hot and cold, but he is young and supposedly wouldn't cost the Earth.

All second hand information, cannot verify if accurate, sorry, but this is a rumour site ha!

5.) 31 Jan 2018 16:15:50
"I'd say more like one out of a million. " :)

6.) 31 Jan 2018 16:03:38
Ed, why are there so many deals done on deadline day, is it desperation or lower priced players compared to a couple of weeks ago?

{Ed002's Note - It is generally posturing for a while and then the inevatability of it all. That os one of the reasons I cannot say about timings.}

7.) 31 Jan 2018 16:35:32
I've got my fingers crossed Kev 😉 we badly need midfield reinforcements!

Only other rumour which seems to have a degree of legitimacy is that we could sign 19 year old Kwang Song Han from Cagliari.

So Demirbay and Han are the players Daler1 is on about on the rumours page 😂.

8.) 31 Jan 2018 16:37:27
Don't think it would be Kerem Demirbay that Ed002 is teasing us with. Doesn't the window shut in Germany at 5pm? Might be wrong sure I saw that on SSN earlier.

{Ed001's Note - only applies to incomings.}

9.) 31 Jan 2018 16:43:59
See lads, none of the Eds have denied it! Demirbay is our new No.10 😂😂.

10.) 31 Jan 2018 16:40:55
Ah thanks for clearing that up Ed001.

{Ed001's Note - welcome.}

11.) 31 Jan 2018 16:55:07
I don't think he'd be the answer to our midfield issues in all honesty.

He's about 6 foot tall, but perhaps not physical enough for the PL, haven't seen enough of him to be certain on that though.
Either way, I'll trust the manager's opinion over mine.

The "Han" rumours, hmmm okay, I thought Bruce Lee killed him at the end of Enter the Dragon, but okay, sure, I can work with that :)

12.) 31 Jan 2018 17:03:11
Thanks for the reply Ed002. I just like seeing the Sky team wetting themselves when a deal happens, or like the Mahrez deal, when it doesn't!



27 Nov 2017 22:51:08

January is fast approaching. I know it is notoriously hard to sign decent players in the window but are we looking to strengthen positions other than CB?

VVD has been done to death but any prospects of Goretzka or another midfield given Can looks like he is going?

Any other info would be much appreciated as always.



{Ed002's Note - Try the Sharkopod.}

1.) 28 Nov 2017 23:34:51
Ed002, would it be possible to get a play list for your sharkopods? i love the song choice.

{Ed002's Note - You would need to hit me next week and I will figure it out - I am on the road this week.}



05 Nov 2017 15:45:43
Eds, any update on the Can contract situation?
Also, do you see us moving for another keeper in January as well as CB?


{Ed002's Note - (a) Can wants to eave(b) No.}




v12bax's rumour replies


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31 Aug 2021 22:33:18
Very very disappointing window for LFC.




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31 Jan 2021 23:20:21
Wholly underwhelming signing if it goes through.




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04 Jul 2018 14:34:15
Always appreciate Macca's posts but hope this one is way off. We're deluded if we think he is an upgrade on what we have. Isn't this the keeper van gaal subbed for penalties a few years back and preferred Tim Krul!?
Feel like we have missed a trick with the likes of Rui Patricio going on a free to Wolves and we're paying £20+ million for a lad who has warmed the bench at Barcelona for 2 seasons.
Disappointing if true.


{Ed002's Note - Patricio wasn't free.}



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01 Jul 2018 21:37:15
Cheers anyway! Hope we look at Schmeichel - solid GK with bags of PL experience!


{Ed001's Note - solid? He is not a good keeper.}



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15 Mar 2018 17:14:07
De Gea made an absolute howler for the second goal against Sevilla last night - nobody mentions it. Ederson, nightmare game against us, still world class.
Klopp was right that there was an agenda against our keepers. I'm glad klopp has given him a run and a chance to prove himself, he's been brilliant since taking over in the sticks imo.





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